This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 209 Crisis, sea monster attacks

After listening to Emily's words, everyone fell into silence.

Lilith took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "Although I can't believe everything Emily said, there are still some merits.

At least……

The attitude is positive. "

"Is there something wrong with my reasoning?"

Wright waved his hand quickly: "Your reasoning is good, but you can't do it all. Let me tell you, do you have any evidence?"

Emily spread her hands helplessly: "Although not, I think..."

"But one thing is, this matter may indeed have something to do with the Sea Clan."

Wright took the sapphire and looked at it carefully: "Anyway, I will go to the Sea Tribe early tomorrow morning to bring Gladys back.

Just in time, let's torture these sea tribes and see if we can find any clues. "

Lilith stared at the sapphire: "I think it's better not to keep this thing around you, just in case it happens again like this time."

Wright waved his hand: "No, I have to keep this thing close to my body now. At least this way, no matter what happens, I can still control the situation.

If the same thing happened to someone else, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Although everyone wanted to persuade Wright, they could not find any words to refute for the moment.

Indeed, if it were anyone else present, today's situation, which is so deep in fog, would be much worse.

Even Lilith may not dare to say that she can escape unscathed during her whole body period.

Not to mention the current indigestion.

"Don't worry, I've already been there once. Although I don't know how to enter actively yet, I can leave at any time.

At least the other party didn't dare to confront me head-on, which meant that he wasn't sure he could beat me.

So, I’d better take this thing with me. "

When Wright said this, he suddenly looked at Pinocchio who was silent at the side: "How about, Old Pi, can you help me share my worries?"

"Me? I can't do it!"

"[Unknown] and [Lie] are very similar. What if you realize it?"

"Don't! I would rather find [Lies], that's the right way for me to be promoted!"

"What's wrong with evolving by mistake! Losing Greymon's combat power is also very powerful!"

"I don't know if this thing is strong, but the name sounds wrong!"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Wright put the gem away again: "It seems that the water in this world is much deeper than I thought.

I really chose a good place to be my back garden.

But since it’s a place I like, I won’t allow anyone to continue to get involved! "

"Jiaozu, it's not good!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded outside the grocery store: "Monsters! There are many monsters on the beach, rushing towards Harbor City!

It’s so dense and scary! "

Wright took a deep breath: "What the hell! I haven't even reached three seconds yet!"

Joanna suddenly held Wright's hand: "Wright, I suddenly feel uncomfortable?"


"Someone is challenging Aphra and I for our position as world masters."

Joanna's shadow had a serious expression: "The other party has launched a war of gods!"

"How is it possible? Apart from you two, there should be some unworthy evil gods in this world.

Even if other gods return, they do not have a broad base of believers and have no right to launch a war among the gods! "

Emily pulled Wright's sleeve: "Yes! Poseidon!"

Emily's words immediately shocked everyone.

Yes, Poseidon!

If you have to say, who else can challenge the authority of the twin goddesses of Holy Light as the Lord of the World.

If you have to do the math, with the Holy Light Religion at its peak, who else’s believers can compare with the human race.

That must be Poseidon.

But after the last war of gods, Poseidon should have left this world.

Wright looked at Joanna, who shook her head: "I have to ask Aphra about this to find out what's going on."

"No, I know."

The Lie Demon suddenly spoke: "After all, I was also a witness to the last war between the gods. And the final decisive battle took place on the sea.

I was also sealed in the trench by the Goddess of Holy Light during that battle.

For a conceptual level powerhouse, this is really a past event that I don’t want to mention. "

Wright's eyes flashed fiercely: "Speak quickly, strong man."

"Ahem, it's actually very simple. I was the one who instigated the original war of gods. Moreover, everything is developing according to the script I wrote.

But later, the dragons on Dragon Island saw my conspiracy and joined forces with the devil to expose my biggest lie.

Because that lie was not targeted at the public like the Harbor City lie, there was no massive negative emotional feedback after the lie was exposed.

I therefore entered a period of absolute weakness.

The strength is probably a bit similar to Lilith now, or even weaker.

In that case, the Goddess of Holy Light first defeated the Poseidon and became the Lord of the World.

With the energy of ascending to the throne of the Lord, the formation provided by the devil, and the old monsters of the Dragon Clan, they took action.

My true body was sealed.

I remember very clearly that at that time, Poseidon had been defeated by the Goddess of Holy Light and expelled from this world.

It was unmistakable, and if he had not failed, my lie would not have lost the most important part.

To be honest, I did underestimate the strength of the Holy Light Goddess at that time.

The more chaotic the world becomes, the more mellow and rich the power of faith the Goddess of Holy Light gets. "

Wright sneered: "I have said long ago that as much as people are afraid of war and chaos, they are even more eager for peace and beauty.

So this chaos, this unjust war provoked by you, is destined to be the ultimate victory for good. "

Lilith frowned: "According to what you say, Poseidon should leave here completely, just like the elves' goddess of life and the dwarves' forging god of iron and fire.

If he comes back secretly, it will be impossible to hide it from the perception of the Lord God of the World..."

Wright waved his hand: "We will discuss this matter later. The top priority is to prevent Harbor City from being attacked.

This is the foundation of my flesh-and-blood divine religion. If it is knocked down, where will the dignity of my religious ancestor go? "

Wright strode out of the room and summoned his Holy Shield, Embrace of the Goddess, in the courtyard.

"Joanna, help me!"


Joanna's shadow floated over, and Wright stretched out his hand to take her into his arms.

The Embrace of the Goddess suddenly lost its pitch-black appearance, and golden and silver lights complemented each other.

"The Holy Coming Combat Technique! Chant of Light!"

Wright embraced the goddess and raised the holy shield high. The bright light shot straight into the sky, and then turned into countless meteors and fell from the sky, enveloping Harbor City.

The defensive array composed of huge Shenghui fighting energy protected the entire Harbor City, but some fish still slipped into the city.

Wright then shouted loudly: "All priests of the Church of Flesh and Blood God obey orders! All members of the Church of Flesh and Blood God obey orders!

Attack freely and wipe out all incoming enemies!

Let’s start a carnival of blood and flesh! "

As Wright's voice echoed in Harbor City, human beasts with bulging muscles came out of their cages one after another.

They roared, howled, and posed in various bodybuilding postures, rushing towards the beach where the monster was attacking.

This is the territory of the Flesh God Cult, and they dare to invade without restraint.

You really don’t take everyone who exercises muscles every day to improve yourself seriously, do you?


Then, come and experience the charm of muscles!

On the beach, Red Stick Wage sprinted up to several sea monsters and flexed his latissimus dorsi.

"Are you the monsters trying to invade? It's so unfortunate that you met me!

Let me tell you, I am the best in the entire hall!

Wagga Trust at Pier 3 in Harbor City! Remember this name with your life! "

Several half-human, half-fish monsters seemed to have no IQ, and they roared and rushed towards Wagg.

"Hmph! Military killing punch! The first move! Lunge punch! One! Two!"

Wague punched brazenly, and the absolute strength of his muscles brought an extremely powerful impact.

The fist wind cut through the air, producing a unique explosion sound.

The unsuspecting fish-man monster had its chest shattered on the spot, and its companions behind it were also penetrated.

However, after the monster died, it turned into a pool of sea water and seeped into the ground.

"The eighth move! Turn away! One! Two!"

Wag took a step further, rushed into the enemy group, and used another ruthless and precise move to kill the remaining monsters.

But these monsters, like the fishmen before, turned into sea water and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The same thing keeps happening in the coastal area of ​​Harbor City.

These believers of the Flesh God Cult are one or two with muscular bodies and have been transformed by flesh and blood seeds. They all possess abnormal physical strength.

At first, they were just a group of muscular porters who were not good at fighting.

But since the last time, when Wright taught them flesh and blood aerobics, he also taught them some radio gymnastics and military gymnastics, as well as some five-step boxing for health.

These guys suddenly became brave and good at fighting.

Wright didn't quite understand the specific reason.

But one thing is that they have not found a suitable enemy since they started practicing until now.

Wright even explicitly prohibited them from engaging in this kind of sparring with moves among themselves.

The most common entertainment activities for everyone are bodybuilding competitions and arm-wrestling competitions.

I have learned a lot of killing skills, but I have no place to practice them.

I can only keep doing bodybuilding and fitness every day and masturbate.

The beast in my heart is dormant again and again...

Today, I finally have the chance to release it!

The believers of the Flesh God Religion felt happy from the bottom of their hearts when they saw the monsters rushing out of the sea.

Even though the opponent's face is extremely twisted and terrifying, in their eyes, he is the best human punching bag in the world!

It must be fisted to the heart! A good treat!

"Yeah! Take my move! The times are howling! Breast expansion exercise!"

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