This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 357 Want to run away with a bucket? Too late!\r

The celestial phenomenon is coming. The third stage. The realm of eternal sin has been broken!!!

The ice debris in the sky was smashed along with the ice in the Eternal Sin Domain, and was lifted into the sky.

After the shattered Eternal Sin Domain ice shattered and fell on the ground, it suddenly disappeared without a trace, directly vaporizing and disappearing into the air.

The originally bright sky was once again filled with cold air.

The cold wind roared, the clear sky became gloomy again, and the snowflakes that were fluttering fell one after another.

And this time, the nature of the snowflakes falling from the sky seems to have changed a little.

The crystal snowflakes gradually began to grow thicker and more menacing.

Look at it again, where are the snowflakes falling from the sky, but hailstones of different sizes!


With the crisp sound of a piece of hail falling on the ground and being shattered, the hailstones began to fall one after another.

At this point, even a fool can see it - this weather, there is a problem!!!

Four Tails looked at the small human on the other side with solemn eyes.

Recalling the experience of being frozen by the Eternal Sin Domain, the Four Tails grandson felt a little shudder.

That kind of icy cold that pierces the soul, that kind of terrifying low temperature..

It doesn't want to experience it a second time in its entire life.

At this moment, the old grandson of Four Tails suddenly had the intention to retire.

Looking at this dangerous human being in front of him, his self-confidence was instantly destroyed without a trace.

For some reason, the Four Tails grandson suddenly remembered a distant memory buried deep in his mind.

Humans are not all weak.

For example, the True Several Thousand Hands Buddha that is as high as a thousand feet and crushes the tailed beast!

Another example is that although it is slightly inferior to the Big Buddha, it still beats the tailed beast like a Susanoo costume that beats a child.

At this moment, Four Tails was suddenly afraid.

Because he vaguely saw the shadow of the two people on the body of the young man opposite him.

How to do?

Is it going to break its promise?

Thinking of his commitment to Jinchūriki, Four Tails was vaguely hesitant.

In general, although the tailed beasts have different personalities, the grandson of Four Tails, who is arrogant in appearance, still pays more attention to commitment in his heart.

But what he didn't know at the moment was that even if it wanted to break its promise and run away with a fat bucket, it was already too late.

The same same move, why can seconds Six Tails, but not seconds Four Tails.

It's not that the Four Tails are much stronger than the Six Tails, except for the Nine Tails and the Eight Tails, even if the other seven tailed beasts are strong and weak, they are not much stronger than the other.

Mizuki Ryosuke quickly got the answer after a simple thought.

In fact, the reason is very direct and very simple.

That is - attributes.

Six Tails Saiken, its own properties are foam and acid.

But these two attributes are actually branches and variants of the attribute "water".

And the powerful ice attribute attack of Tianxiang Conglin. Eternal Sin field undoubtedly restrains the "water" attribute.

As a composite attribute of wind and water, ice's restraint on water naturally need not be mentioned.

The property of the Four Tails grandson is completely different, its property is "lava".

Unlike water, which is frozen by one-sided assimilation in the face of low temperature, the high temperature of lava properties has obvious resistance in the face of low temperature.

In this confrontation between "ice" and "lava", the so-called "successful lava" and "defeated lava".

In battle, once the opposing attributes are stronger and weaker, it is easy to be crushed.

However, the attributes of mutual restraint can bring a certain resistance at this critical moment, so that they will not be killed by one blow.

Sai Weng loses his horse and knows that it is not a blessing, but it is so.

After understanding the joints, Mizuki Ryosuke didn't think about it, he turned his eyes to the Four Tails grandson who was standing still.

It was you who died just now, what about this time?

"Exactly, the skin of the tailed animal is thick and fleshy, plus attribute resistance, let you be the first test object for this trick."

"If it were someone else, I'd be really afraid of being beaten to death. 39

Mizuki Ryosuke said to himself in his heart.

At the same time, his Chakra began to deplete rapidly.

And as Mizuki Ryosuke's Chakra was consumed, the hail falling from the sky and the cold wind of the call sign intensified.

After struggling for a while, the Four Tails old grandson also noticed the abnormality around him.

As the weather worsened, Four Tails' uneasy feeling became more and more obvious.


"You can't just sit still here!"

Whether fighting or retreating, the current unfavorable situation must be resolved first.


At the moment, the huge body of Four Tails jumped high, and the distance between Four Tails and Mizuki Ryosuke was instantly crossed under the amazing jumping power of the tail beast.

The Four Tails grandson raised his fists and smashed hard against Mizuki Ryosuke on the ground.

In this regard, Mizuki Ryosuke did not even have the idea of ​​dodging, he waved the blood-colored ice staff in his hand.

Ice escape. Absolute zero!

Two semicircular blood-colored ice walls extend from both sides, forming a flawless defense to protect Mizuki Ryosuke. When the two ice walls overlap, they form a dragon head shape.


Four Tails slammed into the ice wall formed by absolute zero with a punch, and the powerful anti-shock force made Four Tails suddenly feel a pain in the flesh.

Under the strong defense of Absolute Zero, the huge fist of the Four Tails could not move forward.

But of course its attack will not be so simple.

Lava Style․ Burning River Great Eruption!!!

Four Tails continued to exert force, and immediately smashed Mizuki Ryosuke, who was protected by absolute zero, into the ground.

It wasn't over yet, as the Four Tails exerted their force, the monstrous lava began to erupt outside the defense formed by absolute zero.

A huge volcanic impact formed in an instant, wrapping the ice wall of the dragon's head protecting Mizuki Ryosuke in it.

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