This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1355: for your own good

"Hehe, it's good that you understand."

Seeing the understanding look in William's eyes, the Demon God of Fear smiled, and because he had the same view on a certain Demon God, his already friendly attitude suddenly became a little warmer.

"Don't worry, we won't treat you badly afterwards."

After shrinking down to a size similar to that of William, the Demon God of Fear stretched out his hand and patted William's shoulder, leaving an extremely concealed tracking mark, and promised eagerly:

"We will never forget the credit you have given us for reporting across time! After you kill the goddess of magic, her godhead will be yours!

At that time, we can join hands to help you open the source of the abyss, and let you embed the godhead with the imprint of the soul in it! After being promoted to the thirteenth rank, you will be the fourth largest demon **** of the endless abyss, and your status is only lower than the three of us! "

You may not believe it when you say it, but in terms of status alone, it seems that the three of you are not as good as me when tied together...

After returning the Fear Demon God with two points of surprise, three points of excitement, four points of gratitude, and one point of flattered eyes, William silently pushed back the deceitful priesthood that kept warning.

Judging from the reaction of the deceitful priesthood, the fart that the Fearful Demon God just let out should be cumin-like. As for the syllables that came out together with the fart, the credibility is as different as the look in his eyes, which is really like the purest like fakes.

After a few polite words of "how is this appropriate?"

After listening to William's narration, the demon **** of destruction above began to pick his nostrils, and the two demon gods of fear and hatred couldn't help but look at each other.

Playing with time...this ability is really terrifying!

If the goddess of magic can fiddle with time at will, it means that all those who fight her will be directly adjusted to the most vulnerable time point.

And in the extremely long life, most of the true gods are seriously injured and dying, or even fell into a deep sleep for a short time. Once they face the goddess of magic, they will lose their fighting ability in an instant.

It is estimated that only the three of us who dare not take risks in the endless abyss and have always hugged each other can barely maintain a certain fighting ability when facing her.


"I see, no wonder we are not her opponents in the future..."

After sighing with emotion, the Demon God of Fear smiled and said:

"But this time it's different. Not only did we get your report and we made preparations in advance, we even have other assistance that we can borrow. If her ability is only like this, then she who used to fake her death in the past, I'm afraid this time she can only really die." Die once."

After showing some kind of trick to William, the Fear Demon God didn't mean to explain, but said to William with a smile on his face:

"By the way, besides this matter, I have another question I want to know about."

"The times we were killed by her in the future...were you by my side?"


What is it asking this for?

Although the fear demon asked lightly, it seemed that he just casually found a topic to chat about.

But relying on deceitful priesthood and legendary deception, William instantly sensed the danger from this question. For the cunning and cunning fear demon god, those words just now may be foreshadowing, and this seemingly inconspicuous The question is what he really wants to know the most.

"Barely there..."

After ambiguously giving an ambiguous answer, considering that the answer may continue to be asked for some details, William immediately moved his mouth to "patch", half of "guilt" and half of "guilt":

"However, my strength is limited, and I didn't dare to get too close at the time, so I have been very far away from the main battlefield, and..."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, then avoided the eyes of the fearful demon god, and said with vacillating eyes:

"And I actually didn't last until the three adults I escaped early...leaved early....."

"That's it."

After staring at William thoughtfully for a while, the Demon God of Fear nodded slightly, and comforted him sincerely:

"It's okay, this doesn't count as your escape, it's just a reasonable retreat. After all, if the three of us are in a desperate situation and we are sure to lose, you are the only hope for the entire abyss.

If you recklessly choose to die together, we will not have the opportunity we have now, so not only is it not wrong for you to run, you even have credit for it! "

After one person and one demon **** lined up for a while without any sincerity, the fear demon **** seemed to remember something, and asked suddenly:

"That...William, right?

Although you have successfully escaped in the past few times, the goddess of magic must have been very angry when you ran away from under your nose. If we are not mistaken, she will probably list you as the primary target this time. And you hold the key to being able to travel through time and find your next chance for victory.

Although the three of us are very confident, if she kills you first and the three of us fail again, then we in the abyss really have no hope at all..."

"Well, don't worry, we have no intention of asking you to hand over that thing."

After noticing William's suddenly vigilant expression, the Fear Demon God waved his hands and said with a smile:

"Since you have used her power to get rid of the poisonous hands of the goddess of magic several times, it is natural that you are the safest, and we just want to add an extra layer of protection to this security!"

As if to set off the atmosphere of the fearful words, the moment the word "protection" was uttered, the "skyline" at the edge of the abyss opened slowly like a huge mouth, twisting And inside the pitch-black fissure, there were several low-pitched roars that were extremely craziest.

"There is a special plane called [Mad God's Prison], guarded by a demon **** who is also at the peak of the thirteenth order, and before it is completely dominated by out-of-control anger, it has already been vaguely touched like the goddess of magic. We have reached the threshold of the fourteenth step."

Ignoring William's suddenly ugly face, he changed his position slightly in cooperation with the Demon God of Enhancing Hate, and after locking William in the center, the Demon God of Fear said with a smile:

"Don't worry, although that mad **** has lost his mind will instinctively tear up all the lives he sees, but since he lived in the prison of the mad **** for an unknown number of years, his infinitely close The fourteenth-level rage priesthood is distributed all the time, and it has completely filled the entire abyss. Even death cannot intervene in it, and the dead will be resurrected immediately on the spot.

Therefore, even if he kills you a thousand times in a row, you are absolutely safe, and if the Goddess of Magic wants to kill you, you need to kill the mad **** first, and completely empty the priesthood of rage... Believe me, there is no safer place in the entire endless abyss than there. "

After looking at William whose face was sinking like water, the Demon God of Fear smiled, and said with a softer expression:

"Of course, if you don't want to go in, we won't force you, but..."

"Needless to say!"

After interrupting the words of the Demon God of Fear, William first glanced at the system panel and found the [Lord of the Abyss], which was still blinking endlessly. Then he chose the [Prison of the Mad God] as his territory without saying a word, and then said with grief and indignation. shouted:

"I'll go! Can't I go!"

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