This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 282 Pym Particles and Its Creators

Pym particles, even in the Marvel world where black technology is everywhere, can be regarded as the top batch.

Not only can the volume of objects be reduced and enlarged at will, but also people can enter the quantum realm and travel through time and space.

It is also one of the several technological creations that cyber is most valued at this time.

A few years ago, he personally visited Dr. Pym and wanted to trade some Pym particles with him, but the old stubborn refused without hesitation.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, he also successfully peeked into the mystery of this magical particle with his super vision.

It turned out that this thing is not scientific at all!

After failing to imitate it several times, Cyber ​​realized it! !

It turns out that this is quantum mechanics! ! !

It is not only particles that have uncertainty, but people too.

Some things can only be made by specific people, otherwise, even if you know the principle, it is impossible to successfully imitate.

After figuring this out, Cyber ​​no longer struggled. According to the memory in his mind, he began to make a layout in Pym Technology and became the second largest shareholder of Pym Technology.

Because this is the only place in the original book where Pym particles can be produced except for Dr. Pym.

Today, the hardworking fruit grower came to his orchard, ready to start a bumper harvest.

"It's a great thrill to meet you, Mr. Knut."

After catching a glimpse of the black-haired man who had just stepped into the hall, the bald man who was greeted with a guest stared at him. He quickly apologized and got away. He quickly walked to the man and stretched out his right hand.

"Long time no see, Dr. Claus."

After shaking hands with the other party, Saibo squinted his eyes with a smile, and asked knowingly: "What kind of big day is today, and there is such a big battle?"

"You'll know."

Hearing this question, Klaus smiled mysteriously.

At this time, a thin, white old man with gray hair slowly walked into the gate, looking at the familiar decorations around him, he was slightly absent-minded.

"Good afternoon, Hank."

Turning his head to look at the black-haired female executive who suddenly came to his side, Pim sighed,

Reluctantly said: "Hope, will you die if you call me 'Dad'?"

"Dr. Claus will be very happy if you can take the time to attend this lecture."

With a slight smile, the woman called Hope decisively changed the subject.

"Long time no see, Hank."

Walking in front of his 'mentor', Klaus had a smug smile on his face, and introduced to the black-haired man next to him: "This is..."

"How could I not know the famous Hank Pym."

Glancing back and forth at the pair of master and apprentice who were 'as close as father and son', Saibo directly interrupted the bald man's introduction.

"I was surprised to receive your invitation, Darren."

Looking away from his student, Pim frowned as he looked at the familiar face, "Are you... Cyber ​​Zod Konate?"

As a super genius no weaker than Howard Stark, his memory is naturally not bad.

Soon he recalled the identity of the man who had met once and wanted to buy Pym particles from him.

"It's a great honor for Dr. Pym to remember me as a nobody."

Although he said so, Saibo didn't show any excitement on his face, but was extremely cold.

At the beginning, this old stubborn didn't give him a good face, and even made a few words of ridicule.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Pym looked serious.

These two guys actually got together, the trouble is really big.

If they are given enough time, they might be able to crack the mystery of their own Pym particles, endangering the whole world.

"The inside is ready, just waiting for you guys."

Seeing the increasingly tense atmosphere among the three, Hope hurried out to smooth things over.

"Okay, let's hurry over."

Hearing this, Klaus stopped wrangling with his teacher and led a few people straight to the elevator.


In the experimental hall on the seventh floor.

"Before we begin, I would like to introduce a very special guest."

Klaus stood in the middle of the hall and talked to everyone: "The founder of this company and my mentor—Dr. Hank Pym!"

'Papa-papa--! '...

Enthusiastic applause sounded from the crowd, and Saibo also clapped twice to make himself look less different.

"When I took over the company from Dr. Pym, I immediately started working on a particle that could change the distance between atoms and increase density and strength."

Picking up a can of bright yellow liquid prepared in advance from the experimental bench, Klaus instantly turned into a salesperson selling insurance, and started his big trick (pass false characters, anti-harmony): "As for such a revolutionary idea, why? Will always be buried in Hank's many studies, covered in dust and cobwebs, we don't know.

But imagine a soldier the size of an insect..."



After talking a lot of nonsense, Klaus has led the crowd to the 'battlefield' and arrived at a special laboratory that is heavily protected.

"...practical applications include surveillance, industrial sabotage, and the removal of all obstacles in the path of peace. With just one piece of Yellowjacket, the user enjoys unlimited ability to enforce protective measures.

One day not too long ago, an army of Douglas cedars will create a happy, sustainable environment across the globe.

This is Huang Shan! "

"So, this is a piece of clothing?"

After watching the promotional video of the Huangshan suit, which is very characteristic of the US emperor, a shareholder pointed out the essence and issued a soul torture, which made the smile on Klaus's face stagnate.

Among the crowd, the one with the most exciting expression was Dr. Pym, as if someone had put on a cuckold, so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

"Don't be so vulgar, Frank."

Looking at the potential buyers around, Klaus tried his best to resolve the embarrassment in the field, and said with a smile on his face: "This is not a piece of clothing, but a mecha! What's the matter, didn't this invention impress you?"

"No, it's impressive, but I have concerns."

It was clear that the man, Frank, was here to mess things up today: "Think, if this technology gets out, what will our enemies do with it?"

Hearing this, Klaus' face darkened, he stopped talking to this bully, and turned his attention to other people.

'There is no technical content. '

Turning on the super vision, looking at the yellow mini-suit in the display box, Saibo was quite disdainful, and silently gave an evaluation in his heart.

Except for the Pym particles loaded on it, the technical content of this battle suit is not even as good as Mark-3, let alone his own Solar Armor.

However, he had never expected Klaus's technology, all he needed was someone who could make Pym particles.

"Klaus, I'm most interested in the kind of particles that can make objects smaller. How much is the company's current output? How do you sell it?"


PS: I still owe 12 more.

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