This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 274 The mystery of the fall of the God King (please vote for me)

Joanna only felt that her cheeks were hot, she felt dizzy, and her whole body felt weak and weak.

Although she was extremely shy, she couldn't escape from Wright's arrogant arms, so she could only shrink into his arms as if resigned to her fate, trying not to look at the three Aphras.

Aphra was also confused by Wright all of a sudden, muttering with a somewhat complicated expression.

"You two should try to avoid people."


Wright didn't feel embarrassed at all, but hugged Joanna generously.

"This is not something shameful!"

"Okay, okay, you are awesome."

Aphra came to the hall with two trembling life goddesses, pointed at Wright and said.

"Look, I just said let me convey it. You must talk to him yourself!

Let’s talk, let’s talk, and pay attention to your own safety. "

Wright frowned: "Don't tell me I'm a dangerous thing that needs to be contained."

"Isn't it dangerous? The goddess has fallen!"

"Go, go, let's play."

Wright handed Joanna in his arms to Aphra and stood in front of the two Nora sisters with his hands behind his back.

"I think Aphra has told you the general situation of the matter."

"Yes...yes, Mr. Wright. Lord Aphra has already said that the Ancient Tree of Life has bloomed, and there is also the seal of the Tower of Truth."

"Then, what do you think? If you want to leave, I can..."

"Mr. Wright, we are not leaving."

Sister Nora's tone was very firm: "Our father taught us not to run away when we should stand up.

We are gods. If all the gods escape, then this world will truly be over. "

Wright couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at the two delicate sisters in front of him again.

"Although I don't know your father, I think he is an amazing god. Here, let me pay him some respect."

"Thank you, Mr. Wright. Father would be very happy if he knew."

Nora quickly returned the gift, and Noi also smiled and nodded.

"So, do you have any good solutions or suggestions for the flowering of the Tree of Life?"

"Yes! Find the divine crown of King Lieyang."

"Hmm...that artifact of your father's?"


Nora’s expression was very determined, and then she waved her hands quickly as if she had thought of something: “Mr. Wright, I don’t want to use your hands to find this treasure.

I say this because this artifact can really solve this tree of life flowering incident.

The Crown of the Sun King can make the Tree of Life evolve again! "

"Evolve again?"

"Evolve again!"

"...I mean, please explain what it means to evolve again."

Nora smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry. It's like this. You may know that the tree of life is actually a branch of the tree of the world.

That's the one we gave Aphra.

Of course, that one was too small and contained insufficient energy, so it did not meet the conditions for evolving into an ancient tree of life.

Suitable branches can become ancient trees of life after being manipulated and catalyzed by the God of Life.

It can help us better manage believers and harvest faith.

But this ancient tree of life is incomplete.

As you can see, it is a very convenient aid to our God of Life.

But to the world in which it takes root, it is an undisputed poisonous weed.

It distorts the laws of life, it drains the energy of the world.

Because of its existence, the life force in the world will inevitably become imbalanced, causing various natural disasters.

This is contrary to the pursuit of the life divine system. "

After hearing this, Wright nodded slightly: "Indeed, it is a bit strange for the Life God System to come up with such a blasphemous thing."

"Yes, our father once mentioned to us when we were young that the Ancient Tree of Life was actually a failed work and an incomplete work.

This creation should have been abandoned, but later other gods in the pantheon were blinded by profit and used it on a large scale regardless of the ban.

Because it is indeed effective, and it can indeed help the life system to gain an unstoppable advantage during the grazing process.

In the end, the ban fell into place.

After all, there are too many competitors outside the Life God System. "

When Nora said this, she couldn't help but look at Aphra, the goddess of holy light.

"So, evolve again?"

"Oh, sorry."

Nora laughed dryly and continued: "Although the Ancient Tree of Life has been widely used, its improvement and improvement work within the Life God System has also been advancing.

Not so long ago…

Not long ago, the Life God System finally developed a new alternative to God.

The new sacred tree possesses all the functions of the ancient tree of life and will not interfere with the laws of life in the current world.

At the same time, while gaining the life force of the world, it will also feed back great benefits to the world!

Just like, just like real trees.

Although they draw nutrients from the earth, they also feed back to nourish the earth.

Planting a tree will not make the land barren, but will make it more fertile!

This is a win-win and symbiotic relationship! "

Wright frowned: "Is there such a good thing? It's unlikely. After all, energy doesn't appear out of thin air..."

Nora nodded: “Yes, although this new sacred tree is harmless, its functions are complete enough.

But its efficacy is much lower than the previous ancient tree of life, and its growth cycle is also longer.

This makes many gods of the life system very dissatisfied.

They were unwilling to give up the original Ancient Tree of Life, but my father believed that continuing to use the Ancient Tree of Life was a desecration of life, and required the entire pantheon to implement a new sacred tree.

Then...infighting broke out within the Life God System.

It was in this world that those rebels plotted against our father and destroyed all information related to the new sacred tree.

But what we do know is that my father also hid a piece of information in his artifact.

As long as we can retrieve his divine crown, then we can get the upgrade method of the new divine tree.

At that time, you only need to advance this ancient tree of life, and the new divine tree will overwrite the rewriting of the laws of life by the original ancient tree of life. "

Wright nodded slightly: "I understand, there is a serious vulnerability in version 1.0 of the Divine Tree of Life. Now we only need to overwrite and install version 2.0 to directly cover the error vulnerability.

This is indeed a good solution.

But...where is your father's artifact?

King Lieyang has fallen for so long, and it is no secret that his divine crown fell to this world.

I think that over the years, people from all walks of life must have searched for it many times overtly and covertly, but still found nothing.

It's true that you two are his biological daughters, but... can you guarantee that they will be found? "


My sister Nora nodded confidently: "Because the Sun King's divine crown has always been there."

"Always there? Where?"

Nora pointed outside the temple: "In the sun."

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