This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 140: Pickling equipment is a good habit

After Her Majesty wrapped the blanket, William quietly reached out and touched it.

【Girls' long-tailed cashmere blankets】

【Warm Cold +1】


Um? Why no spirit +1? Is it not long enough to marinate the flavor?

His expression changed, and he looked up and down Avril thoughtfully, trying to find something to confirm whether the reason for the "evolution" of the cape had anything to do with the queen.

If the queen's "education" can really give the equipment [Spirit +1] attribute, then women's clothing is not...

No, women's clothing is still fine, but for new equipment acquired in the future, you can ask Her Majesty the Queen to help pickle it for a few days before putting it on. Anyway, it is the nature of prostitution.

The more William thought about it, the more he felt that he had discovered a large piece of unpicked wool this time.

A simple calculation, helmets, breastplates, shoulder pads, belts, armguards, gauntlets, knee pads, boots, capes... The limit of a set of full-coverage armor is about fifteen accessories, that is, 15 points of spirit .

And if I can change to a knight in the future, saddles, reins, horse helmets, horse body armor, pedal pendants... well, there are horseshoes and the like, although they can't be worn, they can also be pickled and try, according to each piece +1 calculation, you can probably have 8-10 points of spirit.

Now, counting the freshly pickled cloak, his mental value should have reached 30 points. If all these equipments are successfully pickled, the mental attribute is estimated to break through 60 in an instant, which is the lowest level of a fourth-order legal system professional. threshold……

"You... what do you see me doing?"

Noticing that William's eyes were getting frantic as he looked at her, Avril tugged at the blanket on her body vigilantly, and took back her exposed feet, which she firmly blocked with the blanket.


William's eyes narrowed. After the silver knight suit was damaged by Xiaohong, he still hadn't found any new equipment that could be replaced.

Although the royal army is not short of equipment, the standard equipment is too bad. The armor added to the light equipment is too low, and the armor value of the high armor is thick and heavy, and basically all carry [Sensitivity -1] or [Slowness +1] garbage attribute.

Since the armor is not suitable, get a pair of [Spirit +1] cloth shoes, and it seems acceptable to wear them for a few days.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be something wrong with your shoes. Let me check it for you!"

William, who found the blind spot, swooped on him, lifted the blanket on Avril's leg with his left hand, and pinched her boot with his right hand, which was bent into an eagle's claw.

very good! Not women's shoes, but unisex riding boots, which is even more convenient!


Avril took a half step back suddenly, trying to avoid William's sinful hands. However, caught off guard, she finally took a step slower, not only was the boot on her right foot mercilessly taken away, but even the silk white socks were taken down.

"what are you doing!"

Avril, who felt the coolness, retracted her feet angrily and hid under the blanket in a hurry.

The lustrous and small toes are slightly curled, as cute as the white and tender lotus buds, but unfortunately the initiator is seriously reading the parameters of the boots, and he can't appreciate this scene.

【Bulky animal leather riding boots】

[Warm +2] [Durability +2]

[The bootmaker Wellington uses animal leather riding boots. Although the style is a bit bulky, it is quite practical and wearable. At the same time, it also has a very good thermal insulation effect. The most important thing is that the cost is low, and ordinary people with some money can afford it. It is the main product of the "Wellington Shoe Store" in the autumn and winter seasons]


That's it?

William turned up and down to look at the boots in disappointment, trying to find out what was different, but these boots were indeed no different from ordinary riding boots, and he had a pair of similar ones in his home in the capital.

The hope of madly picking up dozens of points of wool was temporarily dashed, William handed back the boots in his hand again, and said without changing his face:

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Farrell family has cultivated a new type of assassin that can secretly replace the target's medium boots with small ones, causing the target to vomit blood and die from squeezing their feet too much..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Avril snatched her boots, pulled the white socks out of the shoes, put them on her feet, put on her boots and stomped on the ground viciously, as if she was stepping on some nonsense man. of.

After silently watching Avril put on her shoes, William said softly:

"Your Majesty the Queen."

"What are you doing!"

Avril's tone was not very good, the toes in the boots moved quietly, and she gently digged the soles of the shoes in some discomfort - the socks were put on in a hurry just now, as if they were put on backwards.

"That blanket was pickled... Remember to return it to me in a few days, and I'll keep it."

Avril pulled the blanket on her body and laughed angrily, then glared at William angrily.

"You did it on purpose? William, you've learned badly!"

William listened to the Queen's accusation calmly. It is impossible to learn badly. It's just that the status between us has changed drastically.

Before leaving the capital, you were a beautiful boss who paid me monthly salary and occasional benefits, while I was a salted fish worker with bad intentions... so it was not appropriate to talk too much.

And after leaving the capital, you were the unlucky boss who failed to pay the company due to the crisis. My business ability soared tenfold, and you were owed wages for four months, so the long-suffering rants naturally evaporated...

Seeing William's hob-like appearance, Avril had to give up her plan to trouble him.

As for this blanket that I just bought, it is still impossible to return it. I, Avril, can even take money from the Church of True God. Can you be more difficult than the vampires from the Church of Fortune?

Sitting back on the chair, Avril wrapped the blanket with the scent of iris, and carefully studied the straw paper that William took out. William walked to her silently and watched with her.

When unfolded, this piece of grass paper is about the size of two A4 sheets. There are no contour lines or grid lines. Instead, it is divided into sixteen radial lines with the capital as the center point. Large and small mountain water sources, etc.

This 16-line marking method is derived from the nautical chart, because there are exactly 16 directions on the compass, and these lines match the corresponding directions one by one, which is convenient to adjust the direction of progress at any time by comparing with the compass.

The method of drawing this map is still very primitive, but to William’s surprise, the labels of the mountains and rivers on this map are surprisingly accurate, and it is not like hand-painted, but more like a one-time production of some kind of craftsmanship. Is it possible that there is already an assembly line for batch products?

Avril and his focus were completely different. After seeing the map on the papyrus thoroughly, Her Majesty the Queen only felt chills all over her body.

A thick black line was drawn with charcoal on the map, which was the path they had traveled in the past two days. The black line stopped abruptly at the campsite yesterday, and the two dotted lines continued to extend along the black line. They gathered on a flat and open area, and drew a circle heavily with charcoal.

One of the two dotted lines is the distance they traveled today, and the black circle is almost exactly where they are now camping.

Not only that, but what was even more shocking to her was that there were two such circles ahead of the route, and the locations were all in line with her liking, maybe it was the place to camp in the next few days.

"It's amazing, it's... unimaginable!"

The blanket on Her Majesty's shoulder slid down again, but fortunately William grabbed it quickly and carefully re-encircled her.

Shocked by shock, the blanket can't be dropped. I heard people say that the first few days of pickled vegetables are very important, and the pickling equipment is estimated to be similar. You can't be careless at this critical moment.

Her Majesty the Queen rubbed her brows with a headache, and was very worried about the information revealed behind this piece of paper.

Although she can't charge into battle, her ability to command battles is not weak, and she naturally knows the importance of information to war.

However, the current situation is that although a lot of scouts have been dispatched on their own side, they don't even know the location of the Farrell family's main force, but the Farrell family's scouts even guess their future campsites. came out.

Then the marching speed, the type of arms, the proportion of professionals, the route for transporting food... How much of these things have been figured out?

The more Avril thought about it, the more frightened she felt. It was as if she was blindfolded and fighting with others. She could only judge the enemy's attack through the sound of the wind and the faint light.

And his opponent not only took off the gauze on his eyes, but even used the clairvoyance magic of the Church of Light. Before he throws his fist, he can judge the attack method through the movement of his muscles. How to fight this fight?

When she was worryingly studying the piece of paper again and again, William's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

"Your Majesty, the number of scouts should not be enough now, right? I want to take the Vankins family out for a walk and find the location of the Farrell family's army."

The Vankins family? Can they be scouts?

Avril said hesitantly: "William, there are some scouts under Gilbert, why don't you take them with you, those people in the Vankins family are too irritable, and they also have a lot of poor horsemanship. , if entangled..."

William shook his head.

"The quality of those scouts in Gibber is too bad. The Vankins family has been trained by me for three months, so there shouldn't be too much problem. I only brought a hundred fastest knight professionals this time, not three. Professionals who are more than 100 times can't entangle me."

Avril thought for a while, then agreed with William's idea, but still instructed:

"Okay, but remember that this time I will focus on inquiring about news, and try not to entangle with the Farrell family.

Although your combat power is comparable to that of Tier 4 professionals, I heard that Leonard also employs a lot of wandering professionals, and even a necromancer who is good at curses. Be careful. "

William nodded in response, then left the tent under her worried gaze, and found the location of the Vankins house following the guidance of the flag.

Even though the sun has set, the place belonging to the Vankins family is still very Except for the minimum guards, most of the people are fighting one-on-one.

Cheers and cheers, angry shouts, and bellows-like heavy panting resounded through the night sky, disturbing the surrounding area.

William looked at these sweaty brawny men with satisfaction. After three months of careful calling, the strength of these guys has grown quite terribly.

Thanks to the bloodline that became stronger in the Vietnam War, under the "feeding" of a large number of high-quality battles, this legion can be pulled out for a walk. It seems that even after so long, his method of calling the legion is not unfamiliar. , still as powerful as ever.

William happily called out the Legion panel and took a look.

[Legion Name: Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)]

[Legion Level: Second Class]

【Corporation establishment: 188/2000】

[Legion characteristics (race): The rage is burning, the members of the legion are all mixed-blood war demons, and they are born with a strong will to fight. The combat power will increase with the duration of the battle...

Wait, something seems wrong? Isn't the legion establishment 189/2000, why is there suddenly one less?

William clicked on the formation of the legion, and a gray name appeared on the top, indicating that the person was out of combat or unable to participate in the battle.

Cheap dad? Why, he also vomited and diarrhoea on the head by nourishing the kidney and nourishing it?

William opened Harry's attribute panel with doubts.

[Name: Harry Vankins]

[Race: Human, Half-Blood Demon]

[Reputation: French Empire 15/100 (friendly) Anderson family 935/1000 (respected)]

【Armor value: 1/1】

【Abnormal state: Imprisoned】


? ? ?

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