However, the little rich woman obviously did not have such a good psychological quality as William. She was stared at intermittently by Her Majesty the Queen, her scalp was numb, and she even started to shrink her neck, as if she wanted to hide her entire face in her collar. similar.

Worrying about the little rich woman rubbing the collar of the fine cashmere into the ball, and worrying that she would be stared out of a psychological shadow, William coughed and leaned to the right, took the initiative to grab Her Majesty's palm, and used the pulp of his fingers Gently scraped on the back of her cool hand.

"Cough... Now the wind and snow are relatively heavy, are you cold?"

Avril struggled a little perfunctoryly, and when she found that she didn't struggle, she stopped exerting herself and acquiesced to William's move, but after she glanced at Karina again, she nodded slightly and said:

"It's really cold, but I can still stand it."


You can still stand it, but if you keep staring at it like this, the little rich woman may not be able to stand it anymore...

Mom, you see, the children are so frightened that they start to hunched over their chests. This is not to be included in that! Originally there was not much, and if it was contained, there would be nothing left.

Out of the most basic humanitarian spirit, William hurriedly pulled the reins of the war horse in the direction of Avril, then stretched out his hand to embrace her waist, and pulled the person into his arms with one arm, and then said cheekily:

"If it's cold, don't fight it hard. It's not good for your health, and it's easy to fall into the root of the disease. Let me help you warm up."

Contrary to William's expectations, even in the public eye, Her Majesty the Queen did not struggle this time, but leaned directly against him.


Avril was leaning in his arms, her left hand went around William's back and wrapped around his waist. The head of a lot of snowflakes touched his chin, and a little melted snow dripped down his collar. Going in, William shook his body subconsciously.

"You seem to get along well with that Miss Karina?"

Hiss... it's coming, it's coming after all.

William, who caught the key words, was shocked, and instantly tasted the "Bobo Killing Chicken"!

This is a fairly original but very classic routine! In a tone that seemed to be very casual, as if he was chatting casually, he quietly brought out the question of life!

I didn't expect it to be a "life and death problem"! Although the taste is very easy to see through, but under such a rash and temporary attack, if the psychological quality is not enough, even if you answer the question correctly, it is easy to be caught and overturned at the speed of light!

William, who had the alarm bells ringing in his heart, smiled faintly, and after pushing the [Face of Ambitioner] to the extreme, he replied calmly:

"Well, it's really easy to talk about. Karina is worthy of being a chanter of the Church of Knowledge. Although she is young, she is extremely knowledgeable, especially in the aspects of ancient writing and magic pattern. His amazing accomplishments are not commensurate with his age, and I have gained a lot from these two days of study."

Feeling the fingers on his waist that seemed to want to pinch his soft flesh, William smiled lightly in his heart, secretly giving him thirty-two praises for his extraordinary wit.

If a person with insufficient rank answers this question, he will definitely deny it subconsciously, and the shameless will even make a statement to belittle one or two, and then frantically tout it to show his loyalty.

As everyone knows, this way of answering questions seems to be the best strategy, but in actual effect, it can only be ranked as the worst strategy.

In such a well-known situation, denial is absolutely useless.

Even if the woman can be coaxed into a smile for a while, it will undoubtedly lead to a potential impression of perfunctory, perfunctory, and dishonesty.

The best way to do this is to admit that it's really good to talk about, but to shift the focus from femininity and bring it up to generally recognized virtues such as knowledge and conversation.

Although this will not be immediate, and even cause a little jealousy, it is undoubtedly the option with the highest comprehensive income, and there is no one! What's more, this problem is definitely not only one link! In the subsequent second-ring attack, if it can be successfully deducted, it will become a big bonus!

Sure enough, in less than five seconds, Her Majesty's second round of offensive has already "arrived as promised".

Avril raised her head from William's arms, a pair of moist peach blossom eyes stared at William's eyes tightly, and said calmly:

"So, then she is really a very good woman, don't you have any thoughts about her?"

Ah! Pediatrics!

Maybe you are an expert in government affairs ability, but in this regard, you are just a beginner!

William, who had been prepared for a long time, looked solemn, patted Her Majesty's buttocks punitively, and frowned pretending to be displeased:

"Don't say such nonsense again, so what if she is good? As long as she can't become another you, then this question is meaningless!"

Hmm... Although it was too late to adjust the wording in a hurry, the set of words will inevitably be a little oily, and I am afraid that I will be scorned in another world.

But for a world where clear soup and little water are common, this kind of high-oil routine is often very easy to use. At least the little hands that are gradually loosened from the waist can know that this wave is absolutely effective.

"Okay, I won't talk about it."

Seeing William's slightly frowning brows and his slightly reproachful eyes, Her Majesty's heart softened. Not only did he not feel dissatisfied because of being blamed, but he stretched out his tender palm and held it back, with a soft tone. road:

"Really, I just said it casually, and you can answer it casually. Why are you so serious?"

Ah! woman!

If you really want to answer casually, I will be cold to someone!

The serious look on William's face softened slightly, and he seemed to be a little embarrassed to turn his head away. He forced a little embarrassed blush on his face, and then forced himself to explain:

"Where is it serious? I'm just answering or your question is not good."

His heart swayed by his stubborn appearance, Her Majesty the Queen resisted the urge to hug this little man in his arms and love him, bowed his head and arched in William's arms, his voice muffled:

"Well, it's my question that's not good, and I won't ask that again in the future."

Feeling the arms around his waist that were quietly clasping at some point, the big rock hanging from William's heart finally fell completely with a thud.

Phew... as expected of me! Complete clearance!

At the same time, Maggie, who was "disturbed" in the distance, was also relieved.

She first glanced at Avril, who was leaning softly in William's arms, then at William with a "shy" face, and finally recalled dozens of "deduction plans" that had not yet been scattered in her mind, and couldn't help it. He pouted contemptuously.

Ah! man!

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