As the only Super British movie released in this special year (don’t mess with Fan Baldhead’s "Bloodshot" with me, that thing is not super British), French fries entered the cinema with full expectations, but the result ...

According to international practice, give this movie a score: 6.5/10.

Let me talk about the advantages of "Wonder Woman 1984" first.

First of all, Gadot's wife is really beautiful, especially those long legs, tsk tsk~

Secondly, the plot of the first 2/3 of this movie is very smooth, the emotional foreshadowing is also very good, and the loud soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is also very appropriate and passionate.

Next... nothing.


After talking about the advantages, let's start to complain (I can't argue with it).

The most criticized point of this film is-playing and pulling hips.

In this play, the heroine has completely lost the wild beauty of BVS (Superman vs. Batman), which is a bit like Kara's doormat (dog head).

The fight is weak and weak, and it is completely punching.

Not to mention the scenes of Dachao and General Zod in "Superman: Man of Steel", and the "fairy fight" scene of the Big Three fighting Doomsday in "BVS".

Even the fighting scenes in "Birds of Prey" and "Aunt Marvel" are not as good, and there are very few fighting scenes. Those who have not watched the movie, be prepared.

Moreover, there is a highly toxic setting about the male protagonist, which made me feel uncomfortable. If I dare to write such a thing in an online article, the author will have to be sent a blade (furious)!

What is even more speechless is that Pai Dao (the director of this movie) actually insinuated that he used that villain to crazily blackmail me to build the country (furious/doge), and others have devoted themselves to the great revival of the motherland (funny).

In the end, the plot of the third act, that is, after hanging the lightning, was directly unfinished.

Originally, the mood of the second act of the plot has been brewing to the high court, the BGM is very hot, and the heroine has also learned to fly (she can already do it in the comics), and is ready to fight the final battle with the boss.

But when they came to the decisive battle site, they only punched the leopard girl, and then stunned each other with a wire (vomit~).

When you meet the final boss, you can't beat the opponent (in fact, you didn't fight at all, you can't even get close to the opponent,

Can you believe it? ), the heroine directly slapped her body, and turned on the mouth escape mode...

After some fake lectures, the BOSS suddenly came to his senses, took the initiative to restore the damage he caused, and then voluntarily abandoned the cheat, and went home to find his son. The standard happy ending made me feel physically uncomfortable.

Is it familiar? It was you, Nagato! (angry)


Generally speaking, this movie is a high-level movie, and the director didn't even want to make a super-English movie, but wanted to make a romance movie.

French Fries, as a DC fan, had been looking forward to it for several years, but in the end... I can only be angry!

It seems that I can only look forward to the launch of HBO MAX's "Director's Cut of Justice League" in March next year. I am still very relieved about Zha's action scenes.

PS: At that time, we will provide free resources for everyone in the group. If you have any super English movie resources you want, you can also tell them in the group. Welcome to join the group.

The group is described in this chapter in the next chapter.

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