This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 115 Captain America's Persistence

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Natasha interrupted abruptly.

She could recognize Minkowski as a Russian name, but she was confused about the others.

"Cyber ​​means that Pierce only has the ability to control space."

Tony, who likes to show off, stood up without hesitation.

"Isn't this confirmed from the beginning?"

Natasha was puzzled.

"Uh... In our universe, space and time are not separated, but always integrated. Physics calls it 'four-dimensional space-time' or 'space-time continuum.'"

He gave Natasha a strange look, he didn't expect that the other party didn't even know this basic knowledge of physics, and explained patiently: "I was shocked when I first saw that Pierce could affect the space.

I thought that since he can control space, he must also have a way to affect time, and even control gravity one step further.

Because the essence of gravity is an effect formed by the curvature of space-time.

But it seems to be a little different from my expectations. Cyber ​​found that his ability seems to be able to control only space, and cannot affect time, let alone control gravity.

Although gravity has the same source as the force of space, it is actually much more complicated than the force of space, and it also includes changes in time.

Otherwise, there will be big troubles. "

"Now that you know this, what are you waiting for?"

Looking at the retreating Captain America, Natasha's eyes were filled with worry: "Hurry up and help Steve!"

"To defeat Pierce, you must first break the space defense he built around himself."

Saibo said seriously: "However, the power of the weapon in my hand is not enough, I have to wait for the support to arrive."

Sensing Natasha's questioning gaze, Tony shook his head, indicating that he had no better way.


the other side.

Seeing the end of the three steel suits,

Steve felt a little flustered.

But he knew better that he couldn't retreat!

Because Barton was seriously injured and incapacitated, Natasha and Sam were almost useless in the face of this kind of enemy who was not afraid of group attacks.

And Tony and Cyber ​​are definitely not watching a show together, they must be using their brains far beyond their own to find a solution.

The only thing I can do is to try my best to hold Pierce and buy time for the two of them.

Steve has already seen that, for some reason, Pierce has an inexplicable attachment to him, likes to see him in various embarrassments, and has no intention of killing him for the time being.

He simply complied with the other party's wish, cooperating with the performance with half truth and half falsehood, trying his best to buy more time.


Getting up from the ground, touching the blood on the corner of his mouth, Steve roared, imitating the posture of a hammer thrower, spinning twice on the spot, and threw the vibrating gold shield in his hand viciously.

Immediately afterwards, he took two run-up steps and kicked towards Pierce.

Facing the round shield that drew an arc and was moving at high speed, Pierce smiled slightly, and a faint blue light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

As soon as it was about to hit the target, the blue, white and red tricolor shield 'stopped' without warning, unable to move any further.

It can only be seen from the five-pointed star in the center of the shield that it is still maintaining a high-speed rotation.

In fact, Pierce did not exert any resistance to the vibrating gold shield, but only slightly lengthened the space between the shield and him.

Even though it seemed that the shield was only less than five centimeters away from the tip of his nose, it still needed to fly at least a hundred kilometers to hit him.

This is an ability that he had been playing with just now and suddenly awakened.

In his memory, there is a very word in that country in the east that can describe this ability very aptly, it's called - so close to so far away.

Seeing Steve getting closer and closer to him, Pierce clenched his left hand to stabilize the opponent's figure, then made a fist with his right hand, and hammered hard at the space in front of him.

Since the 'grafting' ability can transfer the enemy's attack, it can also transfer his own attack in the same way

He only needs to swing a punch at will, and he can use this ability to hit the opponent 100% of the time. It can be said that there is no solution in melee combat.

Still, Pierce wasn't too satisfied.

In his vision, if the ability is enhanced a few more levels, one point can be grafted to multiple points,

Then as long as he swings a punch, it is equivalent to hitting countless punches.

'boom. '

The bridge of the nose was hit by a huge force, and a severe soreness came, which stimulated Steve's lacrimal glands to secrete tears, and at the same time, his mouth was full of fishy and salty again.

After the transformation of the Cosmic Cube, Pierce's physical strength is not low, at least not inferior to that of the Captain America in front of him, and it is still increasing, and he beat Steve dizzy with one punch.

But how can one punch be enjoyable.

Withdrawing his right hand, Pierce had a smirk on his face, and punched again instantly.

'boom. '

This time he hit the opponent in the jaw.

'boom. '

This is the left eye.

'boom. '

This is……



After beating Steve until his face was bruised and there was no good flesh on his face, Pierce stopped and took a deep breath.

He has long been unhappy with this face!

Then with a slight push forward with his left hand, Steve's body shot backwards like a cannonball, rolled on the ground more than a few times, and finally stopped at Tony's feet.

Such an excellent toy cannot be broken in one play.

"how much longer!"

After a quick check of Steve's injuries, Tony's eyes spit fire.


Looking at the dozen or so black spots in the sky that were getting bigger and bigger, Cyber ​​whispered softly.

When they landed a thousand meters above the ground, the four black spheres stopped first and spread out in all directions, with the distance between each two also being one thousand meters.

Among them, six cylinders of different colors landed more than 300 meters above the head of Cyber, and the space corridor built by Pierce was just at the midpoint of the line between them and Cyber.

The remaining four black spheres continued to castrate, and finally hovered one meter above the ground, and then spread out, facing the four black spheres above one by one.

After arriving at the pre-set position, eight circular cavities were opened on the surface of the eight black spheres, and invisible connections were generated from them, and countless gravitons were released from them, gradually filling the area surrounded by them.

Then the side of a red cylinder was separated from it, revealing the dense white missiles inside that were thick and thin as water pipes.

'drop. '

With a soft sound, a quarter of the missiles fired out in salvo, bombarding the infinite space corridor.

'Bo—' 'Bo—' 'Bo—'...

Black dots appeared from the missile explosion, distorting the surrounding light, and mercilessly devouring everything around.

Affected by the special field formed by gravitons, the corridor built by Pierce's forcibly distorted space structure has signs of self-recovery.

When it was bombed by dozens of small 'black hole' missiles, its structure was destroyed in an instant, completely losing the effect of trapping people.

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