This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 390, Young People Are Awesome!

After a long time, Third Raikage was the first to break the silence.

"The younger generation is terrifying....

In one sentence, expresses the voice of Third Raikage.

The majestic face of Third Raikage was full of complex expressions at the moment.

Looking at Minazuki Ryosuke who has already inherited the title of "Kage" at a young age, Third Raikage sighed in his heart.

At the same time, he also understands the reason why this war can be won.

The key is not with him, let alone the 10,000 Rock Shinobi who died in battle, but with Minazuki Ryosuke who has been planning behind the scenes.

Exactly how Minazuki Ryosuke did it, though not even Third Raikage knew.

But he understands that overall, even he is probably just a pawn in Ryosuke's hands.

Even so, Third Raikage still owes Minazuki Ryosuke a big favor in this war.

After all, if there is no Minazuki Ryosuke shot, Cloud Shinobi may be in danger in this battle.

"You are ridiculous."

Minazuki Ryosuke didn't take the credit, just shook his head with a smile, with an extremely humble attitude.

"We will never forget the kindness of Mist Shinobi."

"For future alliances, Cloud Shinobi will always take the initiative to keep them alive."

513 showed a trace of awe on the face of Third Raikage, and said with a serious attitude.

As Minazuki Ryosuke thinks, no matter from a long-term perspective or from the current situation, Cloud Shinobi does not need to be an enemy of Mist Shinobi.

In addition, the relationship between the two countries is now in the honeymoon period, and the alliance between the two parties will be beneficial without any harm. Naturally, Third Raikage will try its best to maintain the covenant between the two parties.

"This is also what Mist Shinobi means."

"The "Cloud Alliance" is indeed necessary to continue."

Minazuki Ryosuke responded with a smile, and reached a consensus with Third Generation Kage on the core issue.

But he deliberately kept Third Raikage, not just to say these things that have become conclusive.

In this regard, Third Raikage naturally knows the elegant meaning by listening to the stringed songs. Unfaithful to Minazuki Ryosuke, Third Raikage has already guessed Minazuki Ryosuke's thoughts.

"Your Excellency Mizukage, please speak directly if you have anything to say."

"Anything Cloud Shinobi and I can do right now, I will do my best to cooperate."

Third Raikage solemnly promised, exuding a heavy aura like a mountain from his body.

The value of this promise is not insignificant.

"Human feelings" have completely different values ​​for different people.

For a ninja like Third Raikage who pays attention to the word "righteousness", the weight of favor and commitment is particularly heavy.

But for people like Tsuchikage Ohnogi who believe in the "rock spirit", maybe it is not the case.

Seeing that Third Raikage is so knowledgeable, Ryosuke Minadutsu no longer hides it.

The reason why he worked so hard to help Cloud Shinobi was because of this moment.

At that moment, Minazuki Ryosuke slowly stretched out a finger, and placed it on the ice round table that was as smooth as a mirror in front of him.

As his fingertips slid, a penetrating word came into Third Raikage's eyes.

At that moment, Third Raikage's mind moved, and his pupils contracted violently a few times.

Because what Minazuki Ryosuke wrote is a big "love".

Third Raikage looked at Minazuki Ryosuke with serious eyes, but found that the other party still had a gentle smile on his young face.

It's just that this gentle smile that makes people feel like a spring breeze is a bit dazzling in Third Raikage's eyes.

Because he found that even though he tried his best to observe, he couldn't see through the smile, what was the young man's inner thoughts.

Things seemed to be much heavier (cicg) than he imagined.

Third Raikage's heart sank slightly.

At the same time, Huangtu's burly body carried two equally burly men down from the ice tower and came to the formation of Rock Shinobi.

The Rock Shinobi carried by the loess is Wen Ya and Shinoda Saburo.

Now that Huangtu has agreed to Minazuki Ryosuke's conditions, Minazuki Ryosuke will naturally fulfill his promise and return the two of them to Rock Shinobi.

All Rock Shinobi turned their eyes to Huangtu, with anticipation and tension in their eyes.

They knew that the news that Huang Tu would announce next might be related to their own wealth and lives.

"Take them down and wake them up........."

Huang Tu casually handed Wen Ya and Shinoda Saburo to a Rock Shinobi in front of him, and said in a tired and bitter voice.

The current situation has changed suddenly. Lucky people like Wen Ya and Nobuda Saburo can come back, but some people are destined not to come back.

Thinking of this, Tianyu's heart became more and more bitter.

"This is……………………"

After taking over the bodies of Chinese teeth and Saburo Shinobi from Huang Tu, Rock Shinobi had a strange look on his face.

The status of the two people who are unconscious at the moment is not low in Rock Shinobi, and this Rock Shinobi naturally recognizes their identities.

It's just that what he didn't understand was that Wen Ya and Nobuda Saburo would appear here in such a posture.

Although all the Rock Shinobi were somewhat puzzled by the appearance of these two people, they were obviously more concerned about another matter at the moment.

"Huang Tu, how's the situation?!"

An Elite Jōnin immediately approached Huangtu and asked Huangtu.

Everyone knows what the "situation" that this Elite Jōnin is asking about refers to.

"The war ... ... ... ... ... is over."

"The end result was a ……………………… a draw.

Huang Tu's eyes were blank and he said that when he said the word "draw" at the end, he only felt weak all over his body.

It seemed that all the strength disappeared with these two words.

All the Rock Shinobi looked weird one after another, feeling confused.

Several Elite Jōnin of Rock Shinobi looked at each other and frowned. .

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