This lich needs more money

Chapter 101 He knows everything

Amberxiu regretted a little. He should not have let Flynn, his old friend, go.

There are not many insiders in the Alchemy City incident. If this old boy spreads rumors, it will be difficult for Amber Xiu to provide evidence even if he wants to explain. After all, he is a lich. According to the stereotypes of the Nine Kingdoms, if others spread rumors about a lich and do bad things, that is not called spreading rumors. It can be called a prophecy.

But this elf girl is much better than the male elf from Cicero, she is willing to talk.

Cicero was the kind of veteran who had seen big winds and waves and had been taking risks for who knows how many years. Ambrose's "mind-reading skills" had a very poor effect on him.

Just like a person watching a horror movie, his facial features will be distorted in fear at first, but after watching for a long time, this fear reaction will gradually become numb. Amberxiu's method of stimulating the opponent with words and then reading their expressions to gather information will make Cicero develop resistance if used too much, and this guy's resistance develops very quickly.

The elves captured with him are all the same, they are all experienced types. They will constantly adjust their mentality and hide their true thoughts.

But the elf girl in front of me is a little different.

Amberxiu used the body-holding technique to control the elf girl, and after careful observation, he asked: "Little girl, are you an adult? Judging from your appearance, I guess you are not yet a hundred and twenty years old, right?"

Seven years of elf life is almost equal to one year of human life, so the elf age is almost one hundred and twenty years old. The person who wrote about the 80-year-old loli elf wife in the supplement of "Legend of Magic" is a documentary author and has been updated for many years. But later in the update, his wife was not yet an adult, and the author began to seek medical advice everywhere.

Interracial relationships never end well.

Faced with Amber Xiu's doubts, the girl said disdainfully: "You don't care if I'm an adult or not! I won't reveal a word to you, an evil lich!"

Amberxiu praised: "It's so admirable. You are the most heroic elf I have ever seen."

"It's useless to say nice things. I won't be fooled. But because you are very discerning, if you let me go, I can give you a chance to sign a contract. As long as you are willing to sign the contract and leave this place Land, we elves will not exterminate you."

The elf girl spoke firmly, but she still showed a somewhat amused expression.

Probably because Amber Xiu is "the most evil being in the Nine Kingdoms". With this status, his praise has a different effect.

Just like if a salesperson calls you beautiful, most people won't feel anything at all. If a world-class fashion designer praises you for your beauty and good figure, it's enough to tell the world, and it's best to go straight to the news.

"Contract? Aren't you afraid that I will regret it after signing it?" Amber Xiu followed her words.

"Haha, you don't want to know what will happen if you regret it." The elf girl said proudly.

Amberxiu's tone became excited and asked: "How could this happen? A life-and-death friend signed a contract with the elves, but now he has regretted it. Will the elves and gods directly impose divine punishment?!"

"How is this possible? Don't you, a lich, even have basic common sense? Generally speaking, gods cannot interfere with mortals. This is something that the god Io will not allow." The elf girl said mockingly.

Amber Xiu patted his chest and said: "Oh, I was too concerned about this friend and forgot about this matter. It turns out that it is not a divine punishment from the elves and gods, so there is nothing to worry about. The worst thing is that you guys will fight here, and we will fight again. Just go back."

"Hmph, when our Silver Moon Highgarden army appears, you will know what it means to be unstoppable."

"You're laughing so hard. I just said that I don't have common sense. What does a contract have to do with war? The backlash of a magical contract can only affect an individual, but can it also affect the territory?"

"That's something you can't do. The magic of our elves is not something you undead can understand."

Amberxiu suddenly changed his tone and asked: "The magic contract that affects the entire territory is a magical effect that affects the overall environment?"

Hearing the change in Amber Xiu's tone, the elf girl also felt something was wrong and said in surprise: "Are you trying to trick me?"

Amberxiu smiled. This girl is so stupid. It was a stupid decision for the elves to recruit minors into the Dusk Guard.

"Can the violation of the magic contract change the environment of the territory? No, your expression tells me that's not the case... but the effect of the contract is on the territory... I understand, it is on the people in the territory."

Amber Xiu stared at the elf girl carefully, and when he saw the change in her eyes, he knew that he had guessed it right.

"Yes, if the lord violates the contract with the people in the territory, the effect will cover all the people in the territory. Then when you attack, this effect will become an advantage, but what is the specific effect?

"Let me think about it again. This magic contract must have been designed by the legendary strongman of your elves..."

Amberxiu showed an expression of sudden realization and said to this elf girl: "I know, it's amazing, and this move really opened my eyes. I am indeed an elven clan blessed by gods."

" did you guess?!" the elf girl said excitedly.

Amber Xiu said heartily: "You don't have to worry about this, but thank you for giving me enough hints, otherwise I wouldn't have guessed in this direction."

"No, I didn't say anything! What on earth did you guess?!"

Seeing the panicked elf girl, Amber Xiu stopped talking, threw her into a cell in a private space, and then lifted the time-freezing effect of the cell.

Cicero and the other elves were free for no apparent reason, and then saw a female elf being thrown in.

Cicero said in surprise: "Naya? Why...were you also caught by that lich?"

"Cicero, it's you, you're still alive!" The elf girl named Naya suddenly saw so many people, her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

In the Twilight Guard's battle report, these elves captured by Amber Xiu have been designated as sacrifices.

Cicero was not happy when he saw Naya. Naya was the captain of another Twilight Guard. She was captured. Doesn't that mean that the other Twilight Guard was also destroyed?

"Naya, what happened? You also met that lich?!" Cicero thought of the way the lich pinched his neck and interrogated his pulse, and quickly asked: "Tell me, does that lich have You weren’t interrogated, you didn’t say anything, right?!”

Naya had already suspected that she had accidentally revealed something, but now that Cicero was asking him so excitedly, she was even more worried about whether she had exposed her secret.

Naya hesitated and said: "I...I...don't know. I probably didn't say anything, but the lich suddenly knew everything."

"What on earth did you say?!" Cicero's face became even more ugly.

"I really didn't say anything, but he somehow guessed that the purpose of the contract was to target people in the territory, and he also guessed that this was the power of Her Majesty the Queen! He just stood there and said to himself He learned a lot, and then he knew everything." Naya had tears in her eyes and was about to cry.

"He also guessed that this contract is Her Majesty's power?"

Cicero only felt desperate. This lich was too terrifying. He was definitely Silvermoon Highgarden's biggest enemy. Once he discovered the secret of the contract, the damage caused would be more serious than the death of all the Twilight Guards. Strategic plans will be seriously affected or even fail entirely.

Outside the space, Amber watched everything happening in the cell through surveillance magic, and heard their conversations clearly. He was just scaring this elf girl. There are many legends in Silvermoon Highgarden, and there are many that are not famous at all. How could he possibly guess it by just guessing.

As a result, the girl misunderstood and excitedly revealed her real target in front of Cicero. Cicero thought that Amberxiu had really guessed it.

"Elf Queen? I remember this seems to be a part-time ranger and mage, ranger...mage...magic contract...the penalty for violating the contract...people in the territory..."

Amberxiu felt that there was a thread connecting many fragmented clues, and he was almost touching the truth behind the magic contract. However, this speculation still needs some conclusive evidence to verify.

Amberxiu couldn't help but sigh: "It's really hard to have a battle of wits and courage with a legendary strong man again."

Every legend is literal, not just because of the power they wield, but also because they are true geniuses who are able to leave their own legends in this world.

Gary Watts, who pursues becoming a god, James Watson, who can make the Lord of the Morning cast his gaze, and the Apoptotic Rose, who can dominate the underdark, are all geniuses who are above the world. Amberxiu prefers to bully the weak rather than fight against these strong ones.

But when you reach this level, whether you want it or not, your opponents can only be people of the same level.

Amberxiu flicked his fingertips, and time in the cell was frozen again.

Let these elves keep this shocking moment longer. The mood at this moment may come in handy again soon.

Amber Xiu used his flying technique and flew towards his castle. The elven archers have been captured, and there is no reason to continue walking on their feet.

The female knight wearing heavy armor of thorns was like a piece of wood. She didn't tremble and fall down until Amberxiu left.

The helmet fell off, revealing long scarlet hair and a ferocious face covered with scars.

Amberxiu's thunder wave had seriously injured her, but she was only able to survive because she was blessed by the goddess of pain, Lavita, who could maintain a weak vitality in a near-death state.

She looked in the direction where Amber Xiu left, with the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a ferocious smile.

The lich disguised as a human never glanced at her from beginning to end. Perhaps her vitality was too weak to be noticed, making the other party think she was dead. Or maybe the lich regarded her and her soldiers as ants. As for the ants on the roadside, just stepping on them was enough. There was no need to waste time squeezing them all to death with your fingers.

This disdain was intertwined with the physical pain and was deeply imprinted in her soul.

This pain was sacred, and the female knight showed a ferocious and ferocious smile.

"I will find you and return this pain a hundredfold!"

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