This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 196: You are, since! Searching!

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Leonard pinched his eyebrows hard, while enduring the chaotic force of fate in his mind, he explained to the witch mistress with a dark face:

"If you want to become a seventh-order destiny apostle, you must understand your own destiny, but my destiny was changed by him. My current life is not the original life, but the life after being influenced by him."

"So if I still want to break through the seventh-order, I must eliminate this influence, either kill him to end all this, or find out what he did to my destiny and get my destiny back to its original form."

After listening to Leonard's explanation, the witch mistress frowned.

She asked suspiciously, "But the old man said he didn't do anything?"

"He lied."

Leonard pressed the blue veins on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "Apart from giving a few ambiguous prophecies, he did not affect or change anyone's fate, let alone get any benefit from my fate, how can this be? possible!"

Mistress Witch ignored Leonard's anger, but said in surprise, "Then what he means is that he didn't play a role in your fate. Your life is supposed to be like this?"

After frowning and thinking for a while, the witch mistress nodded her head in approval.

"Although I didn't listen to all of you, I also listened to a general idea. I think what he said should be true."

Facing Leonard's dissatisfied gaze, the witch mistress opened her mouth to analyze: "You think, he was the seventh-order destiny apostle back then, so why should he accumulate a little after so many years?

And although you failed to overthrow the entire Flange, you have now occupied two and a half of the seven major duchies, and you must have brought a lot of power of destiny. If he really did something to your destiny, then now Why should he become an eighth-order professional? "

"I don't think he's telling the truth."

Leonard shook his head and replied with a sullen face: "My fate is involved in such a wide range, as a professional of the fate sequence, why doesn't he get involved? Whether it is to push me in the back, or ...Or to prevent my mother's death, it was not difficult for him back then.

He doesn't need to pay anything at all to get an unimaginably rich amount of power of destiny! How could he not do something? Why doesn't he do something? "

The witch mistress glanced at Leonard in surprise. At this time, not only did Leonard's pupils turn red, but the muscles on his cheeks were constantly clenching. This was not caused by pain, but more like a An emotion known as anger.

She was surprised to find that this man, who had no weaknesses except for his short legs, had a rare gaffe.

The corner of Mistress Witch's mouth tugged up covertly, revealing a somewhat playful smile.

I just said, how could someone have nothing to think about? A sad creature like human beings, as long as they are still alive, they must be driven away by something. This man is just hiding deeper than anyone else.

After thinking about it for a while, she tentatively said something to support the fire:

"Perhaps, the old man is actually a good man? It's out of... um, out of some kind of conscience, so I didn't do anything about your fate."

Leonard turned his head and glanced at her, and said sarcastically: "Conscience? A person who can step into the sequence of destiny and become a seventh-order apostle of destiny, still have a conscience? There is no good person who can reach this step! If he He's a good person, why didn't you save my mother in the first place?"

Mistress Witch didn't speak, she had already seen the truth from Leonard's performance.

The old man who kept his hand on his **** was probably telling the truth.

He shouldn't have done anything at the time, but just said in an ambiguous way what would have happened to the Farrell family and Leonard.

Thinking of this, the witch mistress snorted enviously, she didn't have to do anything, she could take away huge rewards with just a few words, it's so easy for people in the sequence of fate to cheat money.

When I was a little witch back then, in order to get some research funding, I had to lure those idiot-like nobles every now and then. I even hesitated whether to ask an old man to get married and defraud property. Thinking about it carefully, it was too low-level.

As for Leonard, he should know that what the old man said was true, and he was just trying to express his anger.

She looked at the sullen Leonard and smiled, and said in a meaningful way: "Leonard, your body doesn't seem to be very comfortable? Is it really okay to suppress it like this?"

Leonard leaned back on the chair, pinched his eyebrows without saying a word, and said coldly, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop pretending."

The witch mistress sneered, and pulled Leonard, who was as soft as cotton, and fiddled twice, and found that apart from his still pale face, the rest of his body had returned to blood.

She tore off the bandage on Leonard's hand. The dense wound on her palm was slowly healing, and her weak body, which had been dead, was regaining its vitality and vitality.

The witch mistress snorted and said, "According to your current Whether you kill him or not, you can become a seventh-order professional sooner or later, so the old man is telling the truth, right?"

Leonard took his hand out of her palm, and said nothing with a sullen face.

"Cut, awkward man."

The witch mistress pouted, mercilessly piercing Leonard's thoughts.

"You just don't want to admit the truth. If your life was designed by others, then at least there is a goal of revenge, but now there is nothing left."

"You just don't want to admit that your fate is just awful."

Following Leonard's usual appearance, she reached out and patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Oh, don't think that you have extraordinary wisdom, but you haven't lived long enough. There are some things that only an old man like me can see thoroughly. There are always people born with everything you dream of, and everything you have. It is also what others dream of, fate is such an unfair thing."

Seeing that Leonard still had a dark face and didn't speak, the witch mistress touched her scalp distressedly, for fear that this guy with an abnormal mind would continue to force himself to pull out his hair, she quickly spoke kindly and comforted:

"Leonard, that old man didn't do anything serious, he just chose to stand by and watch your unfortunate life, and by the way help your stupid father to strengthen his confidence, there is really no need to spend too much on such a person. Energy, or... let's let him go first?"

Leonard was silent for a long time, finally nodded slowly, and said reluctantly:

"You're right."


After William pondered for a while, he said to the old Cameron on the other side of the ring.

"Otherwise, you'd better fight with them!"

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