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Vol 2 Chapter 1276: demons and demons

"Didn't see me reappear..."

After subconsciously repeating the words of the hip-stretching goddess, William suddenly fell into silence.

According to what Goddess Lahip said in the past, even if you may not be able to see it clearly for various reasons, as long as you are a living person, you should have a destiny track, and even a true **** that partially relies on the concept of priesthood has a destiny track even after death can be observed.

And if even the hip-pull goddess can't find her own fate track, then the self on this route is probably overturned... But how is it possible?

After frowning and thinking for a while, William asked pointedly:

"You just said... the more demon kings you catch, the better I will be when I reappear, right?"


The hip-pull goddess nodded and said:

"I just saw more than 200 different fates. Although this situation is not true for every one, when you catch the three **** sons of hatred, destruction, and fear, and the deceitful demon king, when it happens again It gives me the feeling that it is much, much better than in other situations..."

So, is it mainly the four demon kings who invaded the Arcane Continent in the previous life?

Although he didn't know the connection between the two, William nodded thoughtfully, and then secretly made up his mind.

Grasp! And catch the extinct species in one go! Don't even think about running away!

"You mean... there are strong humans on the human side who want to hunt down the demon king alone, so we want us to join in and ambush him with you?"

After listening to the story told by the Deceitful Demon King, the Hate Demon King didn't take it seriously, the Fear Demon King laughed and said nothing, and the Destroyer Demon King simply laughed out loud.

"Then let him come!"

After exhaling a mouthful of black smoke full of sulphur, the Demon King of Destruction, who was more than twenty meters tall, restrained his smile, opened his huge mouth that was bursting with sparks, and said in a hoarse and rich voice:

"I've met the two so-called strong men on the human side, if they didn't each have an artifact to back them up, they wouldn't be worthy of being my opponents at all!

Hehe, I hope they can abandon those human legions and join forces to attack and kill me. Without the assistance of those **** space magic lines, I can at least unscrew the head of one of them! "


Hey~ I knew it would be like this...

The arrogant and arrogant character of the Destroyer Demon King had been expected for a long time, and the deceitful Demon King who was rejected was not discouraged, nor did he humiliate because the other party was the son of the Destroyer Demon God, but persuaded him in a calm tone:

"The so-called strong human beings are naturally not worth mentioning in your heart, but for ordinary demons like us, a strong attack by a strong man is still very dangerous..."

"But what has it got to do with us?"

Before the Deceitful Demon King finished speaking, the voice was sharp and ear-scratching, and the Hate Demon King stood up, squinted his eyes and asked:

"If I remember correctly, our race seems to be demons, right? And when have you ever seen a demon care about the lives of other demons?"

"Naturally, when 'other' demons are still useful."

After responding with neither humility nor humility, the deceitful devil's chubby body swayed twice, and then pointedly said:

"With the three of you leading the charge, the defense line set up by humans is naturally nothing to worry about. It is only a matter of time before it is penetrated. Even if we ordinary demons are all dead, it will still not have any impact on the few of you. .

However, the priesthoods that you have comprehended are listed among the seven sins and three evils. They are all powerful priesthoods that can directly reach the source of chaos in the abyss, but they will also receive additional "care" from other world consciousness that hates chaos.

So after breaking out of the space channel and successfully entering the Austrian Law Continent, you will be the most oppressed among all the people. If you encounter some difficult methods left by the past few dynasties of the Austrian Law Continent, you will not fail to fall possible. "

"And this is the time for us ordinary demon kings to play their value. Not only can we share the firepower of those races in the Arcane Continent, but also consume their means of dealing with the enemy.

And because the original priesthood suppresses the non-original priesthood, it is not qualified to compete with you guys for interests, so every demon that has survived to this stage is an excellent tool for you guys..."

"Hehe, you are honest."

After listening to the deceitful demon king's speech, the fearful demon king, whose body shape looked similar to that of a human man, but whose seven orifices were only cut open halfway, and whose eyes, ears, mouth and nose were not opened, stood up, with a vague and erratic voice. With a low smile:

"I promise you on behalf of myself. After all, this kind of free cannon fodder is still very useful. I should give you a little effort. But in exchange, I also hope that you can satisfy my little curiosity. Heart…"

The half-sunken gray-white eye sockets closed slightly, and after "looking" at the Deceitful Demon King, the Fearful Demon King opened his mouth as if covered with a thin cloth, and said with great interest:

"The reason you encouraged us to take action was to tell us that ordinary demon kings can be used as cannon fodder, and to tell you the truth, we do have such plans.

After all, if the original plan hadn't gone wrong, and the former pope of the Holy See of Light hadn't died, we would never allow any other demons to participate in this invasion of the Austrian Continent.

Hmm... that's not entirely true.

After all, if you want to drag the Arcane Continent back to the endless abyss, you still need to gather ninety-nine demon kings, and considering the excellent connections between you and the demon **** of lies behind you, maybe you will barely be counted as one more.

After all, the area of ​​the Arcane Continent is indeed vast enough, apart from making the three of us demon gods with medium-level divine power, the rest of the place can barely squeeze out a demon **** with weaker divine power..."

Hearing this, the Deceitful Demon King raised his eyebrows in surprise.

What? Is there still something about me?

Glancing at the first change of expression on the face of the Deceitful Demon King, the Fearful Demon King smiled and continued:

"All in all, from the very beginning, the three of us never thought about sharing this cake with other people, and I believe that those demon kings should be able to see this clearly as well.

But even though you knew that the three of us had other plans, and most of us would join hands to eliminate other participating demon kings in the final stage, you still managed to attract more than a dozen demon kings to participate... So can you tell me how you persuaded them? "

"You are mistaken."

The Deceitful Demon King shook his head and said:

"I don't have the ability to persuade them. UU Reading Those demon kings all joined in voluntarily. I just told them that there is a chance to be promoted to demon **** here. As for why they are willing to take this risk..."

When he said this, he paused slightly, and then continued with his eyes flickering slightly:

"For the three of you, a demon king like us is quite useful cannon fodder, but for us demon kings who are almost hopeless to be promoted, the three powerful sons of God are also shields that cannot be met.

And even though we know that the three of you intend to join hands to carve up the Arcane Continent afterwards, and the final benefits will hardly fall into our hands, this time is still an excellent opportunity to become a demon god, not to mention..."

"What if you all died at the hands of humans and didn't survive to the end?"

The second chapter is estimated to be around 11:40...

(end of this chapter)

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