This lich needs more money

Chapter 513: Hymns from the Other World

Atros heard that Amberxiu wanted to become a god, but the opportunity that others dreamed of was like poison to him.

The demon dragon's eyes widened and he roared: "Impossible, I will never give up! I want to unify the world, I want to surpass Arthur Lane, and I want to win back everything I have lost!"

He also has a thousand-year plan to unify the world, how could he leave now?

Once he is forced to ascend, he will never have a chance to win it back! Gods are not allowed to interfere with the mortal world. This is Io's rule!

Amberxiu shook his head and sighed: "Do the dragon gods give you this power to let you die? The gods love their children and give you the last power in the hope that you can escape smoothly. If you have been able to escape smoothly from the beginning. Thinking of escaping, can anyone stop you? But you can't let go of your ambition to dominate the world, and you missed the last chance given to you by the gods.

"Now I let you return to the embrace of the Dragon Clan, but you still think ambition is more important. You have shamed the Dragon Clan and disappointed the gods."


Atros trembled all over after hearing this. Is what this lich said true?

At this time, Arthur Lane, whose body was badly damaged, flew to Amber Xiu's side with support, and asked in a low voice: "Is what you just said true? Do the dragon gods really think so?"

Amberxiu answered unabashedly: "The devil knows what the gods think. I made it up. I only need to be disgusted with this dragon. You see, if he really believed it, he would cry."

Arthur Lane:…

For a moment, the Holy King was glad that the lich in front of him was not his enemy. If this lich had stood beside the dragon more than a thousand years ago, he might have lost long ago.

"Despicable lich!"

Atros was so angry that Amberxiu almost couldn't hold on, and let the colorful light pillar rise a lot again. It has almost reached its limit. At an uncontrollable moment, all three of them will be hit by this colorful light.

Amberxiu was not idle yet, and continued to say to Atros: "I have seen too many so-called careerists like you. I read a few story novels. I thought I had seen the rise and fall of dynasties, and I longed for myself to become one." The supreme king wants to unify the world and settle disputes. In fact, what you think about is power, status, and beauty. You just want to leave a name in history and be praised. Once someone opposes it, you use the so-called righteousness to suppress them. This is nothing. It is the thinking of a tyrant.

"Arthur Lane did not rise up to become emperor, but just to make others live better. Why did he help other races build kingdoms and share their power? Because he did not fight for power, but to make the world better. Fight to live a good life.

"You have to compare with Arthur in everything. In fact, you are far behind him. If you were not born a powerful time dragon, you would just be a giant baby who daydreams all day long."

Arthur Lane sounded quite embarrassed. Although it was a compliment, why did it sound so weird when it came out of this lich's mouth?

After talking a lot, Amberxiu took a breath and said to Arthur Lane: "Have you almost recovered? I'm almost out of words!"

Arthur Lane nodded, parts flying around his body, reassembled into a intact arm, and raised the sword high.

The holy light was like the morning sun, attached to his long sword.

Amber Xiu's Golden Throne had been exhausted long before this battle, so the whole audience was in a state of panic. With his spellcasting ability, he couldn't even break through the dragon scale defense.

The reason for delaying the time until now is to wait for Arthur Lane's sword.

The dragon whose head was chopped off would not die, but the time it took for him to recover and regenerate was enough for the magic of Karthusden to take effect.

However, at the moment Arthur Lane slashed his sword.

Atros directly lifted the time barrier, and colorful lights rose into the sky.

Arthur Lane could no longer swing his sword, because at the moment Atros gave up resistance, he used the remaining power of time.

This huge demonic dragon increased its speed to the extreme, rushed out of the coverage of the light beam, and took Amber Xiu away with it.

Only Arthur Lane remained among the colorful lights.

Huge power gathered in it, turned into something like a whirlpool, and poured into the broken mecha.

Those parts were completely shattered under the powerful energy impact, and even the original magic dragon artifact quickly melted under the flow of blinding light.

Becoming a god is not an easy task. The first step is to wash away the mundane impurities and transform the mundane into the holy.

Arthur Lane no longer has a body, leaving only his pure soul to receive these energies.

Energy was forcibly poured into the heroic spirit's body, and Arthur Lane couldn't help but scream in pain.

That was the case with Karsus back then. Even if the goddess of magic allowed him to become a god, he could not support the huge magic network and was blown to pieces the moment he became a god.

Atros was hovering in the distance, still holding Amber's body in his hand.

Even if the lich tried to self-destruct and escape, Atros still caught him back in a time reversal. Even Amberxiu used his last chance to be reborn, but he could not escape the clutches of Atros.

Atros taunted Umbershoe and said, "Is this your perfect plan? Now Arthur Lane is about to be torn apart by these powers because of your stupidity, and you have become my prisoner. I can easily Kill you, then slowly move on to everyone else.

"Even though my identity is exposed, my power is back. Time is on my side, and I will definitely win. Now, you lose."

Atros wanted to see the lich regretful and painful, but Amberxiu remained calm as if everything was going according to plan.

Atros crushed most of the bones in his body angrily, pointed at the old enemy who was wailing in pain and said: "Look, this is your so-called plan. You have failed, Lich! All your calculations are inferior to If Arthur Lane cannot hold on to my absolute strength, he will be killed by your ascension technique. Even if he can hold on, he will leave the mortal world forever, and no one in this world will be able to stop me.

"He can only watch me destroy everything he cherishes in the Kingdom of the Lord of the Morning. I promise, I will also destroy everything you cherish!"

Amberxiu looked at the lost demon dragon and didn't care about the physical damage. He just said lightly: "The gods of the Dragon Clan made a bet with the Lord of the Dawn. The Dragon Clan lost, but they can still give you a blessing and let you regain all your strength." Power. What about the Lord of the Dawn? He has also lifted the restrictions. Have you seen the Lord of the Dawn drop the Holy Light?"

Atros suddenly raised his head in shock, just in time to see thousands of bright holy lights hanging from the sky.

Divine intervention!

Priests who are loved by the gods can summon the gods' will through certain rituals, perhaps granting powerful blessings, or attacking depends on the situation.

This is behavior allowed by Io.

Just as the dragon gods can grant the Time Dragon the opportunity to return to its peak, the Lord of the Morning can also take action now to ensure that Arthur Lane can successfully become a god.

The holy light and the colorful dazzling light merged together, seeming to neutralize the terrifying energy turbulence inside.

Arthur Lane no longer screamed. His translucent body became clearer and clearer, and finally returned to human form.

Just the moment he returned to his human form, divine light condensed in front of Arthur Lane, pushing him to fly high into the sky.

"He succeeded." Ambrose said calmly.

The godhead condensed and ascended immediately, and the Kingdom of the Lord of the Dawn opened its doors to welcome the new god.

Atros watched this former enemy ascend. Although he said he didn't care, he was already so angry in his heart that he wanted to destroy everything.

He didn't want Arthur Lane to ascend, he just wanted to imprison this old enemy and let him watch him succeed. Atros wanted everything to be above Arthur Lane in order to satisfy him.

But Arthur Lane became a god!

Arthur Lane once again overcame himself!

No matter how much he destroyed the world, the other party would still be looking down on him from above.

And the initiator of all this is this lich.

Atros looked at Amberxiu in his hand and said in a low and resentful voice: "I once thought that if you are willing to assist me, I can hand over the financial power after the world is unified to you, and you can take charge of all the things in the world. Wealth. What a shame, you turn against me again and again.”

Amberxiu smiled and said: "Are you stupid? The money I make now is for myself. If I am the Minister of Finance for you, then I will work for you to help you make money. Which one do you think I will choose?"

Atros was stunned for a moment, then increased the strength of his hand, completely shattering Amberxiu's body, leaving only a skull that preserved the soul.

"Do you really think I can't deal with you? Do you think you can ignore pain and all torture because you are undead?" Atros gave a cruel smile, and he said to Amberxiu: "Thanks to Cyric, he let me I thought of your biggest weakness. Lich, I heard that your life has not been very good in the past few hundred years, and it was only by becoming an undead that you temporarily forgot the pain. Then I will let you remember it again! "

Amberxiu's skull opened its mouth and shook violently, as if in panic.

However, what shook from his soul was bursts of laughter.

"Idiot, I know I will die, but you forgot one thing! Even if Arthur becomes a god, how can he let you go?!"

Atros snorted and said: "Gods are not allowed to interfere with the mortal world. This is Io's rule..."

But before the demon dragon finished speaking, a ray of holy light fell from the sky and fell on him.

Amberxiu said with a smile: "Yes, Io's rule is that gods cannot directly attack mortals, otherwise they will be severely punished. But, will the Holy King Arthur Lane let you go because he is afraid of punishment?"

The holy light turned into a sharp sword and pierced Atros' body, not only destroying the dragon's body, but also consuming his soul.

The power of time cannot save it, because this is the power of gods, a power that is superior to mortals!

Under the gods, all are ants.

Arthur Lane did not hesitate at all. After he had just mastered the power of the gods, he slashed his sword with all his strength towards Atros. All the power was concentrated here, leaving no way for him to retreat.

Just like when he challenged the dragon alone, he was determined to die.

There was a sigh in the endless holy light, and there was a loud sound of thunder.

The young god who was about to enter the Kingdom of God was hit by Io's thunder and turned into a stream of light that scattered all over the sky.

But the last sword of this god is still killing the demon dragon, and the power of the holy light will keep locking the soul of the demon dragon until it is exhausted.

Amidst the bursts of screams, Atros felt that his soul was melting rapidly, but it was a sword struck by a god who sacrificed himself, and the power of time could not reverse it. All he can do now is slow down time and experience death more clearly.

No, that's not right. At this last moment, he can still do one thing.

In the slow time and space, Atros covered Ambershu with the remaining power of time.

"I curse you with my soul and flesh, and return the pain you have endured a thousand times to you!"

The dragon blood curse, this was the vicious magic that the dragon cast on Arthur Ryan, which eventually dissipated the hero's soul and even possessed the dragon.

But this time, Atros did not want to seize Ambershu's body. He used his last strength to reverse time and turned Ambershu from a skeleton into a hunchbacked old man.

Reversing time, the lich returned to adulthood. At the same time, all the painful memories that Ambershu had experienced in his life reappeared in an instant. Those forgotten pasts appeared in front of him unstoppably.

The teacher who was buried by his own hands, the torture he had endured, the friend who died with his eyes wide open, the druid girl who had held his hand, betrayals and rifts, starting over again and again, and eventually everything that had been built would be lost.

Teachers, friends, lovers, wealth, status, power... No matter how many times you start over, no matter how high the castle is, it will eventually be destroyed by fate, just like what Amberxiu looks like now.

The prophet mage, after all, cannot escape the arrangement of fate.

Tears flew out of his turbid eyes and were blown away by the passing wind. Countless repeated painful memories were eroding his old soul.

Those life boxes scattered all over the world lost their magic light at the same time.

He is no longer a lich. This time, there is no way to be reborn.

When he fell heavily to the ground, Amberxiu's hunched body and soul were shattered together.

Because his skeleton had been crushed long ago, his body was not even wearing a piece of clothing at this time. He fell to death naked on the ground, just as Amberxiu said before.

Such a death was too undignified. If possible, he really didn't want others to see it.

Unfortunately, there was no chance now.

When the legends who were sent away returned to the arena again, they saw only the remains of the huge dragon and two broken bodies.

One of them was the orc king Lorgar, and his soul had returned to the kingdom of the orc god.

No one could recognize the other one. They could only confirm that the old man was completely dead, because even the spell of talking with the dead could not take effect.

This meant that his soul was gone.

However, with the witness of the gods, each kingdom heard this thrilling story from their own gods.

Saint King Arthur Ryan, the dragon Atros, and the lich whose real name no one knew, all died on this battlefield.

When Amber's identity was finally confirmed, only the withered rose collected his body.

At the funeral not long after, the arena rang with hymns praising the hero, but it was a pity that the hymns from the mortal world could no longer reach the hero's ears.

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