This lich needs more money

Chapter 80 President of the Alchemist Council

"What? The girl was snatched away?!"

Dipper and Gustavo Flynn, the two remaining members of the Council, went crazy when they heard the news.

Although I guessed that the ceremony of becoming a god would not go smoothly, this was too outrageous. Not only did the lich run away, but also the key girl ran away. There were also a large number of undead running around in the city, almost destroying the entire alchemy industry. The city was flooded.

Dipper was very angry and wanted to call Gustavo Flynn useless. After all, this was his job.

But Dipper also understood that quarreling now would not solve any problems, so he suppressed his anger and said to Gustavo Flynn: "Now we must solve the problem of these undead first, and the girl must be snatched back. Once they killed her, the plan failed completely."

Gustavo Flynn frowned and said, "How did he know that the girl was related to the ritual?"

Until now, Gustavo Flynn has not been able to figure out how Ambersio seemed to know everything, as if he knew every detail of the ceremony in advance and hit the most critical points everywhere.

This is impossible to leak, because there are only a few people who know the whole story, and the only ones who can really grasp all the details are the three remaining members of the Alchemist Council.

One is Dipper, the other is myself, and the last one...

Gustavo Flynn turned his head and looked at the location of the magic circle, just in time to see Jin Coin stretching out and waking up from the magic circle.

He woke up so quickly, so it would take a long time for the medicine to take effect.

Jin Coin yawned, picked his ears in a leisurely manner, and after exhaling all the laziness from just getting up, he looked around. After discovering that he had been sent to the sacrificial position, Gold Coin did not show a panicked expression. Instead, he said to Gustavo Flynn across the magic circle: "Flynn, Dipper, what's wrong with you two? Look at your face. It looks so ugly, is there something wrong with the plan again?”

These words were like a knife stabbing the two of them in the waist. Can this plan still go ahead? If not, the two of them should prepare to run away.

Dipper asked in a gloomy tone: "Gold coins, were you the one who lured those undead souls to the city?"

After hearing this, Jin Coin said in surprise: "What does this have to do with me? Do I know those undead?"

"Then why do you think the Queen of the Undead from the Underdark appeared in the Alchemy City and secretly stayed in the city, waiting for our plan to launch an attack? This Queen of the Undead has no grudges against us, and our rituals are also harmful to her. There is no harm in it, and there is no benefit to her in going against us!

"You said, if she didn't have a deal with others, why would she do this? She even left the Underdark Realm and came to the surface world in person! The only explanation is that you didn't want to sacrifice yourself, so you deliberately found this Queen of the Undead in order to destroy ceremony!"

Dipper's repeated questions made Jin Coin couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, it turns out that even a high-ranking legend can behave like a child. I don't want to waste my time explaining such boring questions, then I will become a child like you.

"Dipper, if you have doubts, start the ritual now and sacrifice me to see if I will despair and struggle. Then it will be clear."

Gold Coin's words were as relaxed as talking about other people's life and death. On the contrary, Dipper was shaken. It seemed that it was really not him.

Gustavo Flynn also said: "When we were discussing the sacrifice, Gold Coin offered to sacrifice it on his own initiative. It didn't seem like he wanted to go back on his words. Maybe there was some omission here, so that's why the witch was allowed to sacrifice." The demon has guessed our plan. I'm afraid those undead have been preparing for a long time before they take action at such a critical time, making us one step slower every time. Now it's not about who leaked the secret, the key now is how to do it Take back the initiative.”

Dipper frowned and said, "It's easy to kill people, but it's very difficult to save them."

The flesh and blood are so weak that a single spell can destroy them.

And if this druid girl cannot be sacrificed at the right place and at the right time, it means nothing.

Therefore, it must be saved alive first, and this is where the biggest trouble lies.

Who can have the confidence to rescue living people under the hands of an undead queen?

Just when both of them were at their wits' end, Jin Coin spoke again: "Now that it's the last minute, don't even think about solving it on your own, right? The biggest reliance of Alchemy City has never been us, what's the second best?" Seat six, seat one hundred and eighty, are actually just apprentices who serve as assistants to the president."

Jin Coin's words made both of them couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the president hanging in mid-air.

He still maintained a suffering posture and a fervent expression, but his consciousness seemed to be no longer in his body.

Dippel said: "The president has been completely integrated with the ritual magic circle, and he cannot leave at all now."

Jin Coin shook his head and said, "You guys underestimate the president too much. In fact, he knows all about the troubles we are having. It's just that we didn't ask for it, so he doesn't want to take care of it. You're right, president."

As soon as Jin Coin finished saying these words, a ball of translucent energy floated out of the president's naked body, as if his soul was out of body.

It's just that the image of this soul is very different from the rickety body. The president in his soul state is a tall and majestic old man. There is a faint halo emanating from his body, which makes him look extremely sacred.

This is the real president of the Alchemist Council, the real legendary alchemist, Gary Watts.


Dipper and Gustavo Flynn said in unison, but the old man's soul just waved its hands regretfully.

Gary Watts did not show any emotional changes towards the two companions who had known each other for many years. He just said calmly: "I know everything, let me handle it."

After saying this, no matter what they thought, Gary Watts turned into a shadow, passed through the thick ceiling, and flew towards the ground.

Compared with the chaos and uneasiness in the sewer, Amberxiu seemed very comfortable.

He only needs to follow Apoptotic Rose, and there is nothing else to do.

What is a legend? It is a strong person who can only be dealt with by legend. Amberxiu followed the Apoptotic Rose all the way, and really experienced this feeling of invincibility.

Unlike parallel imports like him, Apoptotic Rose is a real master of necromancy. Along the way, she has lost none of the death knights around her, but instead has a bunch of shambling zombies and hundreds of golems. puppet.

The most terrifying thing about the undead siege is that the number of attacks increases. When the snowball rolls up, no one can resist it.

The biggest mistake of the Alchemy City was that it failed to drive the Apoptotic Rose out of the city, and most of the huge and sophisticated city defense system was destroyed.

The undead have already entered the city, and the city is about to be destroyed.

But Amber Xiu didn't come to attack the city, he came to snatch the final fruits of the prayer ceremony.

So Amber Xiu didn't waste time playing street battles with the administrators and demon puppets. He occupied one of the seven towers in the Alchemy City, asked Apoptotic Rose to set up defenses, and then took the Druid Girl to hide. In the tower.

This is a tower created by the God of Alchemy. The artifact used to nail those lunatics to the pillar of shame is considered indestructible. If you want to come in and rob people, you have to attack them layer by layer.

The tower was already empty, and Amberxiu took Naomi to the highest floor without any hindrance.

Amber Xiu put the person down, and Naomi woke up from her coma.

Amberxiu said awkwardly: "Tsk, the magic power has become weak. I didn't pay attention to the time."

The strength of the spell is related to the magic power. After Amberxiu was reborn, his power was greatly weakened, and the effect of the sleeping spell became much worse.

As soon as Naomi woke up, she hid in the corner in panic, quickly transformed into a black panther, and bared her teeth and roared at Amber.

"Don't scream at me, I'm your savior." Amberxiu said.

Naomi said angrily: "You! You killed my people!"

"Correction, it's a group of tribesmen who want to sacrifice you. Forget it, you are already awake anyway, let your tribesmen explain it to you."

Ambrose snapped his fingers, and Van Jones, who had turned into a zombie, walked up to Naomi expressionlessly.

Naomi backed away cautiously, but found that there was a wall behind her and there was no way to retreat. She could only choke and shout: "Uncle Jones, wake up!"

Van Jones stood still, then said in a cold tone: "Naomi Watts, you must die!"

Naomi said in disbelief: "What did you say?!" But soon, Naomi turned to look at Amberxiu and said angrily: "You controlled Uncle Jones, I won't believe it. "

Amberxiu said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, just listen to the story and don't cause trouble for me at this time."

After Amberxiu said this, he searched the room, found a pile of parchment, and began to draw on it.

Naomi doesn't understand what Ambrose is doing, but Van Jones, who has become a zombie, will only follow Ambrose's orders.

"Naomi Watts, you must die. You are a blood relative of Gary Watts, the president of the Alchemist Council, and your sacrifice is related to a secret ritual in the Alchemy City. If the ritual is successful, the Alchemy City will It will disappear completely, and this land will become the territory of our Shadow Druid."

"Shadow Druid?! No, this is impossible!"

The Shadow Druids belong to a very extreme association, completely different from other Druid associations that advocate peaceful coexistence between man and nature. They believe that the survival of any mortal is destroying nature.

Balance is an illusion. Wherever humans trample on it, they will naturally suffer.

Unity is a lie, mortals only wish to tame the beasts and burn the wilderness.

We are for the thunder, we are for the storm, we will destroy the ignorant mortals and free up a pure world for new life!

This is the oath of the Shadow Druid, to eliminate mortals and return the world to nature, and the Shadow Druid will return to the embrace of nature at the last moment.

While Ambrose was drawing his draft, he also took time out to mock: "It's the same racial discrimination again, religious lunatics, academic lunatics, and environmental lunatics...even more twisted than us undead."

"No, this is not true! I am an abandoned baby picked up by you. If I am the child of some Alchemy City president, how could I be abandoned?"

Naomi's voice was full of despair. She couldn't accept this truth. Wouldn't that mean that the care and love she had received since childhood were all fake? My adoptive parents, brothers and sisters, and the memories between my clan members are all fake? They raised themselves just to kill themselves?

Naomi was trembling all over, wanting to throw herself on Van Jones, slit his throat, and stop him from talking anymore.

But before she could launch her attack, an old voice suddenly sounded in Naomi's ears.

"My child, what he said is true, because I was the one who ordered you to be abandoned in the first place."

As the sound fell, a translucent figure penetrated the indestructible outer wall of the tower and entered the room.

Gary Watts, the president of the Alchemist Council, arrived.

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