This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 104: Destiny Item

The bearded cousin grunted, as if he wanted to refute, but for some reason he didn't speak. Instead, he put his hand in his trousers and felt it up and down.

"It's strange, I remember it was clearly put here."

After stroking for several times without finding the target, Hans began to see sweat on his forehead, and his movements became bigger and bigger, and he even began to unfasten his belt in public.

For the sake of his cousin's (and his own) reputation, William grabbed Hans's cooked cowhide tanned trousers, preventing 404's excesses, and scolded him:

"Why are you taking off your pants? Didn't you see our niece still here?"

"Who is... hum!"

The girl standing behind William snorted angrily, raised her hand to cover her small round face, but there was still a little gap between her index finger and middle finger, revealing a pair of big curious eyes.

The bearded cousin turned around in a hurry. "I'm looking for coins, I remember keeping them close to me all the time!"

William asked curiously, "Are you going to flip a coin? It's just a coin. If you lose it, change it and flip it again. What are you doing with it?"

Hans didn't answer, but still rummaged all over his body, sweating down so anxiously, but the coin was still missing.

Although the coin is just an ordinary coin, in these years, whenever he goes to the "crossroads", he cannot do without the participation of this coin. After so many years, he has had feelings for a long time. Woolen cloth?

After rummaging all over his body and couldn't find a coin, Hans put his firm gaze on his trousers, and then without hesitation he reached out to untie his trousers again.

"You're crazy!"

William grabbed the bearded cousin's arm, frowned and reprimanded: "Can't you go back and look for it later? Do you have to pay the pants now?"

Hans even had beads of sweat on his beard, and said anxiously: "Cousin, don't stop me, that coin was given by my mother back then, and I kept it close to my body for many years, why did I lose it all of a sudden? !"

William was stunned for a moment, and let go of the hand that was holding Hans's arm.

It turns out that what you were looking for was not a coin, but a "relic" from your mother? That coin is really no ordinary coin, and the emotion on it is priceless.

He nodded solemnly, reached out and ripped off his bearded cousin's belt.

"Then I'll help you find it together."

Accompanied by the round-faced girl's increasingly heavy breathing, the bearded cousin's two equally thick thighs were exposed, but even though they tore their trousers, they couldn't even see the shadow of the coin. .

"Could it have fallen somewhere?"

William looked at the pieces of trousers all over the floor, and after pondering for a while, he said, "I seem to remember that you said that you had a big fight with Gilbert this morning. Could it have been dropped somewhere?"

The bearded cousin shook his head, his face was full of anxious dark colors, and there were more beads of sweat on his thick beard.

"Impossible. I touched it when I was sitting on the tent and bandaging the wound. The coins were still in my pants at that time!"

William frowned. "That's weird, it's just a coin, where can it be thrown?"

Hans looked down at the layer after layer of bandages on his body, and said hesitantly, "I lay down for a while when I was bandaging just now. Could it be... I was wrapped in the bandages then?"

"How can it be."

William scoffed at his outrageous idea. Although the soldiers in charge of bandaging are not very professional, they should not be able to wrap the coins in the bandage and not find it, and the probability of being picked up by someone is even higher.

He looked at the ground nearby and didn't find the coin in Hans' mouth, so he shook his head and said, "It may have been dropped at that time, but it's probably not in your layer of bandages. I think it might be picked up by someone. Are you leaving?"

After hearing his cousin's judgment, Hans' old face suddenly showed a very uncomfortable look. Although Mrs. Mother left him and disappeared suddenly, he has always believed that Mrs. Mother still loves him, and he kept this coin for the purpose of thinking.

The bearded cousin lay helplessly on the ground, and said with a sad face: "How can someone like this even pick up a copper plate... Wait!"

Lying on the ground, Hans suddenly twisted his body like a mealworm, and then shouted to William excitedly: "Cousin, cousin, there is a hard thing on my ass, you help me take it out and see Look!"

When William heard the words, Dengdengdeng took a few steps back. After finding that there was nothing strange in Hans's expression, he walked over cautiously after excluding the philosophical meaning.

"You mean... the coin is in the bandage on your ass?"

"Yes, yes, it should be that one. Quickly help me get it out!" The bearded cousin seemed to have grabbed the straw for saving his life, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"I said it might be wrapped up, but luckily I didn't lose it hahaha... Uh, cousin, what are you doing standing so far away?"

William's expression once again broke through the limitation of a paralyzed, showing a look of disgust on his face. It is impossible to touch a man's buttocks, and it is impossible to touch a man's buttocks in this life. He said with great disgust:

"Can't you reach out and take it yourself..."

The bearded cousin raised his arm, which was tied between the two wooden boards, aggrievedly.

"Cousin, both of my arms were broken by Gilbert. Those people tied splints on my arms just now, and I couldn't bend them either!"

Looking at the mummified Hans, William pouted helplessly.

Tsk, forget it, just touch it. After all, it is his own cousin, and the coin is still a "relic" left by a relative who does not know whether it is an aunt, an aunt or an aunt. It is not a problem to tie it on the butt...

Seeing that his cousin didn't help for a while, Hans, who was eager to determine the coin, turned around, fell on the ground with a plop, and shook his head desperately.

"Please, cousin! Hurry up and see if it's right for me! Even if it's not the coin, I can give up my mind!"

"All right……"

William stretched out a finger with disgust on his face, and poked it towards the small bump on his bearded cousin's butt. After touching the hard round object, a prompt jumped into his eyes. .

【Discover Destiny Items】

His eyes widened, and he turned his fingers into claws and grabbed it without hesitation.


[Fate Item - Hans' Lucky Coin (Goddess of Fate's Choice)]

【Lucky +1】

[This is an item loved by the goddess of fate, and it will have an extremely significant impact on the progress of the entire world at a certain moment in the future. 】

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