This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 346, real men never look back at the explosion\r

Yes, rather than an attack, it would be more appropriate to use "bombing".

The ice dragon Ochoku's five-meter-diameter blood basin is continuously attacked by ice cones, and the sharp ice cones continuously fall like raindrops. At this moment, the ice dragon king seems to have really transformed into a "strategic bomber".

Under the fully saturated ice cone attack, Lao Zi had no room to escape. So he can only choose to resist.

Fortunately, Lao Zi had already prepared for defense.

Not only that, but paying such a price can "kill" an Ice Dragon King, Lao Zi is quite satisfied with the result.

Lava Style. Granite Technique!

The old purple "two three zero" quickly made a seal, and the granite Technique, who had saved Oh Yemu's life before, was replaced by himself this time.


When the ice picks bombarded the barrier made of lava, violent explosions continued to erupt.

The Ice Dragon King seems to have the "infinite ammunition" buff, and the terrifying bombardment doesn't seem to stop at all.

The old purple heart knows that it cannot continue like this, otherwise Granite Technique will sooner or later be unable to withstand such bombardment.

But facing the Ice Dragon King with the ability to stay in the air, Lao Zi's offensive means are extremely limited.

At the moment, the old purple heart is ruthless.

It is reluctant that the child can't catch the wolf, instead of continuing to consume it, it is better to cut the mess with a quick knife.

So, the old purple who hides behind Lava Style. Granite Technique Technique begins to seal quickly.

Severe high temperature began to appear around Lao Zi's body, and a huge sphere formed by lava appeared in Lao Zi's body again.

At the moment when Lava Style.Granite Technique is about to break down, Lao Zi's ninjutsu has also been prepared.

Lava Style˙ Burning River Rock Technique!

This move is Lao Zi's ninjutsu in normal form, whose power is second only to Lava Style·Dazhuhe River Rock Technique, and it can already be counted in the scope of "big move".

Several lava spheres are in an all-round way, sealing all the six directions of the Ice Dragon King's front, back, left, right, up, and down.

Seeing that there is nowhere to escape, the ice dragon king in the air can only wrap his huge body with huge wings to minimize the incoming damage.


As the lava sphere bombarded the Ice Dragon King's body, the burst of crimson lava dyed the snow-colored sky with a touch of red, and the shattered lava fragments fell from the sky like meteors.

Lao Zi didn't look at the red meteor behind him. As the caster of this move, no one knows the power of this move better than him.

Real man, never look back at the explosion.

Lao Zi was extremely confident in himself, he believed that with the strength of the monster just now, he would definitely not be able to resist this blow.

So Lao Zi didn't look at the scene behind him, but looked at Mizuki Ryosuke on the side.

But when he saw Mizuki Ryosuke's expression, his heart sank slightly.

The expression on Mizuki Ryosuke's face did not change in the face of the "cracked" ninjutsu and the destruction of the two ice dragon kings.

There was still a trace of calm and gentle smile on his gentle face, but in the face of this gentle and calm smile, Lao Zi felt a burst of coldness and despair in his heart.

In the eyes of Lao Zi at this moment, this smile obviously seems to have a hint of "mocking".

"Not right!

Lao Zi suddenly reacted, and before he could turn around, an angry roar reached his ears.

Lao Zi suddenly turned around and looked behind him, only to see the Ice Dragon King whose head had been smashed by him, but now he waved his wings and killed him again...

The cruel dragon tail flashing with ruthless brilliance swept towards him again.


Lao Zi's pupils shrunk slightly, and he saw that the Ice Dragon King's head shattered by him had already fully recovered at this moment. Before he could resist, he could only subconsciously cross his arms in front of his chest.

"Bang!!! 39

With a dull crashing sound, Lao Zi's tiny body was like a golf ball, and was kicked out by the ice dragon's tail.

Seeing this, Mizuki Ryosuke shook his head slightly.

Wouldn't someone really think that they could "kill" the Ice Dragon King?

Looking at the old purple who flew out backwards, Mizuki Ryosuke's eyes flashed a trace of pity.

He never imagined that Rock Shinobi was such a "head iron".

The Ice Dragon King itself is just an aggregate of inanimate elements, and the reason why it can have a lifelike performance like a real creature, but only depends on the manipulation of Mizuki Ryosuke.

Ice Dragon King is just a ninjutsu, and if you have to say it, it is similar to the 2.5 puppet in the hands of Sand Shinobi puppet master.

Just imagine, if you smash the "head" of an ice sculpture, can you really kill the ice sculpture?

Not only that, in the realm of celestial phenomena, Mizuki Ryosuke only needs to maintain the performance of celestial phenomena, and in the extremely cold ice area, the Susheng of the Ice Dragon King does not even need to consume Mizuki Ryosuke's Chakra.

In other words, want to "kill" or "destroy" the Ice Dragon King.

There are only two ways, or simply kill Mizuki Ryosuke.

Either break Mizuki Ryosuke's celestial phenomenon from the pro-realm and eliminate the source of the ice dragon king Susheng from the "root".

But obviously, neither of these two old purples can do it.

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