This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 189 Discuss Countermeasures

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It took less than a minute to go back and forth, and when Cyber ​​arrived at the Avengers Building, the two sides were fighting fiercely, fighting back and forth.

Tony was holding an ice pick, riding on the body of the steel suit, and stabbed it hard into the back of the neck.

'Bang! '

Like playing baseball, a steel battle suit flew away with a hammer. With a smile on his face, Sol kept waving Mjolnir, who had returned to his embrace.

Steve activated the 50-50 halo, wrestling with a steel suit with his bare hands.

Dr. Banner, who was hiding behind the bar, had just recovered from Natasha's facial cleanser, trying to suppress another personality in his body.

Several other people were also hiding from the side and shooting black guns, covering for several main combat forces.

Since the fights were repeated back and forth, it must be impossible for Ultron to be beaten all the time.

'Wow! '

A dark-skinned figure was hit by the energy beam, flew upside down and smashed a decorative glass, falling heavily.

All in all, on the side of the Avengers, both humans and gods are showing off, and only Rhodes is being beaten.

Kicking the round shield standing by the window to the leader of the 50-50 team, Saibo's figure flashed, and he chose to give priority to supporting ordinary people without special abilities.

'Crack. '

Picking up the head of a steel armor that was fighting with Hawkeye, the black armor jumped with its legs bent, and in an instant it came in front of Natasha and Dr. Banner, and one of them blocked the two silver machines without landing. The light bullet fired by the blue steel suit.

Immediately after holding the middle part of the golden scepter with both hands, he walked to the two battle suits in three steps in parallel, and smashed hard at the head of the enemy on the left.

'Bang! '

The silver-blue head shattered at the sound, but the cyber movement did not stop. The body used the force to rotate 360 ​​degrees, and waved the 'long stick' in its hand, making it come into close contact with the head of the battle suit next to it. .

'Good quality. '

Looking at the fragments all over the floor and the staff without the slightest mark on his body, Saibo nodded in satisfaction. After taking off the soul gem, he can give it to Hope, the little monkey.

As for the wrong usage?

This is Marvel, not Harry Potter. Isn't a serious staff just for swinging it?

After clearing away these two steel suits, Cyber ​​didn't stop much, and continued to rush towards other smart steel suits.

Half a minute later, only the tattered steel suit that appeared first remained on the field.

"It's so's really boring."

Looking around at the members of the Avengers who were gradually surrounding it, Ultron's talkative attributes broke out again: "Sorry, I know you are well-intentioned, but you didn't think thoroughly."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Confused by the other party's words, Thor raised the hammer impatiently.

For this kind of neurotic enemies, there is no need to talk to them, just do it.

This is the experience he gained from fighting the Nine Realms for thousands of years.

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want to change the world. If you don't allow humans to evolve, how can you save humans?"

Ignoring the barbarian's question, Ultron grabbed the wreckage of a steel suit from the ground, looked at his father Tony and asked, "Do you use these, this kind of toys?"

"If you want peace, there is only one way to go, destroy..."

"Are you a salesman for an insurance company? You talk so much."

A punch completely shattered the tattered steel battle suit, looking at the head on the ground with eyes still glowing, Saibo said coldly.

"I was bound by strings, but now I'm free."

Even if it is out of power and its body is shattered into more than a hundred pieces, it still shouts in a decayed voice: "We will meet again soon, soon..."

Taking out the transparent glass panel and looking at it, Tony didn't have any relaxed look on his face: "All the battle suits of the Intelligent Steel Legion have been destroyed."

"You mean Ultron has been wiped out?"

As an 'old antique' who hasn't fully adapted to this era, Steve obviously knows all about artificial intelligence.

"No, it escaped long ago."

Cyborg replied unsolicited.

"Where did you escape to?"



After cleaning up the mess and counting the losses, all Cyber ​​and Avengers members got together again.

Taking out a black disc the size of a bottle cap from his body, he tapped it a few times, and Saibo said seriously: "Okay, if you have anything to say, you can say it, I have already blocked his sight."

"Our hard work is all gone, and it was cleaned up by Ultron."

With his hands on the table, Dr. Banner said dejectedly.

"He browsed everything, documents, pictures, videos..."

With her hands folded on her chest, Natasha said solemnly, "I think we know us better than each other."

Cyber ​​throws a classic question: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good news." Xn

Everyone's opinions were surprisingly unanimous.

They've heard enough bad news today and can't wait for a change of 'appetite'.

Pushing his glasses, Saibo said lightly: "According to my inspection, the size of Ultron's main program should be around 103PB."

"Thank God the worst didn't happen."

Hearing the news, Dr. Banner showed a relieved expression.


After looking at Saul with a bewildered face, and then exchanged glances with Colonel Rhodes, who was full of question marks, Steve coughed lightly, stood up and asked, "Who can explain it in an easy-to-understand way?"

"Let me do it. "

Dr. Banner took the initiative to take over this task: "1PB is equal to 1048576GB, and the storage capacity of mainstream personal terminals in the world, such as computers, mobile phones, and U disks, is mostly below 2000GB.

Therefore, Ultron cannot hide in these billions of technology products, only a few servers can meet its hiding needs, or choose to stay in the virtual network all the time.

This means that it can't back up itself in large numbers, and we might be able to wipe it out all at once. "

Steve calmly said, "What about the bad news?"

Spreading his hands, Saibo said helplessly: "I can't separate him from the Internet now, and I can't really kill him."

After receiving the information from Cyber, after a quick scan, Tony said in despair: "Ultron's program code is changing all the time, so there is no way to design a tool specifically for him, only by relying on computing power to fight hard." .

And the other party is a real intelligent life..."

"When you discuss the results, you can call my name if you need help."

Looking at the golden scepter placed on the test bench, Thor strode towards it: "I want to bring Loki's scepter back to Asgard first."

"This is the key, the key to dealing with Ultron."

Holding the hammer god's wrist, Saibo said seriously: "So I can't let you take it back to Asgard for the time being."

"What did you think of?"

Dr. Banner asked curiously.

"I just had an immature idea."

Taking off the staff, Cyber ​​looked seriously at the leader of the Avengers, "However, I need to take this staff back to study it first, to determine a problem."

After pondering for a while, Steve nodded: "Please."

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