This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1368: Li Ning, who is 1 pair behind the line

Chapter 1372

"But there is no other way."

The Goddess of Death also felt that this "one can of Coke" was a little too little, and it might not be able to bring the three of them back to the normal timeline. Part of the sincerity can never be brought back no matter what.


William, who also understood this point, couldn't help but sighed, and then decided to simply turn a dead horse into a living horse doctor.

"Go up and try it, what if it's enough?"

After a slight pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "And wasn't the goddess of magic planning to use me as fuel before? Then if it's really not enough..."

"No! Are you crazy?"

The Goddess of Death was startled when she heard William's words, and quickly stopped her:

"Think about it carefully! If the burned things can grow back, why doesn't the goddess of magic ask you directly, but chooses to go to war?

What she wants to burn must be something that cannot be restored, such as your soul source or something. I even suspect that what she wants to burn may be your 'existence' itself, if you really jump into it, it will be over! "

"Eh... I didn't say I'd jump in whole."

Seeing the female Grim Reaper who was standing in front of her vigilantly, afraid that he would be "overwhelmed", William blinked, took out the Grim Reaper, and compared it twice to his left hand.

"I want to cut some hair and fingernails, then rub the dead skin on my body and throw it in... Although the amount may not be too much, what if it works?"


The Goddess of Death couldn't help but froze when she heard the words, she opened her small mouth and then pursed it back, not knowing how to answer the words.

Although it sounds reasonable and logically seems to work, but the hair, nails and dead skin... If the wheel of time can be moved by burning this, then this unique artifact of time is too useless...

However, although William's proposal is a bit unreliable, there is really no other way right now. After all, we can't really stay at this point in time, waiting for tens of thousands of years, right? After thinking about it for a long time, the female death **** finally agreed to try this first.

And after seeing the female death **** and that pervert board the wheel of time, the fear demon **** couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and his blurred facial features clearly showed a deep sense of gratitude.

Fortunately, although two of the three major demon gods were folded in one breath, and the elite demons of the endless abyss were killed in sevens and eighty-eight, and the three original artifacts were also taken away, but at least there was only one seedling left. , it's better to be alive than... ah, why are you down again?

After jumping down under the terrified gaze of the Dread Demon God, William took off the three chains from his wrist with a look of reluctance, and threw two of them towards the Dread Demon God.

I almost forgot, I can’t take all of these things with me, if it consumes fuel, it will be miserable... Well... Anyway, this thing can’t be used when it is not charged, and I can go back to the abyss to get it when I want to use it later. .

? ? ?

Ah... you really paid me back?

When he was forcibly borrowed by William, the Demon God of Fear was already mentally prepared, knowing that these three artifacts would definitely not come back. He really didn't expect that there would be a day when he would see the "returning artifact".

Originally thought it could not be more miserable, but suddenly turned on the heavenly artifact, the fear demon **** couldn't help but smile, and said a few polite words to William:

"Why is this so embarrassing? Now you are the number one demon **** of the endless abyss, you should take two pieces, I just need to take one."

"What one?"

William raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and after urging the last chain in his hand to bind the body of the Dread Demon God firmly, he raised the death scythe in his hand, and it was a round of chaotic cloak and sickle. Cut through.

"These three are all mine! I just put them here temporarily, and you still want to steal my things?"


Across the small space of the wheel of time, looking at the demon **** of fear who was hysterically raising his head and cursing the street with only one head left, the female death goddess couldn't help asking:

"William, do you have any grudge against it?"

"Huh? Why do you ask that?"

"Because after the wheel of time turns, everything will return to its original appearance, and the fact that you cut it is as if it never happened at all, so is it because you have some grudge against it that you..."

"Did you just take the opportunity to vent your anger?"

After taking over the words from the goddess of death, William glanced at the furious demon **** of fear, estimated the injuries that could be recovered simultaneously, then shook his head and said:

"You misunderstood, I have nothing against it, I am preparing to return to the normal timeline, doing so can reduce the difficulty in advance."

Reduce the difficulty in advance? What's the meaning?

After blinking in doubt, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and the female death **** suddenly let out a sigh, and said anxiously:

"Not good, we have to deal with the three major demon gods after we go back! But my brother and I are like this now..."

"It's okay, I've reduced the difficulty to the minimum just now, maybe the two of you don't need to make a move at all, and the problem can be solved."

While urging the wheel of time to move forward into the future, William explained slowly:

"Maybe it's because I'm special. The injuries I caused can be passed at the same time. But just now I destroyed the body of the Hating Demon God, cutting off most of the body and part of the soul of the Fearing Demon God. When we go back, they will definitely be seriously injured directly.

The only thing that may be more troublesome is the Destroyer Demon God. It has been almost destroyed by the ancient sea god. I only blew its head off. It may take a little effort to clean it up after I go back, but I also prepared things for it. "

After lighting the last abyssal artifact on the wrist towards the goddess of death, William said with confidence:

"The three major demon gods have their own strengths. The demon **** of hatred is stronger in spirit, the demon **** of fear is stronger in soul, and the demon **** of destruction is stronger in body. But I took the original artifact that binds the body with me, just tied it and it's over.

When the time comes, I will tie up the Destroyer Demon God to keep him from moving, and you two only need to deal with the half-mutilated Hatred Demon God and Fear Demon God, and then I will take the opportunity to use [Drink of Repentance] to help you shout a few times to disturb their response to the corresponding priesthood. Take control... um... wait, let me see if the wheel of time is consuming fuel fast. "

When he said this, William temporarily stopped the wheel of time, lifted the lid and looked at it, and then said with some joy:

"It's okay! Magic Goddess Sauce is quite resistant to burning. We're all in the late period of the Elven Dynasty, but we're only half burnt. Maybe there's still some left when we go back!"

Is there enough fuel?

The Goddess of Death couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and the look on her face became much lighter. Then she seemed to suddenly think of something. After pondering for a while, she suddenly reminded:

"William, if the goddess of magic falls, then you can take her priesthood directly..."

"I'll talk about this When the wheel of time was infinitely close to its original goal and was about to stop, William suddenly saw something that had been haunting him for a long time. Looking back, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, stopped the wheel of time and jumped out, waving his hand as a chain of restraint.

And after being wrapped around his waist by an invisible chain, the face of a certain God of Knowledge who had his back to William froze, and couldn't help roaring.

"No! It's impossible!"

"How is this impossible?"

Temporarily put down the invisible chain in his hand, and instantly stacked [Fleeting] to the sixth floor, William kicked the God of Knowledge on the tailbone, kicking the shocked old man of knowledge to the ground, Then I rode up and slapped two big pussies.

"I've waited too long for this day! You two hold him down for me! I'm going to have a good beating today!"

The second chapter is expected to emerge at twelve o'clock

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