This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1394: eat something good

"It must be no problem!" A little bit ahead of time, the elves in the elf temple are eagerly signing up, scrambling to get ready to be a drag bottle, William, who is squatting in the barren hills waiting for the shadow **** to make a move, then I'm discussing with the hip-pull goddess what accident will happen later. "Why do you always think that something will happen? The God of Shadow will definitely not escape my surveillance! I promise not to drag you into the Shadow Plane!" "..." Don't! The more you promise, the more uncertain I feel! Hearing the confident speech of the hip-pulling goddess, William couldn't help curling his lips secretly, and then emphasized: "I'll tell you again, I didn't say that the God of Shadows can escape your surveillance, I just think there must be something else. I couldn’t leave in time.” .. “No... I can understand that you think so, but there must be a similar reason?” I feel that William still doesn’t believe his professional level and his professionalism has been questioned The hip-pulling goddess couldn't help but argue with reason: "Suspecting that the God of Knowledge is going to make trouble, feeling that the God of the Sea will intervene, or worrying that the God of Shadow has another card... These are the qualified reasons! Even if you directly Tell me, there is a kind of ominous premonition in the dark, and I can bear it! But 'because I, the goddess of fate, is too unreliable, every time I am full of confidence, there will always be accidents, what does it mean?" What do you mean? Literally chant! How unlucky are you? Don't you have Uncle B? After squinting at the angry hip-pulling goddess, William, who was too lazy to pay attention to her, ended the conversation on his own initiative, turned his head calmly and began to silently stack the layers of [Fleeting], trying to be prepared for the unexpected. "Hmph!" Seeing that William ignored her and was still preparing for the impossible "accident", the hip-pull goddess couldn't help feeling angry. The bastard! How can you be so superstitious! I, a goddess who controls the priesthood of destiny, are not as outrageous as him! You wait for my wife! If there is no accident in the end, I must laugh at you for the rest of my life! Secretly swore in my heart, and decided that if there were no accidents, I must mock William with this matter every day. After that, the Goddess Lahip mobilized the fate dice suspended outside the Arcane Continent, and began to investigate the Arcane gods one by one. trajectory of fate. Well, although my destiny priesthood will definitely not go wrong, knowledge, oceans, shadows, etc., may suddenly play tricks, so it's better to monitor them all at once. Especially those **** in the Pantheon Hall who expressed their support for the execution of William, one of them has to be watched to death, so don't let them make any accidents. Although the fate of the **** William is very strong, even if there is an accident, he will definitely not die, but if any accident happens, the old lady will not be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life... I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case Goddess La Hip gritted her teeth and became cruel, and directly used up more than 30% of the power of fate accumulated in the past ten years. With the help of the fate dice, she locked all the true gods in the Pantheon Hall in one go, and then began to sullenly face each other one by one. Children inspection. The God of Knowledge, don’t come; the God of the Sea, don’t come; the God of Light, don’t come; Lady of the Night… After checking all the people who can get involved among the Arcane gods, look at everything completely. Under normal circumstances, the hip-pull goddess, who had used up a lot of power of fate, couldn't help but feel a burst of pain, wishing she could just take a stick and plug William's broken mouth. Because of your words, more than three years of hard work will be in vain. I really owe you in my previous life! Hey... Forget it, this **** is actually a good person. At least he can stand up at critical moments, and he has a bright future. He can... um... wait! When thinking of this, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help stretching out her arm, and lightly poked William's armpit. "If I remember correctly, haven't you found all the five sequences? Why don't you continue to advance? Is the accumulation not enough?" Accumulate the experience points required for the upgrade? That thing has already overflowed. After hearing the question about the hip-stretching goddess, William opened the career tree in the system panel and looked at it, and then explained: "There is no problem with accumulating, but among the five sequences I have mastered now, Starry Sky Titan is the main sequence, and we must wait for it to be completed." After the promotion, the rest of the other sequences can complete the promotion. And if I want to advance from the seventh-level titan to the eighth-level star child, there is one most important condition that has not been met." Huh? The hip-pull goddess blinked in surprise when she heard the words. "Can't even satisfy you? What condition can be so difficult?" "It's not difficult, this condition is actually very easy to achieve." He raised his head to look at the clear sky, and looked in the direction of a certain scumbag Seagod God Kingdom After a glance, William replied meaningfully: "As long as I eat one star, my main profession can be promoted to the eighth level. UU Reading" "What? A star?!" "Don't worry, It's not the kind of star you think." After waving his hand to signal the hip-pull goddess not to misunderstand, William said leisurely: "The concept of a star is very broad, and it doesn't necessarily refer to a super-large celestial body like the sun or the moon. As long as it is suspended in Austria Things that are outside the scope of the Magic Continent are fine. If I throw a big stone out of the Arcane Continent, it can already be counted as a star in the eyes of people on the ground, and it can also be used to complete the [Children of the Stars] ]'s promotion." that's how it is...After listening to William's explanation, the hip-pull goddess couldn't help but let out a long breath. scare me! I thought I'd have to eat a sun or wait! What does he keep looking up at? After noticing William's abnormal gaze, she just followed his gaze and looked towards the sky. As a senior "Williamist", the hip-pull goddess roughly guessed his thoughts, and couldn't help but slightly opened her eyes wide. Wei Dai asked in shock: "William! Tell me! Is the kingdom of God that the True God set up outside the Austrian continent considered a star?" "..." William couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this , and did not immediately give a definite answer, but the hip-pull goddess seemed to have got the answer, and couldn't help but gasped. "You plan to eat the Sea God's Divine Kingdom? Then use his Divine Kingdom to advance to the eighth rank?" "Well, I do have this plan." After squinting at the hip-pulling goddess, William shrugged and said indifferently: "Although this advanced condition is easy to achieve, if you grab a palm-sized meteorite and eat it, you should be able to advance to the eighth-level Star Child, but the strength is definitely not as good as eating 'good things'. Of course, you have to eat something good. As for why it is Sea God... Firstly, I have a grudge against this guy, and secondly, he likes to stay in the Kingdom of God all year round. The strength of the Kingdom of God is the highest among all true gods. If I don’t eat it, who will I eat? "

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