This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 228 Dive, continue to dive

Harbor City, which had just experienced a war, was in desperate need of rest.

People who have no idea what is going on should be comforted even more.

Wright did not choose to attack the deep ravine with great fanfare, but took Unica and Pinocchio with him and went into battle lightly.

They set off from the harbor, arrived at the target location as quickly as possible, and then dived towards the sea.

A powerful shield of holy light bloomed from Wright's body, protecting Unica and the puppets.

The group of them just kept sinking and falling in the sea.

The beautiful seascape fascinates Unika, after all, this is her first time diving into the sea.

Pinocchio, on the other hand, is still immersed in what Light told him before and trying to understand how to use Pinocchio's power.

For this reason, he went to Emily to borrow "The Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales" and studied "Pinocchio" seriously.

"Boss! I saw that in Pinocchio, Pinocchio also fell into the sea and was eaten by a whale.

That's why you want to take me with you?

Is this part of your plan? "

Wright looked at him speechlessly: "So part of my plan is to defeat the God of the Sea in the depths of the sea.

Throw you to some giant whale?

I beg you, don’t just look at the superficial contents and appear superficial.

You have to understand the central idea that the author wants to express through the deep meaning between the lines! Get the spirit!

Reading comprehension, never done it? "


"If not, just keep watching."

After hearing what Wright said, the Lie Demon was very angry, but because he couldn't defeat Wright, he could only choose to endure it.

After reading for a while, the Lie Demon asked again: "I read that in the story, Pinocchio turned into a donkey because of his playfulness.


"So, Pipi shrimp, they turned into donkeys for fun, what does it have to do with you, the devil of lies!?

Can you read some serious parts? "

Wright grabbed the fairy tale collection and shook the book: "The core of this story lies in the part where Pinocchio transforms from a talking and moving puppet into a real little boy.

If you want to understand Pinocchio's abilities, give me a good look at this paragraph.

Think carefully, ponder carefully, and polish with heart. "

The Lie Demon nodded repeatedly, but confusion was written on his face.

Wright shook his head helplessly and handed the book to the cute and cute Unica sitting beside him.

Unexpectedly, instead of putting the book away, Unica became interested.

She reached out and turned the book to the chapter "The Daughter of the Sea" and began to study it carefully.

Wrapped in the Holy Light Shield, the three of them were still descending.

The beautiful scenery in the sea around it gradually becomes eerie and scary, making people terrified just by looking at it.

The Lie Demon stood beside Wright, looking at the dark deep sea, and couldn't help but marvel.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, since we are so bright now, we should be a very dazzling star in the deep sea world.

Those deep sea monsters should come over and swallow us hard. "

Wright was speechless after hearing his words: "I said, Mr. Pinocchio, is there a possibility that our combination is actually very powerful.

The monsters in the Divine Sea were scared away just by being scared.

Do you really want to be swallowed by a giant whale, or are you suffering from Emily syndrome? "

"Okay! I really can't understand the true intention of this story. I broke the pot.

Boss, can you just tell me? "

Seeing his appearance, Wright sighed helplessly.

"I'm telling you, it won't help you at all. It's like I introduced the functions of an alchemy-driven sports car clearly.

But an apprentice who has never touched a steering wheel cannot get on the road.

But you are my employee, so I will give you a little hint of the standard answer. "

After careful consideration, Wright decided to help the devil of lies again.

After all, this battle is a battle with the ancient ocean god in the endless deep sea.

Although the gap in strength is obvious, in order to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, it is indeed necessary to improve the strength of the people accompanying them.

“At the end of the story, Pinocchio rescued his father and passed the test of the Blue Fairy.

Finally, with the help of the fairy in blue, the little puppet turned into a little boy.

But have you ever thought that a little puppet boy is a huge lie in itself.

Just some wood and iron nails can not only move and speak like real people, but also eventually become the ultimate human being.

So Pinocchio itself is a lie.

But in the end, this lie came true.

If a lie comes true, is it still a lie?

The devil of lies, you like to make up lies and then use new lies to cover up old lies.

In this way, lies are like a bunch of grapes, growing more and more.

Finally, the branches were completely crushed and fell to the ground, smashed to pieces.

So your lies are vulgar, because they are doomed to fail from the moment they are born.

But in this world, there are many successful lies, some that are eventually realized.

Lies can be exposed, but they can also become true.

When lies aren't lies, you may find new uses for your abilities. "

At this point, Wright pointed to Pinocchio's nose.

"For example, you lied today that the eggs cost three yuan and a pound. But by chance, the eggs really turned out to be three yuan and a pound.

So, has your nose gotten longer or shorter? "

After listening to Wright's words, the Lie Demon seemed to have grasped some inspiration, but it was fleeting.

But this is a good start after all.

Finally, in total darkness. Wright took Unika and landed on the seabed at the bottom of the ocean.

"Wright, I seem to feel something."

Unica immediately locked onto the other party and immediately informed Wright: "If I guessed correctly, Gladys is not far away.

If she were still Gladys. "

Wright reached out and rubbed her head: "Don't worry, she will be fine.

After all, half of the witch's power is not vegetarian. If Poseidon wants to deal with her, he will explode if the emergency measures set up by the Tower of Truth are triggered.

When the time comes, maybe something will happen to that one.

In the face of a formidable enemy, Ocean God may not have the courage. "

Sure enough, as Wright expected, after they landed, a man walked out of a huge shell in the depths of the deep sea.

"You did chase me all the way here!"

"Yeah, I have to kill you completely before I can sleep peacefully."

While speaking, Wright stepped out of the body-protecting holy light. With a swipe of his finger, a living space was created for Unica and Pinocchio.

Wright stood in the deep sea and stretched his body: "Don't go out of the circle I drew for you. Wait until my master goes to grab some fast food for you and comes back."

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