This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 334 The Corrupt Blue Moon (please subscribe)

Wright looked at the pamphlet that Jenny handed over and felt a hundred reluctances in his heart.

He had a hunch that this pamphlet was filled with trouble.

But some things are like this and can't be escaped.

Although the weeds in the yard have been pulled out, there is still a corrupt lady outside the yard, who is looking at her with eager eyes, thinking of burning her small yard to the ground.

That's true, you have to take a look.

Wright let out a cry of unknown meaning and snatched the pamphlet from Jenny's hand.

He kept turning it over, his face full of disdain.

It does record some things about Mrs. Corruption, but the information is very distorted.

There is no way.

Both the Tower of Truth and the Truth Workshop are actually pheasant organizations that have little to do with the Gate of Truth.

They do not belong to the Gate of Truth at all. Although it is fanatical, it is not organized.

I have never heard of an apostle-level boss like Mrs. Corruption.

That is to say, the Sage of the Sky failed to enter the Sea of ​​Underworld after his death and was stranded on the Underworld Beach. By chance, he met the real personnel of the Gate of Truth, and he barely managed to establish a line.

And the Sage of the Sky deceived these people in the Truth Workshop for his own resurrection.

Let them work hard for themselves, set up camp in various cities of the First Empire and develop silently, and finally achieve the goal of placing the eggs of corruption in the Holy Light Cathedral in each city.

But if the Sage of the Sky wants to be resurrected, it seems that he needs the lives of these members of the Truth Workshop as sacrifices.

Because, in order to prevent these magicians from noticing, the Sage of the Sky also made disguises and fine-tuning when conveying the information to the Workshop of Truth.

As a result, the teachings and records contained therein have been completely distorted and have lost their reference value.

If you prepare according to the description of the Corrupt Lady in the pamphlet, there will probably be a big problem.

However, when Wright turned to the next few pages, his expression gradually turned ugly.

"The collapse of the empire is what they long to see?"

Wright quickly turned to the next page, and the content above made his eyes widen.

According to the records in the booklet of the Truth Workshop, for the Sage of the Sky to be resurrected as a dependent of the Corruption, an external condition needs to be met.

That is, the empire entered a state of ambiguity about life and death.

This is a situation where it is ambiguous to say that the empire has perished or that it has not yet perished.

This is a necessary condition for attracting the power of corruption.

Because corruption itself only occurs when life and death are blurred.

"It shouldn't be. Corruption should be a form after death. Why is it the form when life and death are blurred?

If it's not dead, how can it be said to be corrupted? "

Hearing Wright talking to himself like this, Jenny came closer.

"Then your understanding of decay may not be comprehensive. Many things have already begun to decay before they die.

The most common ones are wounds that were not treated in time, or old trees that were half dead.

I rather think that decay is a state of confusion between life and death and decay.

Because something that is dead will not perish, right?

Absolute life and absolute death are both free from corruption.

When death is not complete and life is not exhausted, decay will occur. "

Jenny’s words exploded in Wright’s ears like thunder.

His face became extremely ugly, and he reached out and grabbed the artifact, the Scepter of Corruption, and began to use his mental power to explore the origin of this god's power.

After a while, he stopped with a gloomy face.

"Damn it, you're right, that's it. At first, there was something wrong with my understanding of corruption!

Oh no, no, no, no! "

Wright suddenly realized something. He picked up the pager on his waist and started calling frantically.

"Elf Empire, Elf Empire, please reply!"

"This is the Elf Empire!"

"I'm Wright, get Lilith over quickly, I have something urgent to come to see her for!"

"Lord Wright, I am Princess Rosatina. Lady Lilith is not in the war room. She went to the Leaf of Life Library."

Wright hung up the communication and looked back at Jenny.

"You...what happened to you? What was written in the pamphlet that made you react so strongly?"

"There's something wrong with that Sisilis, I have to rush back as soon as possible. You help me take care of Emily. If she wakes up, don't go to the Elf Kingdom for the time being.

Over there, something terrible could happen. "

After Wright finished his instructions, he immediately jumped into the air, and then turned into an arc of light and shot towards the Elf Empire.

However, the distance is too far.

From the country of the First Empire to the country of the Elf Empire, there were vast grasslands, dense forests and mountains in between.

Even if Wright flies at full speed, it will take a lot of time.

"I hope I can catch up! I hope Lilith can stop Sisilis. No, no, no, if she stops it, things will be even worse!"

Wright was extremely fast, and before long he could see the capital of the Elf Empire from a distance.

Just when he was about to speed up again, a strong force of corruption suddenly rose into the sky, dyeing the sky blue-purple.

"Tsk, is it still too late?"

Under the influence of this force, the sky quickly darkened, the sun disappeared, and was replaced by a blue moon.

When this blue corrupted moon appeared, everything around it began to change and corrupt, and began to expand outwards.

At this critical moment, a darker color rose into the sky, filling the sky with full of malice. It abruptly stopped the light of the blue moon and controlled the crisis to a minimum. Inside.


Wright quietly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this: "Fortunately, Lilith has regained her strength. Fortunately, I made a guarantee and asked her to stay to guard against the opponent."

However, above the sky, the blue-black power seemed to be eroding the malicious blackness.

Wright frowned slightly: "As expected of an apostle who received power from an indescribable source, he can actually use corruption to corrode Lilith's malice.

If she was given enough time, she might actually be able to break through the defense.

It's a pity, it's a pity, I won't give you this time and opportunity.

Mrs. Corruption, right? Now that you’re here, don’t leave.

I'm short of fertilizer in my yard, so I use it as flower fertilizer!

Let me let you scumbags understand clearly that not all cats and dogs can enter this owner's yard! "

Light surged all over Wright's body, and he jumped into the dark barrier. Under the light of the blue moon, he rushed towards the capital of the Elf Kingdom.

At the same time, on the central island of the Elf's Holy Lake, the barriers and illusions surrounding the Ancient Tree of Life collapsed.

The entire ancient tree of life was covered with pale flowers, and then began to bloom like snowflakes.

Its flowering period is about to pass.

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