This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 465 32. Is pregnancy enough to be so arrogant?

Happy time is always short.

As the general manager and CEO of the two major groups, Shenlong and Shennu, although Matthew does not receive a salary, the industry belongs to him after all. His daily work cannot be said to be without touching the ground, and it will never be as easy as before.

For this reason, he even reprimanded them, "No one has a grudge against money, right? But if you just stock up on houses and cash, it will last for several lifetimes. That's all."

"With so many industries established, do you plan to keep me busy to death, or do you want to set up a private treasury to raise wild men?"

Then, Mr. Xiu has a lot of powers such as real-time viewing of all accounts, real-time reminders of consumption records, etc.

The main thing is that the hat he slaps is big enough. Anyone who refuses to pay will have a guilty conscience.

Even Chairman Nilu, who has the highest hidden status, has handed over everything. Does the other girls still have reasons not to hand over?

Spend the day relaxing on the private beach.

Relax your mind and body, and feel more content.

For dinner, the cook Vivian is the chef, the goddess witch is the assistant, and Matthew is responsible for playing mahjong with Barbie, Stephanie, and Angela.

The three little ones are not very good at playing this kind of puzzle game, but they insist on playing it.

Alas, there is really nothing we can do against them.

There are people coming and going, so it’s not appropriate to play cough-cough mahjong.

So if the three little ones lose, their pocket money will be deducted!

If Angela from Xiaozhai has skills and property, pocket money and other things are not important to her.

The little witch and little Barbie couldn't do it. They said that rights and obligations were equal. In the end, they each received a beating before getting the promise of extra pocket money for winning.

The battle begins.

Matthew + Angela VS Barbie + Stephanie.

In just one hour, the two little girls lost all their pocket money.

Angela said happily: "Thank you, brother."

Stephanie (_)... "You should thank us. All the pocket money you won came from our share."

Little Barbie: "That's right."

Later, Angela said happily: "Thank you, brother."

Night falls.

A sumptuous dinner.

Matthew enjoyed the various extra dishes while eating. He went out for a walk to relieve his appetite. When he came back, he saw that it was already 10 o'clock in the evening and everyone had gone to bed.

"Okay, then I'll take a shower too."

After a while.

The meat show is coming.

Although the beach house is not small in size, it has ten bedrooms.

Matthew was the last one to finish taking a shower. There were no free rooms for him to choose from, so he had to share a room with the others.

"Oh, there's really nothing we can do against them."

Full of energy, "Which room should I choose? I don't know who is inside even if I don't open the door. I feel like I'm opening a blind box."

1, 2, 38, 9, 10.

Children only do multiple-choice questions, but Matthew wants them all!

The doors and windows were locked, he checked up and down, and all the keys were taken away to make sure that no one could get out without his permission.

1, 2, 38, 9, 10.

This time you can open the blind box.

"I choose C!"

When I opened the door, I saw it was Stephanie.


"Brother-in-law, why don't you just sit here with me before you leave?"

Matthew's heart is so cruel that it is not unreasonable to sit there, but it is impossible to be ranked first.

Then, another little head appeared on Stephanie's bed, it was little Barbie.

This afternoon, the two little ones lost all their pocket money, so they decisively formed a temporary alliance, vowing to earn back all their pocket money next month.

Stephanie hugged her thighs.

Little Barbie hugs the other one.

"Sit down and go, sit down and go, we all listen to you."

Matthew: "Oh, there's really nothing we can do about you."

Wake up the next day.

Next to me is the last pure teacher Vina.

Weina was tortured twice yesterday and her physical strength was severely depleted.

Matthew poked her small waist, and the tightly held little hands automatically let go.

Man, wake up!

The large living room on the first floor is relatively harmonious.

Aris, who was extremely wealthy and wealthy, was bolder and asked, "Brother, why did you lock all the doors and windows?"

Matthew stretched and said as he went downstairs: "What if there are bad guys in this wilderness? Even if there are no bad guys, what if there are sharks?"

All the girls said: "."

Only Vivian nodded.

Silly girl, you can believe this.

The topic of locking the door cannot be discussed and we can directly move on to the next topic.

"My breakfast?"

Ares, who was still stupid, raised her hand and said, "I'm ready, brother, give me five minutes."

Matthew hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

Welcome a big wave of lemon fruit.

"Brother, I want it too~"

The little lover No. 2, Saori, is the best at acting coquettishly.

"I also want."

Although Little Lover No. 1 Meili spoke a step late, she moved the fastest and showed off her fair and tender forehead.

The group rose up and attacked.

It cannot be ruled out that it is revenge for last night.

Except for the silly Vivian and the silly and naive Vina, all the girls are smart and capable.

A few seconds before the brother got angry, the girls returned to their original positions and continued talking about what they had just been talking about.

Matthew, whose face was covered with lip prints from kisses: "..."

Just then——


A message from Nelu who refused to come play with her.

"Oh, you finally realize that you were wrong?"

Nilu admits her mistake, but she is still in the same state under the bed, which is rare.

So Matthew decided to take a screenshot as a souvenir.

【I am pregnant. 】

Four words plus a period.




Three hits!

The phone call was dialed immediately, and Matthew asked: "What did you mean by what you sent me just now?"

The muffled voice on the other side said, "Literally."

"Boy or girl?"

"Shouldn't you first care about my current health?"

Your Majesty the arrogant Nilu.

good, very good, excellent.

Matthew smiled kindly, "Are you feeling unwell now, little Nini?"


Not only did Nilu feel disgusted on the other side of the phone, but the girls at the scene thought so too.

Matthew stared at each one.

They didn't detect pregnancy, and they were face to face again.

There's not much to say, just follow it from the heart.

Back on the phone, Matthew smiled and asked: "Baby, tell me are you a boy or a girl?"

Nilu: "Disgusting."

"Then what do you think I should call you?"

"You know it yourself."


"I'll tell you when I get back."

Matthew opened his eyes wide, "Nilu, let me tell you, you are cheating and running away, do you know?"


The call was hung up.

Matthew asked those present to comment.

"You have all seen it, right? Can you be so arrogant when you are pregnant? It is simply lawless!"

After saying this, Matthew went straight to the kitchen.

Master Matthew decided to go to the kitchen to have breakfast and catch the flight back immediately after eating!

Meili, Saori, Ares, Bree in the living room...

"Can you be so arrogant when you're pregnant?"

"It seems to be really generous."

"Then we'll have one too?"

"Maybe she's already pregnant."

Vivian in the kitchen silently called the obstetrics department.


Dr. Joy, "After getting off the plane, I will take everyone directly for a pregnancy test."


PS: Thanks to the boss of Crazy Test on the Edge of Death for the reward!

Thanks to Crazy Exploration on the Edge of Death, Vicc严白丨, and Book Friends 20200409164016898 for their monthly votes (ˊˋ)

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