This Pirate Relies on Justice

Chapter 403: A full set of technology, wishes come true! Qualified scientific research tool! fruit…

"Your wish... fulfilled!"

The wishing dragon galloped around in the air, bursting with strong golden light, and finally shot into the boundless sky, turning into a golden star hanging in the deep sky.

The next moment, the golden star released a bright light and landed towards Cui Ze's position. It slowly deformed in mid-air and turned into a thick stack of paper documents.

It is the complete manufacturing technology of [Devil Fruit Radar] that Cui Ze just needed!

Cui Ze didn't focus his attention on the information in his hand, but looked at the sky for the first time.

Normally, after the wishing dragon fulfills other people's wishes, it will collapse into seven dragon **** and fly directly to all parts of the world.

But this "disposable dragon" dissipated directly into the air and turned into nothingness.

The seven dragon **** that originally formed the dragon also turned into scattered spots of light and dissipated in the air.

"Sure enough, we can't take advantage of the loopholes..."

Cui Ze shook his head with regret.

"But fortunately, the manufacturing technology of [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] is still there. If there is a chance in the future, I can go to the empty island to fish [Wish Dragon]...

"It's just that I don't know how many [Red Dragon Fruits] a piece of Kaido-sensei's blood factor can produce..."

Bury the future you look forward to in your heart.

Cui Ze lowered his head and looked at the [Devil Fruit Radar] manufacturing material in his hand.

After a quick read.

"I really don't understand!"

Cui Ze himself is not a high-tech person, and the manufacturing technology of [Devil Fruit Radar] is relatively complicated, so it is normal that he cannot understand it.

The only special terms that he can understand are probably [Devil Fruit], [Hailou Stone], etc...

"For this kind of stuff, you still have to get professional help!"

"Chopper is too young and inexperienced, and his scientific research level has not yet reached the standard..."

Cui Ze took the lead in excluding Tony Tony Stark Chopper, a young scientist trained by the Destiny Pirates.

"Probably only the members of the MADS organization back in the day who can understand the manufacturing technology of this [Devil Fruit Radar] with a rank of A."

Vegapunk, Quinn, M. Caesar Courant, Gage…

"Dr. Vega Punk is a researcher of the World Government, and is strictly protected by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters... M. Caesar Courant is the same... Quinn is also the big sign of the Beast Pirates, the destined future enemy. …”

"This task still has to be placed on the Jerma Kingdom in the North Sea! It was a very correct idea to conquer Wensmoke Gage and the Jerma Kingdom at the beginning."

Cui Ze held the manufacturing technology of [Devil Fruit Radar] in his left hand, opened the void with his right hand, and created a [Arbitrary Door] again, leading directly to the North Sea.

The North Sea, the giant snail territory of the Kingdom of Germa.

Cui Ze's figure appeared out of thin air, and at the same time released his own momentum slightly.

next moment.

A mass of shadows, faster than any clone soldier in Germa Kingdom, emerged from Cui Ze's feet and revealed his figure.


Beihai version Pride, who stayed behind in the kingdom of Germa, looked at Cui Ze who appeared in front of him with a surprised expression.

"He" clearly remembered that his father was in the captain's room of sailboat A at this time, why did he suddenly appear in the North Sea at this time?

But the momentum of this body can't be faked...

Father, it's getting better and better!

"Pride, go and call out Vinsmoke Gage."

Cui Ze instructed the other party.

"I have something to do with this scientist."

Praide nodded slightly, a shadow separated from his body, sneaked into the shadow under his feet, and then passed the ground below and directly entered the fortress of the Kingdom of Germa behind.

Not long after.

Vinsmoke Gage hurried out of the fortress and knelt down in front of Cui Ze.

"Master Card!"

Cui Ze glanced at the respectful Vismoke Gage.

This guy, it seems that under the training of Pride, he has adapted to his identity well!

"Vinsmoke Gage."

Cui Ze threw the pile of thick information in his hand to the other party.

"Can you read what's on this?"

Kaji held the paper document in both hands, and flipped through it page by page, his eyes constantly scanning the contents of the record on the document.

Time passed bit by bit.

Kaji's reading speed is getting slower and slower, and the arm holding the paper is also trembling slightly, trembling with excitement.

"Master Card!"

Kaji raised his head suddenly, clasped the stack of [Devil Fruit Radar] manufacturing materials tightly with both hands, and looked at Cui Ze in surprise and joy.

"Where did you get the information from? It's really a very magical item! If there is such an item, even the devil fruit that contains the entire sea will be no problem!"

Don't wait for Cui Ze to answer.

Kaji, who was extremely excited, added himself.

"There are not many guys in the sea who can do this kind of thing... The special energy of the devil fruit is studied so deeply... Could it be the Vega Punk guy?"

"Damn... I thought that in the ten or twenty years since MADS disbanded, I had already drawn a distance from that monster, but I didn't expect it to be so far away..."

Cui Ze raised his eyebrows, looked at Kaji who had self-questions and self-answers, and opened his mouth to wake him up.

"Kaji, can you make the [Devil Fruit Radar] recorded in this document?"

"Absolutely, Master Card!"

Jiazhi nodded.

"The records on this document are very detailed, and there is nothing beyond the technology of the Kingdom of Germa...

"In three months, I will be able to come up with the finished product!"

"Three months..."

Cui Ze frowned slightly, this time is not slow, but not too fast.

However, the Destiny Pirates are sailing in the new world at this time, and there are still powerful enemies to solve.

three months...

It's almost enough for the Fate Pirates to sail from Punk Hazard Island all the way to the new world's pole recorded by the record pointer - Shui Xianxing Island!

At that time, Vinsmoke Gage will create the [Devil Fruit Radar], which will just come in handy.

However, Praide somewhat misunderstood the meaning of Cui Ze's frown.

He stared coldly at Vinsmoke Gage, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Master Card, Card Card!"

Feeling the intimidation of the gaze from the King of the North Sea, Kaji wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I suddenly remembered just now. If you put other things in the Kingdom of Germa aside... in about a month, you will be able to come up with the finished product!"

"One month?"

Cui Ze's brows stretched out. He reached out and patted Gage on the shoulder.

"Okay! I'll give you a but I want more than one! I need as many devil fruit radars as possible, do you understand?"

"If that's the case, the supplies in the Kingdom of Germa may be in short supply..."

Jiazhi looked down at the information in his hand for a while, then raised his head, a little embarrassed.

"Other materials are fine... It's the [Hailou Stone] aspect, the gap is too big!"

"Hailou stone?"

Cui Ze scoured the reserve information about Hailou Stone in his mind.

"You can rest assured about this.

"You first make a few devil fruit radar samples as soon as possible, as for the [Hailou Shi]...

"I happen to know that there is a special country rich in [Hailou Stone], in the new world."

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