The life of the ninja school is undoubtedly extremely boring for Itachi and Aoba.

If it wasn't for Aoba's sake, Itachi would already be thinking about using a shadow clone to come to school.

And since the story of the two of them killing the seniors in seconds on the first day of school spread, the two of them suddenly became famous, and they almost became role models for the juniors!

Of course, in the face of this kind of "rebellion" of the lower grades against the seniors, it is not that no one chooses to take action, and wants to teach them a lesson.

But whether it was one-on-one or bullying the less with more, all the people who came to ask for trouble all came back, and they lost very badly!

The most dazzling record was when Aoba and Itachi teamed up to abuse ten senior "seniors" who came to the door, leaving the onlookers so shocked that they were almost speechless.

Since then, no one has come to feel uncomfortable again, which is a default of their strength.

And the silence of the senior students also let the entire ninja school know that there are two 'monster freshmen' who have graduated with strength this year!

One is a genius boy from the Uchiha family, and the other is a war orphan brought back by Konoha.

It is clear that the status of the two people is very different, but it has not become an obstacle to their friendship.

And some good people even gave Aoba and Itachi the title of 'Gemini'.

Who made the two strongest people in this session not only friends, but also very close, and even often eat lunch together.

People can't help but sigh that geniuses can only be friends with geniuses.

When Qing Yu heard this kind of emotion at the time, he almost broke his power. What kind of genius is he, a genius who can't even use the three-body technique well...

As for the other students in this class, including the teacher who taught the class, their sense of existence became extremely weak under the cover of the light of the two of them.

Even the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi who are busy with official business every day have heard about the deeds of the two of them...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In Naruto's office, Sarutobi felt a headache when he saw the early graduation application sent by the dean of Ninja School.

It has only been a month since the school reopened, and some people have applied for early graduation, and they are still two freshmen who have just entered the school.

In the past, he would definitely put it aside and ignore it.

Because this is so ridiculous!

However, he had already heard about the two students who applied for early graduation.

Uchiha Itachi, the super genius of the Uchiha family, and the 'disturbing spirit' Shinomiya Aoba...

Judging from the news that came back, the two of them are indeed capable of more than Jinnin, and even Sarutobi himself is a little tempted, and wants to wait for them to grow up and earn income.

But that doesn't mean Sarutobi will agree to let the two of them graduate directly!

Although it seems that the ninja school can teach them very little, especially in terms of improving their strength, there are still many basic knowledge that the two of them do not have.

Coupled with the current domestic and foreign troubles in Konoha, Sarutobi does not want them to enter the cruel world of ninjas too early.

After all, a genius needs time to grow, and there is no difference between a genius who died halfway and an ordinary ninja who sacrificed!

So after thinking about it again and again, Sarutobi drew a big X on this early graduation application, and then wrote a sentence, which was his opinion on the matter.

If you want to graduate early, you can, but you must study at Ninja School for more than one year before you can apply again!

And with this year's buffer time, I believe that they should be able to master what they should learn with their two aptitudes.

You can also avoid the tragic war between Konoha and Yunyin at the moment.

This is a compromise solution, and at the same time, it is the safest situation that Sarutobi thinks, it will not hurt the enthusiasm of the two little devils, and it can serve multiple purposes.

"Come on, send this application back."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ninja School, inside the teacher's office.

"Lord Naruto rejected your two applications for early graduation, and stated that if you want to graduate early, you must study in school for more than a year. This is for your own good, Lord Naruto, and it is also a decision that our teachers agree with. In fact, Graduating too early to become a ninja is not good for your growth, I hope you two will think about it carefully and don’t be too impatient.”

Looking at X with the Hokage seal on the application, Aoba and Itachi couldn't help but glance at each other, knowing that this was temporarily impossible.

After all, looking at all the ninjas who graduated from the ninja school, Kakashi, who spent the shortest time, also stayed here for two full years.

The two of them wanted to graduate after only one month of school. It was a fantasy!

But anyway, I didn't report much hope. If you can't do it, you can't do it. At most, you can survive this year without any harm.

In addition, since they already know Hokage's attitude towards this matter, they have a bottom line in their hearts.

"We got it, Fujiwara-sensei."

Fujiwara-sensei, who was in charge of teaching their class, looked slightly relieved, but to be honest, facing these two talented youngsters, he was both proud and helpless in his heart.

Otherwise, they would not have been asked over and over again and risked being scolded to help them submit this application.

"Teacher knows that you will not waste too much time in school. But the world of ninjas is not just about strength, intelligence, teamwork, reconnaissance...etc will determine the final result of a battle, so teacher I hope you can study with peace of mind in the next period of time, so as not to make low-level mistakes in the future, harm yourself and others."

Fujiwara-sensei's experience is of course very But in the final analysis, the strength of the ninja is the basis for deciding the outcome, and other conditions are only based on their own strength.

Think of Minato, who can make hostile ninjas flee without taking responsibility for mission failures!

There is also Konoha White Fang, the enemy he once killed was terrified!

So in Qing Yu's view, absolute strength can crush everything.

It's just that he doesn't have this strength now, so Fujiwara-sensei's instructions are not useless.

Seeing that both Aoba and Itachi seemed to have listened to their own words, Mr. Fujiwara seemed very happy, "Okay, let's go to the training ground. Today we have a practical class, and you two performed well. Of course, when facing other students, you also Don't overdo it, lest it damage their self-confidence."

It doesn't need to be said too clearly, but in fact, I just want them to release water.

After all, not every freshman is as perverted as they are!

If the mentality collapses, the loss will be huge.

But they have to let them both go to class, alas, what a headache!

Looking at the backs of Aoba and Itachi leaving together, Fujiwara-sensei understood for the first time what the trouble of happiness is.

(PS: Book friends in the group can get their own sets of books. In addition, there are only one and two groups of real book friends. Driving and talking about some sensitive topics are strictly prohibited in the group. If you are driving, don't add it, it's easy to die in battle. Now a group of people can't be found because they were maliciously reported, but there are more than 800 friends in the group. Those who still want to join the group can now add the second group: 1079746799, it is nearly Three hundred people, and the upper limit is one thousand. It should be enough for the time being. The old faceless usually has water groups from time to time in the afternoon or evening. Welcome everyone to come to the master ball to catch it.)

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