Under Melanie's repeated begging for mercy, William finally stopped the goose feather in his hand.

He said with a dark face, "I'm not asking you how to use it! What I want to know is, is there any other way to use this thing besides swallowing it!"

Melanie, who had paid a huge price, slumped on the bed, gasping for breath, with the Goose Feather of Damocles hanging over her head. She almost died of laughter this time, she really didn't dare to skin again.

"I... I don't know. That man didn't tell me how to use this thing. I discovered the true face of this thing myself..."

Scumbag, what's the use!

After carefully examining Melanie's expression and confirming that she was telling the truth, William sighed in disappointment, raised his hand and threw away the goose feather in his hand.

Then he picked up the soft brush for brushing the sauce on the barbecue.

"Trash! If it doesn't tickle you to death today, I'll take your surname!"

"Ah? Wait! Wait! I have a way! I have a way! Stop scratching, hahaha!"

Turning a deaf ear to the female vampire's begging for mercy, William swiped more than a hundred times on her white and tender feet with his familiar strength.

Melanie Bai Shengsheng's toes were constantly shaking back and forth. She first tried to tighten the soles of her feet, trying to resist the uninterrupted invasion of the soft brush.

However, after just holding on for a few seconds, I was shaken by the itch to the top of my heart, and hurriedly stretched my toes with all my strength, crying and laughing, but the result was still half a pound compared to before.

"You! Ah ha ha! Oh! Stop it! I didn't lie to you! I have another way, haha, another way! Please stop!"

Um? Is there really a surprise?

William raised his eyebrows, and after two more rounds of brushing, he stopped. Then he held his head high and said coldly and arrogantly:

"Hurry up! This is your last chance!"

Damn bastard! Scratching the soles of other people's feet and still arrogant? What is your face made of?

Taking the time to breathe, Melanie glanced at William bitterly, but she still didn't dare to do anything after a heavy lesson ahead, and said honestly:

"Although I have other methods, the best way to absorb [The Heart of the Punisher] is to swallow it. Why don't you use this method?"

After hearing Melanie's question, William raised his eyebrows, hesitated for a while, and said plainly:

"I have learned more than one sequence. If I use [Heart of Punisher] directly, the other sequences will be erased together."

The female vampire said in surprise:

"What's wrong with that? Since you know the effect of [The Heart of the Punisher], you should also know how strong the Punishment Sequence is, right?"

William was at a loss for words when she asked.

The Punisher Sequence is indeed one of the most powerful sequences. The battle logic of this profession is extremely simple and rude—I don’t care if you really have weaknesses, as long as you are marked by me, I will beat you wherever you are!

Its unreasonable level is about the same as shaking a hand can make a person pregnant, and repairing a foot can also kill a person. Although it is not invincible at the same level, its strength in a head-to-head duel is really amazing.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely pat his chest happily to express that he would wash it casually.

Question: I'm not an ordinary person, am I? [Flesh Demon Giant] [Painful Evil Rider] These two are also powerful professions, except that they are not comparable to one-on-one, are they still better in other aspects?

William, who didn't want to reveal his professional system, turned black, stretched out his hand and grabbed Melanie's little feet.

"I'm nostalgic! Can't you? In short, I need to keep the other sequences and convert [Black Dead Apostles] into [Believers] alone. Can you do it?"

Of course I can't do it! I've never used that thing, how could I possibly know how to do it!

Seeing the soft brush reappearing in his hand, the female vampire hurriedly tried to step back, but when her ankle was caught, her efforts were completely useless.

Seeing that Melanie didn't speak, a suspicious look appeared on William's face, and the soft brush in his hand slowly moved forward...

"There is a way! I have a way!"

With the itch that seemed to come from the soles of her feet again, Melanie seemed to be instantly connected to the second vein of Ren and Du, and a sudden wisdom rushed directly into her head.

"Didn't you just want to change [Black Death] to [Believer]? I have a way to turn you back into an ordinary person, and then you can learn a [Believer] yourself, right?"

"The answer is wrong!"

The unhappiness on William's face suddenly deepened. If I could learn it, would I still have to wait for you, the Heart of a Punisher?

There are two conditions for becoming a [believer]. The first is the need to believe in the corresponding gods. I can still use [Unbounded People] to fool me.

But just like becoming a [Knight], you need to achieve "Riding (Introduction, to become a [Believer], you also need to achieve "Divine Grace (Introduction

But if ordinary people want to obtain divine grace, they must read a lot of religious books, and then stay in awe and realize something. The problem is that I am a materialist. Lonely?

William shook his head and said, "Impossible, I can't read the "Bright Book of Light", so I can't get divine grace at all."

Seeing him raise his wrist to scratch, Melanie hurriedly screamed.

"Don't, don't, don't! Don't do it! There is a way! I have a way to get you the grace of God!"

You have a fart way!

William sneered in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know the stories behind those, but the career sequence is my specialty.

Back then, the official introduction was clearly written. There is only one way for players to obtain divine favor. Can you be more powerful than the official introduction?

Seeing that William didn't believe her words, Melanie gritted her teeth and stomped her foot (it couldn't), and muttered something like a mosquito in her mouth, and her body glowed with an almost milky white blazing light.

This... Divine grace?

William's eyes widened in surprise. Although Melanie spoke in a low voice, he could still hear the specific content clearly.

'May the light of the Lord shine upon the shadows in the hearts of believers. ’

This is a prayer recorded on the title page of the Holy Codex, and reciting the Holy Codex is the way to activate divine grace. powerful.

William's eyes narrowed slightly.

The entry-level divine grace ability is just a touch of fluorescence, and the white light on Melanie's body is no longer "fluorescence". The whole person is bright like a 500-watt incandescent bulb, and the color is even more intense Milky white, it seems that it is not much worse than the highest level of Pizhao level (Master).

Then here comes the problem. A vampire, a dark creature, has almost the highest level of divine grace, and this world is still a daddy (grandfather)...

Um? What does it taste like?

William sniffed, and suddenly smelled a rush of meat.

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