This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 372: Copying the house and 0% indomitable

After confirming the origin of this guy, William nodded slowly.

Although the woman repeatedly showed kindness, he still kept his posture facing her and slowly retreated until he finally disappeared at the exit of the alley.

What a weirdo.

Weighing Jin Gede in her hand, the mysterious woman sighed, took out a veil from her arms and tied it to her face, and left at the other end of the alley, preparing to go to the police station to pay the fine for her overlord for prostitution and escape from prison. .

The quiet alley has regained its tranquility, and only the moonlight is still quietly falling.

However, it didn't take long for a dark cloud to drift past, covering the moon again. When the moon pushed aside the dark cloud and continued to overlook the earth, there was another figure in the alley holding an epee.

Looking up at the moon in the sky, William lowered his head again, using the giant sword in his hand as a shovel, digging on the stone brick road one by one, digging out all the jingod fragments broken by the mysterious woman, and then I found another bag and poured the broken gold and soil into it.

Ugh! Jose hasn't come back from doing business yet, and I'm embarrassed to go to the rich woman to borrow it again. The territory is now short of money. So being generous is being generous, and the province still needs to be saved.

Moreover, even if the value of the destroyed jingod has dropped a lot, there can still be dozens of gold simply exchanged for it, right? By the way, what is the gold content of this thing?

Thinking of this, William reached into the bag and felt it.

[Jingold shards stained with mud]

[Value: 0.39 Gold Gold]

[Ordinary gold coins with a minting history of about 251 years have been in normal circulation before, but they have just been forcibly destroyed and their value has been greatly lost. They cannot continue to circulate before being recast.]

[I wonder if anyone has thought about a question, how much is the cost of casting a gold gold?

Most people will probably subconsciously answer a jingod. Unfortunately, the answer is completely wrong.

The gold gold circulated in the Austrian continent is only worth 0.51 gold gold. This specification was jointly decided by the human alliance after the end of the elf dynasty's rule, but there are only a few such as the Holy Empire and the Austrian Empire. Great empires have the right to mint coins.

In addition, the Jin Gord system is disgusted by all races except humans. The elves even call it "bad money". They would rather pay money to mint their own elven gold coins every year than allow Jin Gord to be in the forest of elves. Circulation, which is regarded as a typical behavior of elves' old-fashioned arrogance, has been ridiculed by many races...

Note: The above content is from the banned book "Austria Continent Currency Examination". The author is unknown. It is said that after the book was written, he was convicted of blasphemy and hanged because he stepped on the right foot when he visited the third generation of the Bright Pope.]

Ah... I don't think it's the right foot. Whichever of his five legs goes first can be considered blasphemous. In other words... the original gold content is only a little more than half, these empires are really black enough.

William raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

By the way, it seems that although Flange is a weak chicken, the territory is only about the size of the kingdom, but in order to ensure that the standard of the saint project is high enough, he also has the name of an empire, so... Flange also has the right to mint coins, right? ?

Hmm... No, gold coins are not paper money, this is also an industry with not very stable income, but dangerous but explosive, I am not Andrea, I don't have the habit of asking for money or death, so there is no need to engage in such a dangerous job Son.

By the way, when it comes to Andrea, the design of the Church of the God of Eros has to be done by her, and 80% of the time, she has to be allowed to play freely. Maybe she will be caught by this goods and take a lot of oil and water...

Tsk... Obviously it's time to be poor...

William sighed helplessly. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to leave this job to the female fairy.

The problem is that the original church of Eros Church is so irritating. His kind of aesthetics that takes a practical approach, I am afraid that people of Eros Church will not like it. If the plan is done too badly, it will be bad. Blow.

A branch of the Church of the True God can bring considerable benefits, especially if this is a branch of the Church of Eros, just opening a small hotel... Well, I mean that you can make a lot of money just by selling things, after all No matter which world they are in, young couples are quite willing to spend money. As long as they operate well, they can get back the little money they build a church sooner or later.

With the dream of getting rich by persecuting dogs and men, William sauntered to the door of the banshee's house.

As a standard asking for money, although the alchemy laboratory of the banshee has not yet opened, it still lives like a person who has been sacked by the fund. The dignified fourth-order professional only rents it in the slum area of ​​Dawn Collar. Old and broken.

Although there is still a separate small courtyard, the house is in dilapidated condition. It looks like a dilapidated house, and the surrounding area is surprisingly desolate. Even the masonry roads in the city are not paved, and you can step on the dust in two steps.

This is going to cost money, can't I rent a slightly better place?

William's original good mood was dissipated by the dust, but when he frowned and turned into the alley, he was surprised to find that the door of the small yard rented by the banshee was wide open, and even the rotten door was kicked. On the other side, the dirt road was trampled in a mess. Horseshoe prints, wheel prints and human footprints were everywhere, as if they had just been copied from their homes...

No, it is estimated that the house has really been raided.

William suddenly realized after thinking about it, and gave Her Majesty the Queen a compliment.

It was obviously just at noon that the decision was made, and even the house was copied in the evening. It was really resolute and resolute. Although the Banshee's family property is not too much, it can still be done to alleviate the financial deficit. It's a mess.

"Ah~ sneeze!"

At this moment, there was a super loud sneeze from the door, followed by sniffling and blowing, followed by a faint sound of broken thoughts.

"Despicable! It's just... shameless!... I dare to have my money... I've never... Humph! It's just a mere Queen Flan... Wait for my mother... Treasure... Even your man is robbed!"

Is there nothing in this?

William pouted in disdain.

Besides, you are not happy to rob me. According to your stinginess, whoever marries you will not be far from ruining the family. I am a small earl, but I can't help you, a prodigal woman.

"Clap clap clap!"

Patting the door that was kicked open William frowned and walked in.

"Andrea, I have a good job here... um..."

He stood at the door dumbfounded. The small yard of the banshee's house, which was originally small, was already filled with seventeen or eight large wooden barrels.

Although the barrels are full of colorless and transparent liquids, in William's perception, there are ten large wooden barrels full of surging energy, obviously already soaked in "medicinal materials"...


William pursed his lips with a complicated expression. After the female goblin was raided, she immediately began to take a bath to make money. This indomitable spirit is indeed admirable, but these seventeen or eight large wooden barrels...are you not afraid of dehydration?

He shook his head, walked to the innermost large wooden barrel, and tapped the barrel wall with his middle finger.

"Come out early after soaking, I have a good job here that can make money!"

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