This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 286: The new candidate of Wuhai in the 7 Kings! 9 Snake Empress! J!

"Speed ​​is power, and Anilu still understands this truth."

Seeing the miserable appearance of the sand crocodile spitting blood and flying backwards, Cui Ze, who was watching the battle, nodded slowly, and then shook his head.

"However, the Sand Crocodile, who was able to wrestle with Douglas Barrett back then, has indeed recovered in strength now, but it has not fully recovered."

Cui Ze roughly inferred the situation of the sand crocodile.

Perhaps in the past year, he has not encountered any strong opponents.

Or continue to indulge in finding the power of the ancient weapon Hades, ignoring his own training.

Crocodile's strength has indeed increased to a certain extent compared to when Cui Ze met him twice.

For example, his armed color is domineering, such as his rustling fruit.

But...the increase is really not much.

The sand crocodile mainly relies on his sand fruit to deal with the enemy.

Today's Ainilu has experienced Cui Ze's "Captain's Iron Fist Education Method". Even if he loses the blessing of the Thunder Fruit, he is still a B-level master with his own physique and domineering.

And if Crocodile were without the rustling fruit...the scene would be too beautiful to imagine.

Cui Ze looked at Sand Crocodile, who was in close combat with Anilu, but had almost no room for resistance under the "Thor Fluid Technique", and shook his head again.

Say something.

Enel's "Thor Fluid Technique" is far from his own peak level, let alone the peak level of the sea.

But if you want to teach the sand crocodile, whose physical quality is almost the same as that of Anilu, there is no problem at all.


Even if the sand crocodile looks really miserable at this time.

But as long as it is still standing on the desert, Sand Crocodile will never fail.

This is certain.

Unless the "Thousand Thunders" of Anilu can blow the entire desert area of ​​Alabasta into wasteland with one blow.

Or his "Thor Fluid Technique" can directly knock Krocdar unconscious.

if not.

Relying on the advantage of the home field in the desert, Crocodile can really stand in an invincible position!

Cui Ze can fully expect that when Crocodile leaves this temporary battlefield that was blasted into a wasteland by "Thousand Thunders" and reaches the outer desert area, he will definitely restore the style of the King's Qiwuhai again.

The name of the king of the desert is really not boasted.

I saw that on the battlefield, Anilu shot another "Lightning Kick", kicking Crocodile upside down, blood spurting wildly.

But when Crocodile fell to the desert, his figure disappeared like a drop of rainwater that melted into the sea.

Wait until the next moment.

The "heavy-weight Shalan" that made the world pale, rose from the ground and directly covered Aini Road.

Anilu, who had an absolute advantage just now, could only choose to dodge to avoid the heavy-weight Shalan's package, and once again flew into the sky, choosing to summon a thunder and lightning attack.

"The **** of thunder and lightning, after all, there is still no way to completely grasp the **** of the desert..."

Cui Ze looked at the special effects battlefield that was quickly recovering the "crazy and cool scene", and couldn't help rubbing his chin.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to fight again after Anilu is finished, don't I feel a little less understanding of Sand Crocodile's mood?

"And after Anilu's consumption, Crocodile's strength is not at its peak, and the quality of his bait will also decline..."

thought here.

Cui Ze directly opened [Fate] and returned to the other members of the Pirates.

"Captain!" / "Captain Master Wow!"

Facing Cui Ze's departure and return, the members of the Destiny Pirates expressed their welcome.

Don't say anything else.

With the captain's "sea-fixing needle", no matter how amazing the battle scene between Anilu and Sand Crocodile was, everyone would not panic.

"Xiao Lan, there are a few surprises waiting for you later~"

Cui Ze first reached out and rubbed the head of Xiao Canghe, who looked confused, and sent him into the [simulated space] before looking at the other members.

"I'm afraid it will take a while for the battle of Anilu. Does anyone want to go to the Rainland Oasis with me to eat, drink, and have fun?"

It was like Anilu and Sand Crocodile fighting each other.

Cui Ze said that it was "a little time", but it was actually very euphemistic.

In fact, if they really want to decide the outcome, there is a high probability that it will take three days to start.

As soon as Cui Ze's words came out, the crowd immediately surged.

Miss Hunk was the first to answer the call.

"How can such a thing be without me!?"

The other members of the Destiny Pirates were not very motivated to watch the fierce battle between Anilu and Sand Crocodile.

The two fighting were both natural-type abilities.

Don't look at their gorgeous fighting scenes, but the rest of the people want to learn their fighting skills, and they can't learn anything at all.

Get the captain's call.

The big guys of the Destiny Pirates decided for the first time - go and relax!

Ai Nilu and Sand Crocodile fought in full swing.

The main force of the Destiny Pirates is heading for Rain City.

Xiao Canghe, who had just entered the [simulated space], also ushered in what Cui Ze said "surprise".

"Sister Dici?!"

Xiao Canghe looked at the baby-nursing dragon girl who appeared in the [Similar Space], and couldn't believe her eyes for a while.

"Really you wow?"

"It's me~"

With a gentle expression, Di Ci stretched out her white and delicate palm, and gently picked off the yellow sand grains mixed between the ends of Xiao Canghe's hair, and then raised her hand to the side.

"But it's not just me, Xiaolan, look who else is here!"

Xiao Canghe followed Di Ci's instructions, imagining in his mind whether it was Sister Chi Yan who could cook, or Sister Tianfeng who was as greedy as herself.


Xiao Lan subconsciously raised her head, raised her chest, tucked her stomach, and raised her hips.

"Tu, the housekeeper."

The dragon girl butler helped the gold rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose, and in the clear blue-blue hole, Xiao Lan, whose thin body was constantly trembling at a frequency of 30 Hz, was reflected.

"Canghe Maid, you are really lazy~"

Just when Alabasta was thundering and the dragon's girlfriend was in love.

Red Earth, Holy Land, Mary Joa.

In the splendid and gorgeous palace, there is a discussion about the new candidate for the king's Qiwuhai.

Since the establishment of the Qiwuhai system under the king, many candidates have been replaced.

Except for the three crocodile Crocodile Crocodile, Moonlight Moria, and Hawkeye Mihawk, the other four kings went down to Qiwuhai, and the speed of change was too fast.

Such a rapid replacement of personnel simply does not meet the original intention of the Five Old Stars for the system of Wangxia Qiwuhai.

The Five Old Stars hope that this system can become an important bargaining chip for stabilizing the situation in the sea—to be precise, stabilizing the situation between the navy and the new world!

But no way.

There are too few big pirates in the sea who can meet the requirements of the Five Old Stars and are willing to accept the recruitment of the World Government.

This time, a suitable new candidate finally appeared.

And it's two!

"The qualification invitation for the leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates - Boya Hancock's King Shichibukai has been decided."

The initiator of the meeting, the bald five old star with a sword in his arms, said calmly.

"Now it's the second candidate, Card Master Trizer Fitt."

"According to the report of the people below, the card master and his Destiny Pirates have set off from the West Sea and entered the great route."

The golden short-haired five old star holds an intelligence message from the CP department in his hand.

"Currently they are staying in the Alabasta region."

"Alabasta again?"

The five old stars in black, who didn't have much interest in this topic at first, couldn't help but chime in.

"You guys have also discussed this pirate called 'Card' before. If I remember correctly, he seems to have become famous in Alabasta, right? It seems that he stepped on the head of the sand crocodile Crocodile and became famous."


The blond five old star put down the information in his hand and rubbed the short hard beard on his chin for a while.

"The hatred between the card and the sand really not shallow!"

"This situation is just in line with our next plan."

The bald five old stars said calmly.

"The card repelled Kuzan, the admiral candidate of the Navy Headquarters, in the West Sea, which proves that his strength has reached the level of Whitebeard, Kaido, and In this case, invite him There will be no problem with becoming the new king under the Seven Wuhai.

"And the card has had grudges with Sand Crocodile and Moonlight Moria successively, which has also eliminated the hidden worries of colluding between the kings and Qiwuhai."

"It's up to you to decide for yourself."

The five old star with a thick goatee said so.

"Anyway, the navy and their related matters have always been handled by you."

"Although I don't want to get involved in this matter, have you considered the result of Boya Hancock and Tracy Fett's rejection of the invitation?"

Wu Laoxing, who had a high white beard and a dark mark like a brand on his forehead, interjected.

"The former is the second, and the latter is a big pirate with a bounty of nearly one billion Baileys."

"I do think that Boya Hancock is more likely to refuse, and Tracy Fett is less likely to refuse."

The blond five old star responded to the beard five old star's words.

"In the intelligence analysis of the CP department, the card master has always hoped to rebuild his country."

"Strong strength, sufficient reputation, and a **** feud with BIGMOM, the card is indeed a suitable candidate for Qiwuhai."

The bald-headed five old stars made the final decision.

"Qiwuhai's invitation is not easy to make public, so we dispatched a top CP0 agent and two CP9 agents to assist. This is enough to show our attitude!"

There is no objection to the blond five old stars who control the CP intelligence department.

The new candidate for the King's Qiwuhai was finalized during this palace meeting.

The captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, Boya Hancock.

Captain of the Destiny Pirates, Trize Fit!

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