This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 347: Eros favors

[Your eyes glitter with pride]

[Feeling the incomparably rich divine power around me, even if the city is as deep as you, it is still difficult to hide the joy on my face]

["It's this! It's this!"]

[You look ecstatic, your heart beats like a drum]

["That's right! This is the power that can change my destiny!"]

Divine power...

William's brows furrowed deeply.

The mission this time is not to let me get some supernatural power, right? That would be troublesome. I don't have a way to extract divine power now, why don't I try to find Avril first to make up for the magic?

[As the mastermind behind the collapse of Flange, you are stoic, wise, decisive, and unfathomable... But God will never give a person endless favor, inferior talent is your only and last regret]

[Seeing that the people around you are continuously advancing, but you are always hovering at the second level. Although you sneer at those stupid people who use brute force, you are still a little anxious in your heart]


Worry about you, uncle! ... What happened to you with brute force? I suspect your little brat is hinting!

[After the recent few near-deaths, the anxiety in your heart has reached its peak]

[It's just a few trivial scenes, but you almost ended your ambitions. Although you have absolute confidence in your own wisdom, the world is too barbaric after all, and it is not safe if you don't have enough strength.]

My grandmother Li!

William rolled his eyes angrily at the system's reversal of black and white.

2,000 formed vampire legions siege the city, genuine seventh-order duke-level vampires, and part of the body smuggled in by the ninth-order corpse maharaja...

Why is this called "trivial"? What is this called a "small scene"? In the deflated part of the flange, it is obviously beyond the standard, okay?

As far as the three melons and two dates under my hands are concerned, shouldn't the common people understand the small scene of beating up the rich and ruthless aristocrats, or bullying the bandits and bandits who are wandering everywhere? Have you misunderstood the word "small scene" a little bit?

["Finally! Finally let me wait! That prophet didn't lie to me!"]

[Looking at the woman next to you greedily, you suddenly recalled what happened before, the mysterious powerhouse riding a red dragon, and the meaningful smile on his face]


When he saw this, William recalled the so-called "mysterious powerhouse" with a strange expression, and found that the expression on his face was indeed meaningful.

An advertisement, the book chasing app I've been using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

Too deep, but not long enough.

The old man's face was pale... It was obviously due to the lack of ammunition caused by too much artillery fire, and he had to shake three times after walking two steps, and he was almost drained out of his eyes...

Just as William was secretly offering incense to the old man Cameron, the middle school system slowly spit out the specific mission goals.

[There is no doubt that this is the gift of fate. As long as you get this power, you can make up for the last shortcoming and usher in a smooth journey from now on! 】

【God's favor】

[Mission 1: Get 10 Eros Divine Power 4.5/10]

【Task 2: Raise the prestige of Eros Church to worship】


Um? This mission is linked to the Church of Eros...

William raised his chin thoughtfully, avoiding the increasingly arrogant tongue of the female knight.

The existing 4.5 points of divine power should be the divine power in the fragment of the toe statue that was rewarded for the task of blowing up the statue of Eros.

The rest of the quota is a bit tricky to deal with. Even if it can still be done in the same way, it will take at least two bombings to collect ten points of divine power, not to mention that the previous events cannot be replicated at all. It seems that the difficulty of this task is here.

As for prestige... it's not too difficult.

For those guys in the chaotic camp, reputation can go up or down at will, as long as you have the right temper, you can brush it up in a few days. Speaking of... sigh, stop licking it!

Speaking of which, two of the three major churches in France already have branches at dawn, why don't you bring in the Church of Eros?

As long as they are invited to settle in, the prestige will probably break 100 directly, and the respect will be drawn directly. As for the latter ones, it seems that you can play a little bit of showmanship...


William was looking up and thinking, how to improve the favorability of the Church of Eros; Jesse gave up thinking and started to use the tip of his tongue to try to reach his Adam's apple; Avril clenched her fists, hesitating whether to send a divine impact to these two. A **** flew out.

You...don't go too far!

However, the more extreme things were still to come. Seeing that she couldn't reach William's Adam's apple, the female knight chose to take the second place. She grabbed the collar of William's bodyguard's clothes and wet the fabric, opened her little white teeth and gently took it. Stay, biting ambiguous.

As if some switch had been turned on, Avril's divine power suddenly fluctuated violently, instantly increasing by at least 30% to 40%.

A series of system prompts awakened William, who was in a trance. He looked along Avril's gaze, and immediately noticed the little movement of the female knight on his neckline.

William coughed a little embarrassedly, and hurriedly lowered his head and stretched out his hand.

The hazy-eyed female knight opened her mouth slightly, and spit out the collar of her mouth without fighting. Just when William breathed a sigh of relief, she pulled her body up with her left arm, and her face was like a cat on William's face. took a bite.


Feeling the surge of divine power around him, William wanted to cry without tears in his heart.

In the past, I was embarrassed to dance and hug my waist, but why are you so proficient when stepping on thunder?

Just when he started to think about how to explain it for a while, the right side of his belly was suddenly scalded, which was where his pocket was, and the fragments of the statue of Eros and the coins of fate were sewn there.

Damn... the fate warning has come?

He quickly lifted the dishonest female knight William freed his right hand to touch his pocket.

I'm thinking... This kind of trivial matter doesn't need to be so real, right? I was just in front of the queen with Jessica... um... it seems... maybe it's really useful.

William touched the lucky coin nervously, but something unusual happened. The fate coin that had "jumped" very well in the past was as quiet as a chicken this time. Instead, the toe of the statue of Eros began to "make".

The hotness he felt before was not actually from the Destiny Coin, but from the fragments of the Eros statue that had never responded.

【Eros Statue Fragment (Special Item)】

【Spirit value 4.6/99】

[This is a fragment of a statue that contains the mighty power of the gods. Under the action of some unknown power, it was transformed from a large amount of belief value by itself]

[(Newly added) The divine power in this shard has been stable for a long time, but for some reason, it just started to grow slowly again]

Looking at the Divine Strength from 4.5 to 4.6, William turned his head oddly, looked in Avril's direction, and stretched out his hand to hug the female knight a little tighter.

As the body contact between the two became closer, the temperature of the stubby, round stick-shaped object in his hand rose again, and the divine power value also jumped from 4.6 to 4.7, and it continued to heat up.


I have no choice!

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