This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 157 Marvel No. 2 Pot King

The door gradually closed.

"When did you build it?"

After taking a look at this special safe house, Saibo sat down on a sofa and asked curiously.

"The world is not safe now. At the beginning of the establishment of Dum Tower, I designed an emergency shelter like this, and it was not fully completed until four months ago."

Sitting across from Cyberspace, Victor said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "In addition to being able to guard against eavesdropping by some people, there is no place to hide when aliens fall from the sky again."

Noncommittal to the other party's statement, Saibo sat up straight and said seriously: "Speaking of business, your instrument that can open up the dimension of hell is ready?"

"Well, but I didn't dare to start it without authorization."

Hearing this, Victor looked serious: "You know, I almost lost everything because of it."

When he was in college, without telling the school, he secretly carried out the experiment of crossing the dimension of hell.

However, when the experiment was about to succeed, an accident happened suddenly, which led to a serious experimental accident, and he was also expelled from Columbia University.

"Fortunately, you didn't rush through that dimension."

Saibo pretended to be grateful: "According to the information you provided, I found out the true identity of the demon who took your mother's soul."


Victor stood up with a 'swipe'.

In order to prevent the Gypsies from being persecuted by Vladimir, who was still a baron at the time, his mother summoned a demon by means of black magic, and used the power of the demon to kill the invading soldiers.

However, before you have enough strength, never make a deal with the devil.

This is one of the iron rules in the comic world!

After fulfilling his mother's wish, the demon took away his mother's soul as agreed.

Cyber's tone was dignified: "Mephisto."

"The devil in Faust?"

As an authentic Westerner,

Victor is certainly no stranger to this classic.

"To be precise, the devil in "Faust" was created by Goethe based on Mephisto."

Crossing his index fingers on his lap, Sebo made a summary of the information he had collected on Mephisto in the past few years: "It is said that Mephisto is the most cunning, insidious, and troublesome demon in the world. .

Nowadays, the devil images in various myths, movies, and movies are all created based on him. He has an entire hell dimension as his base camp, and he has countless demons and monsters under his rule. "

"You know the Hydra that tried to turn the world upside down a few months ago?"

Seeing Victor nodded, Sebo continued: "Mephisto's status in the magic world is similar to Hydra's status in human society. According to a friend I just made, if there is someone in the magic world If there is no mastermind behind any conspiracy, 80% of that is done by Mephisto.


The friend he was talking about was naturally Nisha whom he had just met two days ago.

As a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, she knows a lot about this most "brilliant deed" in the earth's magic world.

The only impression Saibo had of Mephisto in his previous life was the image of the old man in a suit who liked to hide behind the scenes and poke things, but was always deflated in the two parts of "Ghost Rider" starring the bad movie king.

But after Nissa's "science popularization", he instantly raised Mephisto's threat level to the same level as Odin.

The more he learned, the deeper Victor's heart sank: "Is there any possibility of dealing with it?"

Saibo spread his hands: "That guy is not easy to deal with. In his base camp, at least he has the strength of a single universe level."

"Single universe level?"

Victor had a question mark on his forehead.

"Well, this is my personal division of the strength of some extraordinary creatures."

Seemingly thinking that what he was discussing with him was not the old man in the post bar, but an 'indigenous', Saibo explained: "In layman's terms, it is the level that can smash a planet with a single slap."

Victor: ...

The scene fell silent like this.

"However, it's not completely impossible."

When the emotions were almost brewing, Cyber ​​changed the subject and said in a persuasive manner: "If he can lead his real body out of the base camp, his strength will drop sharply, and he will degenerate to the sub-celestial father level strength that is only a little stronger than Thor. .

If you can have a strong enough force, or have a country as your backing, you might have a chance to defeat him. "

"Yes, I understand."

Victor's eyes flickered.


two weeks later.

‘Om——! '

With a loud noise, a violent stream of flames spewed out from the tail of the carrier rocket carrying the space shuttle, rushed out of the launch pad, and went straight to the sky.

Seeing the black spots gradually disappearing, Saibo turned his head and said to Lorna next to him: "Didn't you always want to go to space to play, and we will go later, how about it?"

"Why didn't you just go with Victor and the others?"

Lorna was puzzled.

"Ha ha."

Sebo smiled and said nothing.

Of course he would not tell the green-haired girl that he knew that an accident might happen to Victor and his party in the near future.

He and Lorna, one is a Kryptonian whose genes have been optimized to the limit, and the other is a mutant with a stable genetic structure and still has great potential to be tapped. Both of them already have superpowers.

Going to experience the baptism of high-energy cosmic rays with Victor and the others, wouldn't it be unnecessary to take off your pants and fart?

Besides, the five of them experienced mutations, and the mutations are not oriented, and the ghost knows what consequences it will have.

It is possible to become a rubber man who can grow and shrink, stretch and shrink like Reed, or become a stone monster like Ben.

Even if it becomes a little bit stronger because of this, so what?

Whether you are strong or not is just a matter of a moment, but whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

‘Cyber ​​wants to have a space date with himself? '

Lorna's tone was light: "If you don't want to say it, forget it! What preparations do you need to go to space?"

"Just put on the usual suit."


The melon seed-shaped black spaceship flew higher and higher, and the restraints it received became less and less. The ground under its feet gradually curved, and it came to an end, slowly revealing its true appearance.

"gorgeous. "

Lying on the transparent window, looking at the azure planet below, Lorna's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help admiring.

"Actually, it's just like that after a long time."

After setting the smart mode, Saibo walked to Lorna's side, spoiling the scenery.

Patting the arms of the people around her, Lorna was a little curious: "Do you often come to space?"

"Although the Obsidian does not have the function of interstellar navigation, it is very easy to travel to the earth and the moon."

Cyber ​​did not choose to answer positively.

He comes to space at least twice a month, and has long been tired of looking at the whole picture of the earth.


PS: For the origin story of Doctor Doom, you can go to "Book of Doom". In order to fit the world view of this book, French fries slightly modified his origin.

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