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Vol 2 Chapter 1306: dog and bone, death and fish

Latest URL: Sure enough, with William's "I knew it would be like this" expression on William's face, the dog system quickly revealed the target it wanted to harm this time. [Among the four thirteenth-order true gods who are working hard to maintain the normal operation of the Austrian Continent, the God of Light, who has been robbed of the church by you, has almost become blind and deaf, and knows nothing about the upcoming crisis that the Austrian Continent will face.

Although the alert and vigilant God of Knowledge saw through your plot, in the end he was still missing a move. You took advantage of the glorious trend of demon invasion and engulfed a group of churches with ambiguous love to target you madly. To be exterminated.

And the foolish and reckless God of War is nothing to be afraid of, even the cunning and intelligent God of Knowledge can't get a little bit of cheap in your hands, such blunt people who are far less resourceful than brave can be destroyed with a backhand! 】

[The only thing that has not yet fallen under your control is the God of the Sea who lives deep in the sky and is calm and stable]

[Even if you have already planted the seeds in advance, for the sea **** who has ruled the ocean for tens of thousands of years, its accumulation must not be underestimated. This plan is not enough to completely overthrow it. You jointly conspired to regain control of the ancient sea gods of the ocean, and still lack the decisive power to make a final decision]

[And this time travel to the Oceanic Age is the best opportunity to obtain this power! 】

[As long as you can see through the weakness of Seagod, successfully bring this memory back to the future, and provide it to that ambitious ancient Seagod, you will complete the last piece of the seagod's puzzle!

Once the sea **** who stands firm on the last line of defense starts to run for his life due to the appearance of the ancient sea god, and has no time to look after the sea people who are protected by him, the vast sea will be completely disturbed, making the entire Arcane Continent no longer a pure land! 】

The rhetoric of the dog system is really...

You said... Is there a possibility... In fact, the villain is Qingnan Sea God instead of me? Am I the good guy who should be upright?

In William's extremely speechless expression, the dog system, which had poured enough dirty water, finally stopped talking nonsense contentedly, and instead announced this task.

【The Sadness of the Blue Sea】

[Task 1: Defeat the sea **** who is still a human, leaving an irreparable wound on his body]

[Task 2: Uncover the dark thoughts of Poseidon, and plant the seeds of fear deep in his heart]

[Mission 3: Disturb the wedding banquet of the ancient sea god, and leave behind a crucial dark hand for regaining the godhead in the future]


Understood, although this mission sounds troublesome, it is actually nothing more than beating him first, then scaring him, and finally leaving a back door so that he can cheat him in the future.

After reading the task issued by the dog system, William frowned and pondered for a while, and felt that it was not impossible to try this task.

If this task requires destroying the plan of the scumbag Seagod, or even directly killing this guy in advance, he absolutely cannot do it.

Although I feel a little sorry for the ancient sea god, but at the time when I came, what happened to her was already a part of history, and it belonged to her destiny.

If I and the goddess of death really help her to avoid the fate of falling, then the history of tens of thousands of years will be greatly changed, which is even more unfair to those people, and it may even damage the entire human race. All will be destroyed, no one can bear such a big responsibility.

And if it's just beating and scaring, creating a little psychological shadow for the scumbag Seagod, and leaving a backup in the end, it doesn't have to change the fate of the ancient Seagod, and it can also provide a trump card for dealing with Seagod in the future. This is a win-win situation. The situation!

Well...Also, not to mention the female Death God, I have also been displeased with that living male Sea God for a long time, and I can still vent my depression after cleaning him up. It's a win-win! I dare someone to win three times in a row!

After making up his mind to have a good time, William let go of the right hand that was holding the nape of the male death's neck, and put the dishonest little ancestor back under the creaking nest again, and turned his head to look aside with a helpless expression on his face. female death.

"Speaking of which, the ancient sea god's wedding banquet is approaching, that scumbag... the future sea **** must not live far away? Can you find out where he is now?



After hearing William's question, the Goddess of Death froze for a moment, then frowned and shook her head resolutely:

"No, although he shouldn't be too far away. But if I want to detect his existence, I need to extend my spiritual power to the surrounding area on a large scale, covering an area of ​​tens of miles, and this is the sleeping palace of the ancient sea **** , If I do this, I will definitely not be able to hide it from her.

If she finds out that the **** of death is looking for her fiancé, then no matter how generous and gentle she is, I don't think she will turn a blind eye, right?

"'s true...

William couldn't help but also frowned when he heard this, knowing that the Goddess of Death couldn't be relied on for this matter, and the difficulty of this task seemed to be not as easy as imagined.

The first is how to find that scumbag Seagod. After all, the ancient Seagod’s body is there, and her palace itself is surprisingly large. Including the surrounding buildings, it is definitely not easy to find the scumbag Seagod. .

The second is how to beat him up without disturbing the ancient sea god. After all, no matter how gentle the ancient sea **** is, he would be angry when his fiancé was picked up violently. The **** of death chased him away, and the gain would outweigh the loss...

After rubbing his chin and pondering for a while, William seemed to think of something, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and asked:

"By the way, where was the little red-haired Naga just now? I remember she was swept out by the ancient sea god's control of the water flow, right? Do you remember which direction she was swept?"


The goddess of death nodded, and didn't ask William what he wanted to do. After closing her eyes for a while, she raised her arm and pointed in a certain direction.

"Probably over there, pass eleven houses along the main road of the main hall, probably about the same... But how are you going to get there? There should be an apse dedicated to the servants and personal ladies. As guests, we should not past!"

"East, right? Don't worry, I have a solution.

After the corners of the mouth slightly turned up, UU read www.uukanshu. comWilliam put down the male Reaper whose husband was under the creaking nest, and then raised his hand and slapped his **** vigorously. "Yeah?!"

Ignoring the tearful protest of the male death, William, who is a tidal giant, silently mobilized a sea current, condensed into a weird transparent sea fish, and after shaking it in front of the male death, he threw it to the east. palace segment.

And the sea fish formed by the current flopped twice, and immediately swam away with its tail twisted like a living thing. The male death **** who was protesting just now immediately forgot the pain on his buttocks, like a puppy who saw a bone As if, he ran out after chasing the sea fish with bright eyes.

Smiling at the strange-looking female death, William spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness.

"No way, I'm the person you brought to take care of your brother, but for some reason he suddenly got angry and wanted to play in the ancient sea god's palace,

And the majestic True God wanted to be self-willed. I, an ordinary human being, was too weak to watch him and was run away by him, so I had to follow behind him and chase him hard...Is this reasonable? "Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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