This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1108: man is afraid of going wrong

Turn back time a little bit.

After waiting for the valet to complete the report and informing that the Elf Queen was entertaining the distinguished guests from the Holy See of Light, and asked them to go to the lounge to wait for a while, the three male and one female four Elf nobles were somewhat dissatisfied, but did not say much.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree of people, as the strongest force on the Austrian continent, whether it is the Holy Empire or the Holy See of Light, has already proved that its dignity cannot be underestimated.

Even if these elf nobles are going to walk out of the forest of elves and **** the living space from human beings in an attempt to recreate the past glory of the elf dynasty, they still know the weight of the Holy See of Light, and they are far from crazy enough to ignore the Holy See of Light. extent.

And the only woman among the four elf nobles, on the way to the lounge, she indifferently used a hearing-disturbing arcane spell on the valet's ear, forcibly pouring in a lot of sharp and noisy noises, and in the other party's ear In the eyes that dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, he turned his head to the male nobles beside him and said:

"Patriarch Marko, your clan has traveled the most, and should have contacted the Holy See of Light, right? When did the queen have contact with the Holy See of Light?"

The middle-aged elf named Marco didn't reply immediately, but frowned unhappily, stretched out his hand to move away from the valet who was covering his ears in pain, unlocked the arcane spell in her, and immediately thanked the other party. Zhong smiled and nodded, and reopened a soundproof barrier that excluded the other party.

"Let's not mention the Holy See of Light, the head of the Herrera family, I hope you can pay more attention to your behavior and image in the future."

After the valet in front of him who was in charge of leading the way turned his head back, the gentle middle-aged male elf's expression darkened slightly, and he scolded very rudely:

"Whether it's disturbing her hearing or blocking the surrounding sounds, you can achieve the purpose of confidentiality without any burden, so give me a good choice for the latter!

Your every move now represents the face and attitude of our pure-blooded glory. Even if she is just a humble valet, every time she tells others about your arrogant attitude, the image of our pure-blooded glory in the hearts of the lower elves It will be bad! "

"Okay, I get it, stop ranting!

They are just some unimportant lower-level elves. They have neither strength nor status. Their only value is to provide taxes and population. What is the use of their impression of us? "

After waving her hand impatiently, the female elf with a slightly pointed jaw and slightly raised eyes made a disgusting expression, and her face that seemed to be awkward became more and more sinister.

"Patriarch Marko, are you doing this trick now, do you want to imitate the Queen of Soft Eggs?

She was good enough for those lower elves, and even did not hesitate to offend many nobles for it. The result? Now that the power of our pure-blooded glory is getting bigger and bigger, don't those lower elves also miss her?

You have also seen the results of these recent mass migrations. How much did she make concessions to us in order to protect those lower elves? However, isn't it still full of resentment and scolding?

If I had to say it, she was simply stupid! "

Speaking of this, the young female elf sneered with disdain:

"If she could have listened to the persuasion and stopped insisting on this migration in order to protect all the elves, she could have rescued people after a small part of the elves were captured, and shed tears in front of everyone. Execute a few batches of mercenaries who came to the Forest of Elves to capture slaves, and then send someone to speak out and show their tough attitude. It will not be like this at all.

If it was handled like I said, how could anyone scold her? Those stupid and stupid lower-level elves will definitely be moved to tears by Her Majesty's wise and benevolent love. want me to say"

"Okay, shut up for me too!"

An old elf with a slightly plump body frowned and gave the female elf a bad look.

"These lower elves are indeed stupid, and there is no need to be too compassionate, but is your approach right?

It's nothing more than a little bit of trouble, just reciting two more incantations, why not do things that are beneficial but not expensive? Is it any good for you to ruin our reputation for pureblood glory?

Accept your arrogant temperament and learn from Marco, his way of dealing with it is an old-fashioned move! If there were fewer idiots like you in Pureblood Glory, our reputation wouldn't be as bad as it is now! "

Geez, these fake old people! If I come to power, I will definitely demote you all to pariahs!

The old elf, who was born in the Capone family, had obviously the highest status among the four elf nobles. After being scolded by him sternly, the female elf did not dare to say anything, so she closed her mouth with a sullen expression.

As for the last young male elf, he walked at the end with a cold face and without saying a word, turning a blind eye to the brief communication between several companions, and his eyes also revealed a strong disgust.

Got it! Is this the "reliable allies" that my father called? How can I be able to save the debilitating population by mixing with this group of flies and worms every day? What about making the elves stop being second-class races huddled in the forest?

n! If I always have a company with the same thing as these dogs, in the eyes of other elves, am I not a **** too?

After a trivial episode, the four elven nobles were brought into the slightly rudimentary lounge and placed in the four best seats.

And after the four were seated, no one spoke. Some were annoyed at losing face, some were worried about the future of pure-blooded glory, and some even wondered if they had joined the wrong organization.

Even apart from their different minds, they are also different in height, short, fat, thin, long and young, beautiful and ugly. The only thing these four guys have in common is that their faces are not very good-looking, and they are obviously holding back. They were so angry that the waiters in charge of the reception did not dare to touch their bad heads.

But unfortunately, even though the waiters didn't dare to come and bother, the female elf wiped the chair roughly and sat on the tip of her **** with a look of disgust, and suddenly her complexion changed, as if she had rubbed against something dirty. Like, Tengdi bounced from his seat.

"What about people? Roll over for me if you don't die!"

After a pale-faced waiter trotted over, the female elf stared at his eyes, and asked in a shrill and sinister voice:

"Put your head up for me! I ask you, has anyone just sat in this seat?"

"no no"

"How dare you lie?"

Under the ugly expressions of the remaining three elf nobles, the female elf raised her hand extremely angrily, and with a slap she knocked the waiter to the ground, venting all the anger that had accumulated in her heart.

"Why is the cushion warm if no one has ever sat on it? Don't you know that I have a habit of cleanliness and don't like touching things that others have used?"

The waiter who was bleeding from the nose and mouth got up, didn't dare to say a rebuttal, only dared to kowtow again and again At the same time, he regretted his meddling just now.

Just now, because the two were distinguished guests from the Holy See of Light, they were placed in the best seats in the lounge. However, after learning that the few in front of them were coming, I was worried that these arrogant nobles would not be seated at the top. In a good position, there was a conflict with another group of distinguished guests, so I thought of a way to temporarily coax people to another place.

But who could have imagined that just because of a little temperature left on the seat cushion, it could cause such a big trouble. If I had known it earlier, it would be better for them to fight, at least I wouldn't have to suffer this crime.

And just as the regretful waiter kowtowed, the elf noble from Marco's family wrinkled his nose, and after looking at the female elf's cushion, he couldn't help showing a look of disgust on his face.

"Tsk so stinky!"

The female elf was furious when she heard the words.

"Damn! What did you say?!"

"Idiot, I'm not talking about the disgusting stench of your absurd behavior, I'm talking about something that stinks more than your behavior!"

Under the glaring eyes of the female elf, the middle-aged male elf said with a cold face:

"Just when you got up, I smelled a very special smell. It was the stench of the dark power on the werewolf! And it was a high-level werewolf with at least the seventh order."

Wrinkling his nose again, after confirming that the smell was correct, he turned his head to look at the trembling waiter on the ground, stretched out his foot and lightly kicked his dusty knee, and indifferently commanded:

"Stand up and talk!

Also, tell me who was sitting here before? Why would a werewolf enter Her Majesty's bedroom? "

Oh hoo, I wrote a total of 7,800 today, even if it's not 800, I only owe 29,000, so it's fine.

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