This lich needs more money

Chapter 517 You are not qualified


Hearing this word, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

He just fell into hell, isn't it easy to bring him back?

Throughout the ages, how many people have summoned the souls of sinners from hell. Many ancient families have tried to use magic to summon their "ancestors" who were suffering in hell, and then negotiate a deal with the hell lord. After paying a sufficient price, the sinner's soul can be redeemed.

Maybe Amber Xiu is too special, so his soul is of high value, but no matter how high the price is, the Mourning Poets Society can always get it out of it.

Apoptotic Rose also ignited hope and quickly asked: "Is it Zariel or Tiamat?"

Amber Xiu signed a contract with these two hell lords. The transaction of soul coins has not yet been completed. The soul has the greatest chance of falling into the hands of these two.

The president didn't hide anything and directly pointed out the direction to Apoptotic Rose.

"His soul fell into the first level of hell. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be in Zariel's hands."

Apoptotic Rose was about to express her gratitude, but the president said: "But don't have too much hope. His soul has been broken and he can no longer respond to anyone's call. If you want to bring him back, you can only Go directly to Zariel, but I don't recommend it."

"Why?" Apoptotic Rose asked excitedly.

"Because you have no way to repair your soul."

"But you can, president, can't you?"

"I can, but I can't do this." The president shook his head and said to everyone: "When the Mourning Poets Society was first established, the help I could give you was very limited, and repairing his soul has exceeded the limit. "

Apoptotic Rose originally wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted by the poet: "Okay, Rose, let's find a way to bring his soul back first."

Apoptotic Rose was silent for a moment, and then chose not to ask further questions.

As the poet said, if you want to resurrect him now, you can only bring his soul back first.

As for what restrictions the president has, it is probably because the gods are restricted by Io and cannot interfere in the mortal world at will, but this is always a problem that can be solved through negotiation.

So the top priority is to get people from the hell lord first.

Apoptotic Rose said to everyone: "Sorry, everyone, I have to go back first. I can't wait to bring him back."

No one in the Dead Poets Society wanted to stay. Everyone could see that the obsession of the Apoptotic Rose had been transferred from Ryan to the Lich. It was useless to persuade her when it came to the obsession of the undead.

Ai Ge chased after her. As a demigod who was about to ascend to the throne of God, she felt that she could help when negotiating with the lord of hell. She also wanted to help Amber repair her life.

By the time these two left, the party quickly came to an end.

Everyone dispersed after chatting for a while, and in the end only the ghoul Yugasi and the giant Im were left.

Both of them joined the Mourning Poets Society at an early age and are more senior than others.

When the latecomers left, Yugashi couldn't suppress the smile on his face, and opened his mouth, revealing his scarlet fangs.

"Today is finally here." Yugashi drank another drink, and then said to the president: "All candidates have been disqualified. President, it's time for the results of your test to come out, right?"

The Grim Reaper is about to change, which is why the Mourning Poets Society was established, and all members are candidates. But Gareth is obsessed with personal feelings, Ai Ge has taken another path, and Apoptotic Rose has been trapped in hatred for a long time... The members of the Mourning Poets Society each have their own problems, and none of them even know the Mourning Poems. The real secret of the society.

They knew nothing about the replacement of the God of Death. Only Yugashi had been working hard for this from the beginning. Until now, countless thousands of years have passed.

Now that Amberxiu, a new competitor, has also fallen into hell, there will be no other competitors in the entire Mourning Poets Society. In this way, he should have won the final victory.

Yugaxi looked at the president with great expectation, hoping that he could give him the reward he dreamed of and crown him the God of Death.

However, the president just shook his head and said: "No, you are not qualified yet."

Yugashi never expected that this was the answer he was waiting for. He smashed the wine glass in his hand angrily and asked: "Why am I not qualified? Over the years, I have endured hunger, even if I see fresh flesh and blood." I can also control my appetite and I have transcended my own desires.

"In the Mourning Poets Society, I am the only one who has achieved this. Why do you say I am not qualified?"

Yugaxi even knew the criteria for becoming a god of death, so he endured it from the beginning. Over the years, he was probably the ghoul who had eaten the least.

Endless hunger tortured him forever, but he could still maintain his sanity and find ways to send away other competitors little by little. Yugaxi believed that he had done well enough, and no undead could violate his instincts like him and endure for such a long time.

However, the president still just shook his head: "You are not qualified yet."

With a clang, Yugashi smashed the wine table in front of him into pieces. He couldn't help but roared: "Not qualified, not qualified. How can I be qualified?! I've been waiting for so long, and you're still How long do you want me to endure? I’m not qualified. Who else is qualified? Is it Im?”

The giant Im on the side said expressionlessly: "I'm not qualified, and I don't want to be the God of Death. I want to go back. The first time Arthur was resurrected, I couldn't kill him in time. The second time he was resurrected, I still couldn't." Catching up. But I will continue to wait until he is resurrected for the third time, and I will kill him with my own hands."

Yougaxi said angrily: "Idiot, Arthur Lane has completely died! No one can save him from Io, he is already dead, and your promise is meaningless!"

The giant Im was not angry, he just stood up and said calmly: "The first time, many people said the same, but I waited until the second time. No matter how long I wait, I will wait for him to come back and then kill him. This is The agreement I made with him is also the meaning of my existence.”

After saying this, Im left the tavern.

In the end, only Yugaxi was left facing the president and the poet.

For a moment, Yugaxi felt like he had become a clown. The other members of the Mourning Poets Society have been satisfying their own desires and working hard for what they want over the years.

Ai Ge successfully found the possibility of finding his father, and was about to enter the realm of gods. The Apoptotic Rose successfully destroyed the Ryan royal family, and the Gareth couple had been in love for so many years... It seemed that she was the only one who could endure it for so long.

Tormented by hunger for thousands of years, every time when he was about to go crazy, Yugashi would remind himself that only by enduring could he become the God of Death.

As a result, after all this time, I am still not qualified.

Yugaxi angrily said to the president: "Has all the torture I've endured for thousands of years been in vain?!"

"You can never become the Grim Reaper while you still think this is torture."

The president put down his glass, turned and left the tavern.

Thousands of years of patience in exchange for this light word?

Yugaxi looked at the opponent's back. His skinny appearance looked like he could tear it apart with just one claw. His hands were making a clicking sound, and the sharp blade popped out from his fingertips. Scarlet light had already covered his nails, as if he was going to tear him apart at any moment. Rise up!

The poet did not stop him, but because he had known her for many years, he still reminded him: "Yugashi, let me remind you that the president's name is Jaeger."

These two words were like a plate of cold water that poured out Yugaxi's anger.

Withdrawing his claws, Yugashi returned to the polite gentleman he was before.

Destiny-Recorder Yeager is a name that has been forgotten by the world, but Yugashi knows the weight of this name. No matter how angry he is, if he really dares to show his claws, his soul will be shattered like the lich, and there will be no possibility of resurrection.

Yugaxi said to the poet: "Sorry, I was impulsive. Don't worry, since I am the only candidate, the result is already determined. I will remain patient and continue to wait."

The poet didn't speak anymore, but in his opinion, Amber Xiudu, who had a broken soul, probably had a better chance than Yugashi. This ghoul hadn't figured out the rules of the game for thousands of years.

To become a god of death is to surpass one's own desires.

It’s not patience, it’s not contentment, it’s not substitution… it’s truly transcending desire.

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