This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 152 Master Leek Cutter

'Snapped! '

Shutting the ancient book thicker than a brick suddenly, Saibo's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Handing the "Book of Darkness" to the female archduke beside her, she said through gritted teeth, "I suspect that this book is aimed at me!"

After killing Fosworth and winning the "Book of the Dark God", Cyber ​​naturally wouldn't rush to start research on the Isle of Cité.

After Fosworth's death, the magical barrier that wrapped the entire island also lost its energy support and began to gradually dissipate.

Such a big event happened in one night, and the news must not be hidden.

After all, even Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the facades of France, was bombed. After the barrier dissipated, the group of Western reporters who ran faster than anyone else on the island would definitely flock to it.

After returning to the base of the Damakinos family, Cyber ​​was free to study this "Book of Darkness", which killed most of the elite dark creatures in the magic world.

However, something unexpected happened to Cyber.

No matter whether he observed with super vision or probed with ordinary eyes, what he saw in the "Dark God Book" was blank!

There was not even a trace of black magic, let alone a spell that could make a body immune to magic.

After handing the "Book of Darkness" to Nissa, she said that she found many black magics that she had never seen before.

Later, Saibo opened the "Dark God Book" and placed it on the table, and the two sat together to watch it.

However, he found that he still couldn't get any information from it, while Nisha browsed the corresponding knowledge from the same page.

He also tried to get Nissa to write down what she saw on paper and retell it to him.

However, Nisha said that every time she was halfway through writing, her brain would suddenly fall into chaos, and then the memories obtained from the "Dark God Book" disappeared from her brain out of thin air as if they had been deleted.

Moreover, she could no longer find the corresponding content from the "Dark Divine Book", as if she had been blacklisted by the other party.

After 'abolishing' a few insignificant spells, the Grand Duchess refused to try again.

Afraid that the other party will pull her into the blacklist completely,

Become like cyber.

After unbelief and evil observation several times, Saibo finally gave up.

"There is no doubt that this book is aimed at you."

Smiling and looking at Saibo, Nissa felt that her mood improved inexplicably, and teased: "Maybe you can threaten this book with your fist to see if it will show you those contents."

"good idea."

Saibo had a serious expression, and said sternly: "However, you should read it first before talking about it."

Through these experiments, he is already 80% sure that this "Dark God Book" has 'wisdom', otherwise it would not be so targeted.

Since one has wisdom, one certainly does not want one's own existence to be destroyed.

Not long after, the heavy ancient book was closed again.

"Huh, what a pity."

Slowly letting out a breath, Nisha's disappointment was beyond words: "There is nothing I want here either."


After receiving the ancient book handed over by the Grand Duchess, Sebo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there no way to obtain the power of the ancestor of vampires, or is there no spell controlled by Forsworth that can swallow other people's power?"

"All of them. I not only saw the long-lost undead magic on it, but also the legendary Chaos magic that is as powerful as a god. It even wrote the method of obtaining Chaos magic on it. You only need to go to the Wandago Mountains..."

After taking a sip of the red wine, Nisha changed the topic: "However, these are not what I want."

It's not that she didn't want to say more, but if she continued, she felt that she might fall into chaos like just now.

"Then what do you want?"

Cyber ​​was aroused a little interest.

"Do you know the weakness of our vampire family?"

The Grand Duchess did not answer the question directly, but asked rhetorically.

Saibo replied without thinking: "Silver nitrate, ultraviolet light, garlic essence, and anticoagulants."

"That's right, if we are killed by these items, we vampires will spontaneously burn without fire, leaving only a pile of black ash."

Tapping the table with her index finger, Nissa's face gradually became serious: "However, even us grand dukes of vampires who have overcome their weaknesses will also spontaneously ignite and turn into a pile of black ash after death."

"Energy is not conserved?"

When this matter was specifically mentioned, Saibo immediately figured out the key point.

In fact, he had already discovered this situation, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all, there are so many weird things in the Marvel world, there is no need for him to waste energy on such insignificant things.

"Yes, energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed from one form to another, or transferred from one object to another, while the total amount of energy remains the same."

Knowing that the other party understood what she meant, Nisha continued: "According to my many experiments and calculations, the total energy produced by burning a vampire after death is an average of 1.5*10^7 joules, which is roughly equivalent to the energy released by the complete combustion of 0.5 kg of coal. .

The black ash left over added up to only about 100 grams, while adult vampires generally weighed more than 50 kilograms.

Even after conversion using Einstein's mass-energy formula, whenever a vampire dies, more than 99.9% of the energy contained in his body will disappear without any trace. "

What Nisha said was indeed consistent with what he observed: "So, what you want to say is..."

"That's what you think. I suspect that all the lost energy went to the creator of this book."

Staring at the "Dark Divine Book" in the opponent's hand, the Grand Duchess's voice became more and more severe: "This is just a lack of physical energy, and there is no calculation of the part of the soul that cannot be observed with scientific instruments.

I have now basically confirmed that our vampire family, and even all the dark creatures created by this book, are cattle and sheep specially raised by the other party. "

"Or the sustainable kind?"

Thinking of the "clonal reproduction" method of vampires and werewolves, Cyber's eyes moved slightly.

When Fosworth absorbed the life energy of other creatures, 70% of it also mysteriously disappeared. Now it seems that it must have been taken away by the creator of this book as a 'handling fee'.

Is this the legendary "You may earn blood, but I will never lose money"?

Could it be that the author of this book is named Ma?

"That's right, the existence of our races is likely to be the means by which the other party continues to harvest human souls and organs. It is a silent but quite clever method!"

After clarifying this point, Nissa finally revealed her purpose: "Therefore, I want to find a way to get rid of the identity of a vampire from this book."

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