This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 423: A Future

As time went by, the old man reached the end of his life in the third year after the conversation that night, and the bald boy turned from a child into a teenager, and from a teenager into a youth.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the name and face of the mutant messiah in his mind.

On a stormy night, an explosion resounding through the sky broke out without warning, and the flames soared into the sky, casting the entire concentration camp in a haze.

Like most prisoners, the young man was awakened from his sleep by the loud noise.

Looking from a distance through the rain curtain, I saw a man with three sharp claws on his fist, who couldn't be killed no matter what, was fighting bloody battles in the square not far away, holding down nearly ten little blue and purple giants by himself.

A few minutes later, a soft 'beep' sounded from the neck, which frightened the young man's mind to go blank, and the blood on his face instantly faded away.

After a long while, still did not wait for the expected pain, and the head was still intact in the neck, the young man came back to his senses and took a few breaths.

Touching his neck, he has been wearing it since the day he was born, and the collar that he couldn't get rid of before the end of his life was easily taken off by him!

'Boom! ’ ‘Boom! ’ ‘Boom! '...

Before he could calm down the shock in his heart, the young man's attention was immediately attracted by a series of explosions outside, followed by howls of misery.

In the chaos of blood and fire, the young man, together with some fellow mutants who hadn't completely lost their desire for freedom, took advantage of the chaos and escaped from this cage where they had lived for more than 20 years under the cover of night.

After escaping from the concentration camp, the bald man hid in Tibet every day, but he never gave up collecting information about the mutant Messiah and the group of fatalistic freaks, wanting to answer the questions that had lingered in his mind for decades.

What happened that year?

However, news about the group of people in the photo seems to have been deliberately blocked by some people or organizations.

After running around for several years and visiting hundreds of regions, the young man still failed to obtain any useful information. Instead, during an operation, he accidentally heard that a secret agency was developing a machine that could travel through time.

At this time, the young man recalled the conversation with the old man that night more than ten years ago.

All the sufferings experienced by himself, his relatives, friends, and compatriots were all caused by that mutant Messiah, a woman named 'Hope Summers'.

If he can kill the Messiah before he fully grows up, he can prevent the so-called 'mutant renaissance' from happening.

Maybe I wouldn't have suffered these hardships, and my parents, whose faces had long been blurred, wouldn't be killed by those scumbags just because they walked into the cafeteria with their left foot first?


"Your experience is indeed worthy of sympathy."

After checking the memories in Xiaopu's mind, Saibo sighed slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the start button next to him without hesitation.

Driven by the air pump, the dark green liquid was quickly poured into the cylindrical container in front of the bald black man, and it was completely filled in less than three seconds.

Black skin, pink muscles, and bright red blood, from the outside to the inside, are like ice cubes falling into boiling water, decomposing and melting layer by layer in this special solution, adding a touch of dark red to the dark green.

It took less than twenty seconds,

Bishop's flesh and tissue were completely corroded by this solution, leaving only the hardest white skeleton leaning on the inner wall of the container.

In the face of this special solution that can even affect the Adamantium alloy, the gray-white skeleton couldn't last long, and black spots spread all over the body.

This time, it lasted for a full minute before the entire skeleton was completely eroded by black, and finally turned into countless fine black ash, which dissolved in the special solution, and there was no trace of any living person at all.

These solutions were obtained by Cyber ​​from an alien during his last trip to Attilan, and mass production began after returning to Earth.

It is used to etch and process alloys with extremely high hardness to improve production efficiency.

Bishop, who has the mutant ability to absorb energy, is extremely resistant to beatings, and ordinary methods are hard to work against him, but this solution happens to be one of his nemesis.

"The target has been destroyed."

Hearing the prompt from Alita, Saibo put on his glasses again and left the interrogation room without looking back.

Bishop's experience was indeed tragic, comparable to that of the Jews under the Third Reich more than seventy years ago.

However, he should never, never choose to attack Hope!

Cyber ​​is not an old bald man, he has no interest, let alone resolve the obsession of a strange mutant, trying to turn an enemy into a friend.

Even if this mutant has great potential.

Now that he has made this choice, he must bear the corresponding price, the price of death!

Coming to a laboratory next door, the cyber purpose was clear, and he quickly came to a huge experimental table.

A washbasin-sized silver-white ring device is placed in the center of the test bench. The device is connected with dense cables and is covered by a layer of fully transparent special shield.

"Can it be copied?"

Quickly browsing through the experiment report presented by Alita, Cyber ​​has two minds.

After killing Mojo and the Ultimate Sentinel, Cyber ​​controlled the Obsidian hidden in the sky and used Pym particles to shrink the crumbling spaceship and pack it away.

After returning to the base, Cyber ​​dismantled the dilapidated spaceship and took out the only thing that could catch his eyes-the magical engine that could take people through parallel universes.

After obtaining the engine, Cyber ​​did not conduct experiments immediately, let alone use himself as a guinea pig to test the 'law' by himself.

He's not one of those dumb-headed young protagonists who don't understand anything in film and television works, who can't resist the thought of dying when they see things in time machines and parallel universe shuttles.

Before carrying out the experiment, one must at least understand the specific structure and general principle of the engine, so as to ensure that there is a possibility of repairing or counterfeiting one after the engine is damaged due to an accident in the experiment.

Most importantly, it must be determined what risks are involved in starting this engine.

Cyber ​​doesn't want to attract those alien-dimensional demon gods who are always eyeing the little broken ball, or other uninvited guests because of his recklessness.

"I detected traces of a particle that I have never seen before inside the engine. According to my speculation, this engine can break the barrier between different universes, and it is probably due to this unknown particle."

After passing the relevant information to the tablet in Saibo's hands, Alita calmly explained: "Until we figure out the specific characteristics of this particle, we will not be able to decipher the working principle of this engine in a short time."

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