This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1257: Death of the Dwarves


Seeing the scorched dwarf elder in William's hand, the two dwarf **** craftsmen who left early couldn't help being shocked. They no longer cared about suppressing the female dwarf, but hurriedly took the dwarf elder from William's hand.

"What's the matter? How did you burn like this?"

"Did you go down too? Haven't you always been the coolest?"

"Leonardo! You speak!"

Hearing the call of the two dwarf master craftsmen, the charred dwarf elder finally opened his eyes, opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of black smoke, then pointed at William twice, and then cried out with a wow, two lines. The extremely sad man's tears rushed out of his dark cheeks in an instant...


"This... Elder Leonardo may have a little disagreement with me in terms of forging concepts."

After throwing the old dwarf man in the other hand to the female dwarf who rushed up, William stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and explained a little embarrassedly:

"I found that the curved barrel didn't work very well, so I changed it on my own. He couldn't help but want to jump down to stop me, and then...that's it..."

Changed... a bit? Leonardo jumped?

After the two dwarf **** craftsmen looked at each other, they couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then their cheeks twitched and they asked:

"So... your artifact spear... changed to what?"

"Uh... can you not watch it?"

After grinning a little embarrassedly, William said sincerely:

"I might as well be a little confused, or you two should go first...well..."

From the eyes of the two dwarf **** craftsmen, seeing that they were ready, William had to pull out the built artifact long spear from the black fire brick behind him.


Looking at the so-called "long spear" with the pole in front of it twisted and twisted, and the ball at the end still full of sharp teeth, even though the two dwarf master craftsmen had already prepared in advance, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This...this is the artifact you made with so many good materials...the spear???"

After seeing the true face of the artifact, the older one of the two dwarf elders felt that the blood vessels in his head seemed to have swelled and ruptured a few times, and sat on the ground dizzy, while the other clenched his hands tightly. Quan, looking at the "sharp-toothed dandelion" more than three meters long in William's hand, began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Cough... Although this look is a bit ugly, it doesn't take a long time to use it."

Afraid that these two young master craftsmen would be out of anger, William had to bite the bullet and say:

"I tried it below, and the effect is amazing!"

Afraid that the two would not believe their words, William once again controlled the black fire brick to set up a target, then flipped his wrist and stabbed the gun with a gun.


Accompanied by more than a dozen soft sounds, in front of the extremely sharp spider queen fangs, after tens of thousands of years of calcination in the melting mountain forge, the unparalleled black fire brick has no resistance at all. , dozens of holes were directly pierced by the spikes of the "long spear", and were smashed into pieces under the subsequent violent impact, and the large and small rubble splashed around, causing smoke and dust on the surrounding ground.


After nodding with great satisfaction, William twisted his wrist slightly, slicing the black fire brick fragments on the ground into scum, and immediately

"Although it looks a little rudimentary, the lethality of this thing is definitely not bad. Even the twelfth-order demon **** who is known for his defense will have more than a dozen eyes on his body after being stabbed by me!"


Seems like... is it okay?

Looking at the black fire bricks, which are more vulnerable than the tenderest tofu under the "long spear", several dwarf **** craftsmen were silent for a while, and then they had to admit that although the shape of this thing was outrageous, the quality of the finished product definitely reached, Even far beyond the standard of ordinary artifacts.

You must know that although these black fire bricks that make up the melting mountain forge cannot be forged into artifacts, their hardness has already reached the material level after being roasted for a long time by the flame of the melting mountain forge. limit, and has a good isolation effect on physics and energy.

An ordinary divine weapon long sword is almost a gap. Even if the bonus of the priesthood is included, it may not be able to completely smash the black fire brick. Tempered, so that these "wolf teeth" have a sharpness that is close to "conceptual level".

Endured the extremely strong feeling of dizziness, he squatted down, picked up a fragment of a fire brick and rubbed it twice. Looking at the black brick in his palm that had turned into powder, Elder Arno's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were full of tears. The color of amazement.

This black fire brick, whose hardness is comparable to that of an artifact, was wedged in by the tip of the wolf's fang after only one touch, and the extremely compact structure inside also cracked instantly. Sand soaked in water is even looser.

You must know that this is an artifact blank that has not received a priesthood bonus, and it already has such a perverted destructive power and sharpness!

After obtaining the proper blessing of the true god, the power of this thing will definitely be able to go to a higher level. At that time, I am afraid that it will be like what this **** said, even if the 12th-order demon **** known for its defense is stabbed by him. Bleeding all over.

Looking at the long-handled dandelion-like spear in William's hand with a complex heart, the two dwarf elders looked at each other, finally resisted the urge to say something, and said stiffly:

"Congratulations... so have you figured out the name of this... thing?"


After pondering for a while, William reached out and rubbed the barrel of the artifact "Long Spear".

【Untitled Polearm】

[Break Armor+999][Penetration+999][Strength+999][Strength+999][Charm-10][Hit-10]

[Special skill: Artifact bud, as an item born on the sixth floor of the melting mountain forge, this weapon that is extremely cherished already has the quality of not losing any artifact, and can be upgraded only after obtaining the proper blessing of the true god]

[Special skills: extreme attack and kill, because one end is inlaid with a large number of 12th-order demon fangs that have been tempered, this weapon with an extremely poor forging technique has obtained unparalleled sharpness and penetrating power. Since there is no one that can perfectly resist For the armor it attacks, its "Armor Break" and "Penetration" items will be permanently fixed at 999]

[Special skills: extreme toughness, after repeated tempering by the 12th-order divine fire and the devastating tyranny of the forge, this weapon has a terrifying material strength, and theoretically cannot be used by any simple physical Destroyed by means, its "toughness" and "firmness" will be permanently fixed at 999"]

[Special skill: The Death of the Dwarves, this ugly weapon, which used the materials that can forge dozens of artifacts and borrowed the most precious treasure of the dwarves, will be the deepest pain in the hearts of all dwarves. UU Reading at When fighting a unit with a dwarf entry, there is a high probability of causing a stun effect, and it will automatically enter a frenzy state after waking up]

[The inscription of the master craftsman: "If the barrel of the gun is bent and the gun head can't hit anyone... Then I can add a few more gun heads?"]

[As the most inferior parallel trade **** craftsman in the history of forging, the villain who tramples and ravages the dreams of the dwarves, the name William Vankins will be synonymous with shame, and will be permanently nailed to the hearts of all dwarf forgers...]

"Cough cough!"

After skipping the description of the extremely aggressive items in the dog system, William rubbed his nose with a guilty conscience and said to the two dwarf elders:

"The name of this artifact spear is..."

(End of this chapter)

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