The ecstatic roar of the [Raging Flame Legion] resounded like a wave, directly drowning the squad leader's speech.

Seeing the [Raging Flame Legion] raising the weapon in his hand, the man in noble costume was taken aback, and then ordered something, the city guards holding large shields surrounded him and began to retreat gradually.

William saw the movements of the city guards, but he didn't care much. His goal was not to simply win, but to cause as much damage as possible.

The reason why he didn't start the fight immediately was to wait for the Griddy family to call for more people, to try to weaken their strength to the extreme at one time, and to kill as many of their clansmen and capable people as possible.

At that time, even if the three major churches come to help, there will not be many people in the Griddy family available, and they can easily overthrow their principality at any time.

As for why not talk nonsense for a while, wait until everyone is complete before starting the fight, mainly because there is still a warlock in the city eyeing, and while the encirclement of the Griddy family has not yet formed, early action can preserve the strength to the greatest extent.

Anyway, there are three major churches pressing on the head, and I can't really kill them all. Even if they are all there, I have to leave a little fire. It is better to launch the attack directly now, and let those who come slowly be lucky!

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

With the roar of the herald of the Griddy family, a large number of archers' shadows appeared on the buildings above the city lord's mansion and on both sides of the street. There were almost five or six hundred people, and the dense arrows fell like raindrops. down.

In the face of these arrows mostly shot by ordinary people, the black armored knights still stretched out their weapons to call, and used their shields to block a few times. Completely disregarded.

Although the old man Cameron was on his "honeymoon", he could not run away from his father and his daughter. The rich little woman fulfilled the old man Cameron's bet and helped William get more than 500 sets of armors made of dwarves.

The [Raging Flame Legion] are the first people to enjoy the new equipment. Now they have a set of full-body armor with a high coverage rate, and a hard word is prominent all over their body.

Produced by dwarves, it must be a fine product.

The armor value of these guys is generally above 15 points, and some people who choose heavy armor go directly to 20 points, and ordinary arrows can be ignored directly.

There are not no professional shooters in the Greddy family, but the first-order professional masters have limited abilities, and most of them are [Superior Shot] with increased precision and [Rapid Shot] with increased rate of fire. Only at the second rank can they have [Increased Shot] with increased damage. Compared with ordinary bows and arrows, the shot arrows are only slightly stronger in strength and speed, and there is still no way to take these tin cans.

Therefore, what is hard is not long, and the legion is not much.

When the heavy infantry of the Grady family arrived late and began to try to set up a shield to form a formation on the street corner, William raised his arm and swung forward suddenly.

In order to avoid being affected by the [Wailing Demons], the [Black Nightmare Cavalry] was in charge of opening the way along the way, and the idiots of the [Raging Flame Legion] couldn't bear it any longer.

After receiving the signal to allow the charge, these guys were like hungry wild wolves, and they rushed up one after another, howling, and some of them were quick to take the lead, and the original neat formation instantly became sparse.

[Warning, the formation of the Raging Flame Legion...]


Jessica Liu Mei stood upright next to her, took a deep breath and shouted loudly:

"What are you doing?"

The crisp drinking sound had an immediate effect, as if a pot of cold water was poured on its head, and the idiots who were rushing and rushing abruptly woke up, and those who rushed over began to slow down, waiting for the heavy armored profession behind them to come forward, although they still looked a little scattered. , but at least it looks like a formation.


Well... it's a question of ability, I admit...

Although he still received the system prompt of [Formation Strength -1], but looking at the [Raging Flame Legion] who was directly stopped by the female knight, William decisively gave up his last stubbornness and admitted that the talents of people and people cannot be generalized. In terms of training and controlling the legion, the female knight does indeed have advantages that he cannot match.

However, despite Jessica's training, the [Raging Flame Legion] were still habitually pulling their hips in the formation. They were clearly prepared, but they looked a little more chaotic than the hastily formed legions on the opposite side.

In addition, the formation of the Gridy family is fronted by [Spearmen] and [Large Shields]. The tips of the spears are as neat as forest shields, and they sell very well. They even arranged three layers.

In contrast, the howling idiots are like militiamen dancing with pitchforks and riding donkeys, trying to attack the phalanx of elite soldiers, and they feel like they are going up to send warmth.

After the first wave of contacts, however, the reality was completely reversed.

Although the idiots of [Angry Flame Legion] are so rotten, the gap in hard power is there after all. Even if their [Fish Scale Array] is lined up like a fat-headed fish, the striker is a solid second-order. .

The group of people who rushed to the front had an average level of 18 or 9, and there was even a LV22 Tier 3 [epee rider] as a "fish head". Facing an opponent whose average level was only Tier 1, it was completely Bullying.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the seemingly solid three-layered large shield was directly smashed into more than ten sides. As the direct contact parties, they suffered heavy casualties, to say the least, nearly forty people were lost.

However, this was only the first wave of the offensive. As the heavily armored forwards brutally tore apart the enemy formation, the follow-up [Raging Flame Legion] didn’t even bother to use their innate skills, and directly relied on the physical fitness of the crushing level, and they were abruptly abrupt. Go in and start hacking.

It was as if a pot of boiling oil had been spilled on the snow, and the line of defense that the Gredi family had placed high hopes on was declared broken in the blink of an eye. Except for the speed of the Legion's dropping a little, there was hardly any victory.

[Easy to tear the enemy line of defense, the morale of the whole army +2]

[The morale value of the Raging Flame Legion has reached 10 points, and the temporary BUFF has been obtained, the morale is strong, and the damage of all members has been slightly increased]

Following the system's prompt, the idiots of the [Raging Flame Legion] increased their combat power again, and suddenly crashed into the center line of the Greedy Family Legion, fighting with a large number of heavy infantry.

[Legion characteristics (race): raging flames are triggered, and the combat power begins to gradually increase]

[Legion characteristic (race): Demon pressure trigger, causing a lot of pressure on low-level enemies]


The corners of William's mouth were slightly upturned, which was the fundamental reason why he didn't go directly to the position of the warlock.

With the help of these guys, the state of the Flame Legion] can be directly filled, which can greatly relieve the pressure of fighting against the demon legion afterward, which is much better than hitting it head-to-head.


Although they did not know that they were being used as a stepping stone, the soldiers of the Grady family instinctively felt that something was wrong.

It seemed that they were restrained by the demonic aura of the idiots. Although they hadn't retreated, their hands suddenly became a lot softer, as if every swing of a weapon was consuming the little confidence they had left.

And the [Black Nightmare Cavalry] at the rear also started to act, and they did the job of flanking and driving them extremely skillfully, and began to harass them from the flanks, making a look like they were ready to "make dumplings" at any time.

At this time, the man guarded by the squad leader had just retreated to a safe area. When he carefully stuck his head out from behind the shield, the whole person was immediately stunned.

Isn't it just the beginning? Why do we seem to be doomed?

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