This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 351: double headshot

" get out!"

The tent's curtain suddenly opened, and a pair of fair-skinned lotus-arms shoved seven or eight times before they forced the reluctant William out, and then pulled the curtain back in annoyance.

The lintel with the curtain was pulled rattling, and was almost torn apart by the force, as if it was silently proclaiming that the guy who was pushed out of the door would not want to come in again today.

Che, if you don't get in, you can't get in. A real man can get in and out even if he wants to.

William raised his head arrogantly, covered his nose, and left the camp with arrogance, a bright red looming between his fingers.

Don't misunderstand everyone, this is just two blows from Her Majesty the Queen, and it has nothing to do with the huge amount of welfare just now. As for his nose with a 150-point physique, why was it broken by Avril... Who cares?

【God's favor】

[Mission 1: Get 10 Eros Divine Power (Completed)]

[Task 2: Raise the prestige of the Church of Eros to Worship (unfinished)]

Cough... It seems that the brushing is a little too much.

Rubbing his nose, confirming that the overwhelmed capillaries were gradually healing, William smacking his lips regretfully.

The energy storage limit of the Eros statue fragment seems to be... Comrade still needs to work hard.

Although I can't use it yet, this thing is definitely a good thing, so I must save more when I have the opportunity, 70 is a lot, 80 is not much, 99 is just right...

Well, this is simply not panicking when you have food in your hands, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the wonderful process of stockpiling.

Looking up at the faintly pale sky, William put out his thoughts of finding a place to sleep, and began to think about the next few things he needed to do.

If you consider the priority, the ring that the old Cameron stuffed should definitely be dealt with first.

One is that this ring is related to whether it can hold back the Pope, and the other is that the ring "ringed" a bit too many times during the previous "collection" of divine power. Old man Cameron himself was probably a little anxious.

It’s just that it’s already past the early morning. It’s estimated that even if I find the [Signal Power Ring] in the hands of the rich lady, and the Pope is staring at me, the old man Cameron is afraid that he won’t dare to make any small moves. No matter what he does, he can only postpone it until It's tomorrow.

William thought about it carefully. According to the frequency of the ring's ringing, the sage of old Cameron...cough, the "free" time should be between 2:10 and 4:30 in the morning. At that time, it is estimated that the Pope was just tossing. After he fell asleep.

As for why William got stuck so accurately... The ring bounced around every 20 seconds on average, just tossed from about 2:10 to 4:30, and then there was no news.

During the period, it occasionally breaks a few times. It is estimated that the female pope was tired from sleep and turned over, right? Tsk... Aquaman also has the hard work of Aquaman.


The one named William... he's not dead, is he?

Cameron stared at the beautifully shaped ring on his ring finger and rubbed it twice in surprise.

With his movements, a faint arcane brilliance appeared on the ring, and the light blue magic pattern the size of the thumb on the inside of the ring quietly lit up, and the sparkling pattern slowly unfolded, reflecting the wall beside the bed like a palace under the sea Generally, it looks really good.

Is there nothing wrong?

The old man Cameron frowned inexplicably, his orange peel-like face full of doubts.

There's nothing wrong with the channels on both sides. Even if you haven't gotten the [Signal Authority Ring] in Karina's hand, you should be able to receive a unilateral message from me? why he...


A lazy murmur rang out after him, and the old man Cameron jerked his spirit, hurriedly stopped the supply of magic power, and hit his hand with [Destiny Hidden], and the gorgeous ring gradually became transparent.

What's even more amazing is that this ring doesn't seem to be purely invisible. When old Cameron's five fingers are close together, the slightly sunken skin of his **** and little finger is slowly rebounding, and the white sunburn on his ring finger is gradually changing. Deep, as if the ring never existed.

"Well...that sandy...little bitch...I'll kill her!"

Accompanied by the murderous dream, the Pope, who was covered with a thin quilt, turned slightly to the side, broke away the covering on her body slightly, and left old Cameron with a clean and naked back.

The cello-style back line is extremely beautiful, the arc that begins to slide down at the shoulders and ribs gradually gathers at the waist, and then rises suddenly at the last moment, leaving a perfect curve that attracts crimes, enough to make all living male creatures shoot their salute. .

However, the old man Cameron is obviously not in this list. The terrifying battle frequency of 10+ per day has completely given him the ability to transfer to a great sage anytime, anywhere.

After checking for a few rounds with eyes that had been through the vicissitudes of life without a trace of contemplation, and confirmed that the Pope was not awake, the nervous face of the old man Cameron suddenly relaxed, and he let out a deep breath.

Turning over and making such a big commotion shocked me!

After confirming that the current environment was temporarily safe, he quickly unlocked his destiny ability and continued to experiment with the function of the ring.

However, after three full tests, the magic pattern of the ring is still exquisite and standard, the magic channel is also unobstructed, and no abnormality is still found.

This is strange...

If there is no problem with my own ring, if the channel is intact, then it proves that the ring stuffed to that kid is no problem, then it can only be a problem with people.

That **** clearly understood what I and didn't expose me on the spot, obviously he was ready to cooperate? Why was there no sound for more than two hours, directly cutting off my more than 400 communications? What the **** is he doing?

Looking at the enchantingly beautiful lines in front of him, the old man Cameron frowned deeply, and began to wonder if he was being entrusted with inhumanity.

"It's so beautiful." A murmur as thin as a mosquito rang from behind itself.

The old man Cameron nodded slightly.

"Well, I learned this stuff back then because it was beautiful, but I didn't expect to actually use it now... eh."

The heart that had been snatched by an old lover suddenly tightened, and old Cameron's pupils instantly enlarged. Although his breathing was still stable, the projection of the heart in his body had jumped wildly.

"Nana, why did you wake up? Did I disturb you?"

"No, I just had a dream. I dreamed that you had an affair with the woman in the desert kingdom behind my back, and then I just...hehe, don't say it, don't say it~"

The Pope stretched her arms around old Cameron's neck and leaned on his back affectionately. The face of thirty-something was actually slightly charming.

She smiled and kissed old Cameron's face, and said a little shyly: "Anyway, you can guess what I will do, and I won't say the rest~"

The old man Cameron smiled in cooperation with her, and then his throat moved very covertly, swallowing a saliva full of guilty conscience.

Of course I know, you are afraid that you will blow her top head first, and then blow my lower head!

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