This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: You're hitting too hard

Don't ask, even a tree has a back, and as long as there is something on the back, I can be the man behind him.

Looking at the "Old Pope" who was obscured by the holy light in the sky, William, who was wrapped in white holy flames, turned around and flew over crookedly carrying the real old Pope.


Carrying a big tree flying in the sky, naturally there is no concealment at all. After discovering this madman who seems to be doing bad things to the Pope, two teams of flying troops riding griffins quickly stopped him.

Seeing that William was still not slowing down, the man in the lead stretched out his hand and took off his helmet, and shouted angrily:

"Get out! This is..."

Here is a handsome man you can't stop.

After throwing a kind smile at the other party, William turned the direction of the Pope Tree slightly, and directly pushed it up without dodging or dodging.

"Bastard! You... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, the leader of the Griffin Squad was rubbed by the dense canopy of the Pope Tree, and the man and eagle were swept away directly, but the Griffin Knights who failed to stop them no longer kept their hands, nearly 100 shots. The short spear wrapped in holy light whistled and threw it over.

Unfortunately, due to the size of the Pope Tree, William only slightly rotated the old Pope's canopy, and all those powerful spears were thrown away, and not even a single leaf was smashed down.

Hehe, my husband is in hand, I have the world~

Arms clasped the old Pope's thick trunk, and after a sweep of a dozen griffins flew away again, William looked at the newly increased gladiator points in the system panel, and felt that he would not change any artifact.

The only pity is that although the Pope Tree is amazingly powerful, due to the will of the old Pope, when facing the people of the Holy See of Light, it seems that not only can it cause no harm, but it even has a taste of disguised rivalry...

After carrying the Pope Tree and crashing out of the griffin group, William took the initiative to fall and glanced in the distance.

Sure enough, the gryphon knights who were knocked down by themselves, although they vomited blood when they flew out, but when they landed, they looked unhealthy, and a lot of pure holy light burst out from the body, as if they were being attacked by someone. Released a high-level healing god-like.

And with this level of Shengguang washing the body, let alone the injury that was just beaten by himself, even the old constipation that has accumulated for most of his life, it is estimated that Shengguang can completely cure it.

William even dared to use the old Pope's head to guarantee that as long as the person who was hit by his own tree didn't die on the spot, it would be absolutely "clean" and scary when he got up again. Under the powerful decontamination effect of the tenth-order holy light, Not to mention that there is no dust on their clothes, they will even clean the Baba in their intestines by the Holy Light, and the whole person will look brand new from the inside to the outside.

Tsk... I fought so hard to save your granddaughter, but the person who stopped me was kicked and jumped alive, and I, the tree-wielding person, was scalded by the holy light, you are really eccentric.

But this is not bad. Since you don't have to worry about dying, you can just use you to count the points. Using a tree swing is much faster than stepping on it slowly.

"Stop him!"

"Follow me all!"

"Don't let him offend the Pope!"

As expected of the most devout believers of the Light, even though he was extremely dissatisfied with the old Pope's behavior of covering up the dark creatures, after seeing someone charging with their own Pope as their goal, the three Guardians still charged forward one after another.

These people risked their lives to stand in front of William, and then, with a scream, dozens of groups were swept away by the Pope Tree, and they turned into gladiator points on the system panel.


Some familiar shouting sounded from a distance, and William looked up in the gap between the points, and saw an equally blazing white holy flame cut through the sky, smashing straight towards him like a meteorite.

Oh, the Holy Flame Minister is here? Old acquaintance!


Knowing that the three major escorts had surrounded the Heresy Inquisition, the Holy Flame Simu, who had traveled thousands of miles to relieve the siege, had just arrived at the scene when he saw the scene of William holding a giant tree and "killing it".

bastard! Is he crazy?

Sacred Flame Minister Eisner and William have played against each other, and they know how terrifying his power is. Ordinary professionals below the seventh rank are afraid that they will die and be injured if they are next to each other. , if you are hit in the front, you will definitely die.

And every time the strange tree in William's hand was swung horizontally, at least twenty or thirty people would be smashed to the bone, and they would fly out under the terrifying force, and they would vomit blood while flying. The ground around him was blood red.

"Stop for me!"

He found that he saw him coming, but he still didn't mean to stop. Instead, he manipulated the giant tree to fly up and down, and brutally "killed" hundreds of people again. The priest of the holy flame was almost out of anger, roaring filial piety. With a sudden increase in speed, the blazing white flames around him rose by three points.


The blazing white meteor was aimed at William and crashed down. The huge shock wave enveloped the pure holy flame, blowing away all the escorts that rushed up around him, and at least it stole hundreds of gladiator points from William.

ah this...

Unexpectedly, the priest of the Holy Flame will come to clear the field. Seeing that there are no points to brush around, William had to take back the pope tree that was half-swinged, and said with an unpleasant expression:

"Minister Eisena! They were suddenly smashed by you. Even if there is a priest's treatment, I am afraid that they will have to lie down for half a year. You are too cruel, right?"

What? ? ?

After hearing William's guilt, the priest of the holy flame couldn't help staggering, and the holy flames around him all withered half.

"What are you talking about!"

He was trembling with anger at William's "strong words" Holy Flame Simu roared with trembling lips:

"I'm saving them. If I don't take action in time, they will definitely be killed by you... er..."

Looking at the guardsmen who stood up intact in the distance, not only their faces were ruddy and shiny, but even their clothes had become clean, the Holy Flame Simu only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and he felt as if he was being driven by this madness. The era abandoned the same.

"You... how did they... I clearly saw..."

"What you see is not necessarily true."

After reaching out and patted the bewildered Sacred Flame Si Mu, William comforted earnestly:

"Like the liar in the sky who said he was the Pope, don't look at his looks, but if he was really the Pope, he would have shot me to death long ago, how can I wait for you to stop me ?"

When Si Mu of Shengyan was stunned by what he said, William knocked him to the ground with a sullen face, and then bypassed the troublesome guy, carrying the Pope Tree into the sky.

The Holy See of Light is not the only one in front of him. Since the Holy Flame Minister has arrived, other high-level professionals will not be too far away. It is time to break the identity of the "old pope".


Different from the unhurried flight speed before, William, who was determined to make a big news, not only urged the holy flame to speed up three times in a row, but also directly mobilized [Mystic God's Power] to maximize his agility.

When he rushed to the front and back of the "Old Pope" at a daunting ultra-high speed, William first glanced at the godless old Pope in the Holy Light, and then even in the countless horrified guards. In his expression, he picked up the Pope Tree in his hand and slammed it up.

"Look up and take a good look! Is he your Pope!" (To be continued)

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