This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: What is the Father of Destiny? (Part 2)

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Although I vaguely felt that the "staff" of the Heresy Inquisition in front of him seemed unreliable, but faced with the small request of looking at the token again, it is natural for the young man to do it.

So not only did he show the token he got from a certain cardinal again according to William's request, but he even handed it directly to the other party, expressing his confidence in the authenticity of the token, if William didn't believe it , you can take it for inspection.


Tsk... This child's precaution is too bad, I'm afraid he has been out of society for too long, and he hasn't suffered from the bad guys!

After half sympathy and half guilt at the other party, William, who had never seen the token, lowered his head and stared at the token for a while, then frowned slightly and put on a disapproval. solution look.

"Huh? Your token..."

After seeing William's surprised expression, the young man with a confident smile on his face suddenly stiffened, and Tong Kong uncontrollably flashed a shallow scarlet.

"What? Is there something wrong with my token?"

As a high-level vampire, his trust in the Cardinal of the Holy See of Light is naturally infinitely close to zero. After recalling the attitude of the old woman during the communication, the young man couldn't help but feel a little tight, while wondering if he was being swayed by her. Now, while decisively choosing to attack as defense, he asked suspiciously:

"Are you actually a member of the Inquisition? Why can't you even recognize the shape of the token?"

"Huh? Didn't you see where I came from?"

With William's psychological quality, of course he wouldn't panic because of this little question. After scolding the other party confidently, he said quite arrogantly:

"I just left the director's side not long ago. Do you think I am a member of the Heresy Inquisition?"

Oh, is this hooked? It seems that young people's brains don't seem to be very easy to use, so it shouldn't be difficult to handle them.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have much experience, he successfully changed the topic with a little agitation, and shifted his focus from the authenticity of the token to the identity. While the young man was relieved, a look of contempt flashed across his eyes. color.

I saw him follow the victory with suspicion on his face and said:

"But you are obviously from the Heresy Inquisition, why can't you recognize my token?"

"It's not that I didn't recognize..."

William, who was young and "easy to handle", hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said:

"That's it... the style of your token looks fine, but I... haven't seen it before..."

That means... this token is a fake that looks like the real thing?

After the muscles on his cheeks twitched secretly, the young man with clenched teeth couldn't help but secretly hate in his heart.

That **** woman is really not at ease!

If it wasn't for this stunned young man, after entering the dungeon of the Heresy Inquisition with the token, he might be blocked by the head of the Heresy Inquisition who came to inquire, and he would no longer have to come up from below.

"That's impossible, you must be wrong!"

After raising his hand and throwing the token to William, the young man said angrily:

"My token must be real. If you don't believe me, just take it and ask someone casually. I'll be here waiting for you!"


Ah, these two sentences were given directly in vain?

No... Your mother didn't teach you when you were young, never trust strangers casually? How did a person as pure (heaven) and pure (true) as you survive until now?

Looking at the token thrown directly into his hand, because happiness came too suddenly, William was choked by the pie that fell from the sky.

Without it, the wheelchair old man's [Eye of Discipline] is still in effect, so William's original plan was to coax this stunned green into a secluded place. Return after the effect of Disciplinary Eye is over.

But looking at the meaning of this stunned young man in front of him, I'm afraid that if he doesn't go in and ask, he must be unwilling to give up, he will definitely stand here and wait, and if he goes back, he will definitely be discovered by the old man in the wheelchair, and even try to defraud the token. The matter will be exposed, and if you want to infiltrate the Heresy Inquisition, you will probably add more men to men...

When the two men were advancing and retreating on William's side, seeing him holding the token and refusing to go in, the young man on the opposite side began to grumble.

What do you go in and ask someone, I'll be here waiting for your promises, of course, 1000% is a lie, as long as this silly boy takes the token and goes back to ask people, he will definitely turn his head at the first time. Go, exit the Holy See of Light for the first time, and then look for an opportunity to settle accounts with that **** woman.

But...why didn't he go in? If this kid doesn't go in, how can he run away? Or... he found something wrong?

The two who were thinking about the ghosts were silent for a while, and then they made up their minds almost at the same time, and they must find a way to solve the stumbling block in front of them!

And considering that he can "smash" the opponent's force value, the easiest way to get rid of this stumbling block is to find a secluded place and secretly bring him down (kill him)!


After thinking about it for a while, it was the young man who thought of the excuse first, and he raised his hand and pointed to the distance, his eyes flickering and saying:

"If you don't want to go in and ask people, then why don't we go over there and talk? After all, it's not good for us to continue to block affecting other people's access.

And I just suddenly remembered that I seem to be carrying a lot of other tokens, so it may be that I got it wrong. Why don't you go there with me and find a place that doesn't affect others, let's distinguish it carefully How about a moment? "


What the hell! What are you really thinking about?

Seeing that the young man on the opposite side was actually doing this, William was shocked.

By the way... The goddess of pulling the hips is sleeping, how can my luck suddenly explode? Could it be that I was so unlucky in the past, in fact, she always sucked my yang energy...Bah! For the sake of sucking my luck? So that's why I transfer as soon as she stops?

In the face of a good thing that was almost delivered to the door, of course William had no reason to refuse. He followed the other side step by step and left the door of the Heresy Inquisition.

After taking William to a relatively secluded alley, and sniffing the smell nearby, after confirming that no one would come over for a while, the young man who had been holding back for a long time turned his head, and his handsome face suddenly appeared. A stern look.

Talkative boy, I'm going to let you today...


Because he didn't expect the other party to turn around suddenly, the punch that went to the back of the head just hit the bridge of his nose. Seeing the other party's nosebleed dripping from the sky, William, who was afraid that he would be too heavy, could not help but feel a sudden shock in his heart and was in a hurry. Reach out to help.

"I'm sorry for the crooked...Are you okay?"

But just as William was about to grab the opponent's arm, his movements froze slightly uncontrollably.

[You attacked the Blood King LV90...]

What the fuck? ! (To be continued)

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