This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Inquisition

Looking at the middle-aged woman with a pale face and a tired face, William smacked his lips a little bit in confusion, his eyes full of incredulousness:

"That squinting...cough, cough, I mean, the noble, beautiful, wise, wise, and owes me ten million gold gold, Her Royal Highness... was actually locked up?"


After being silent for a while, William's old acquaintance (Dragon) in his previous life nodded silently, and a rather complicated and **** expression appeared on the face that looked like a human woman in her forties.

After getting the affirmative answer from Glow Dragon, William's mind first stopped for a moment, then he rubbed his temples with his arms crossed, frowned and said:

" wait a minute, let me stroke it first."

According to Wei's original plan, tonight's drama is to punish evil and promote good and justice, first squat down some unscrupulous nobleman who covets his own appearance, and then follow the vine, and take the lead in the Principality of Rust behind the unscrupulous nobleman. Pack up to refresh the progress of the task.

But I didn't expect that the bad aristocrat who robbed the man of the people did not wait, but waited for an old dragon from a previous life, and some disturbing news.

Seeing the appearance of showing off the middle-aged woman (Dragon) without seeming to be a fake, William only felt that his head was big, and his brain was even jumping around in it.

The fact that the black-bellied saint was locked up was not a bad thing.

After all, in the last life, in order to avenge Melanie, this guy secretly used a sly trick on himself, coaxing himself to dance on the grave of the Goddess of Ice and Snow, causing him to almost return to before liberation overnight.

Although Melanie is still alive and kicking, there is no irreconcilable conflict between her and herself, but the unilateral revenge of bankruptcy is real.

Right now, this guy is suddenly out of luck. Although he won't go to the bottom of the hole, he is always happy to see it succeed, and there is always a dark feeling in his heart, and he even wishes that the black-bellied saint's opponent could increase his efforts.

Anyway, as the No. 1 "teaching second generation" on the Austrian continent, as long as the black-bellied saint doesn't "get very close" with dark creatures or devils, demons, and warlocks like Melanie's mother Surely there won't be a big problem.

After all, his own father is the strongest human being. As long as the Holy Empire and the Holy See of Light have no problems with their minds, they will definitely not destroy the Great Wall themselves, and at most they will suffer a little.

But the problem is that the other effects of her being locked up are very important to me, especially...


William squeezed his eyebrows hard, and said with an unhappy expression:

"Let's just say it, does she want to default on my 10 million gold gold bounty?"


So... after so long, did you understand the money?

Seeing that William didn't care about the reason why Kieran was locked up, nor his intentions, but instead asked about the bounty as soon as he opened his mouth, the middle-aged woman suddenly felt bad for the whole dragon.

Although she is nominally the mount of the black-bellied saint, Kiran, she is actually similar to the personal nanny that the old Pope found for her daughter. Basically, she has been protecting her from childhood to adulthood. Not too bad.

Although it was understandable to know that William did this, the middle-aged woman really couldn't see his attitude of asking money and not people, and this guy was the culprit who caused her "daughter" to be locked up, and she suddenly said with a sullen expression:

"No one will take your account! It's just that we have to wait! Now Kieran is locked up because he has the exclusive protection of the Pope, and now the Holy See is trying to find out who gave her protection!

With such a big incident, of course she must stop all the unfinished teaching affairs! And if she deliberately pursues the progress of the bounty under this circumstance, she is clearly reminding the Holy See to check the whereabouts of the money! Can you run away by then? Who do you think knocked out the protection on her? "

So, your Holy See of Light is so much shit!

After listening to the somewhat annoyed answer from the middle-aged female dragon, William also curled his lips in annoyance.

The black-bellied saint's father is so fierce, not only has he never lost a fight until he is old and dead, but even the shield of the divine art has not been broken, let alone being beaten to protect such a shameful situation.

From birth to death, people have never received any magical treatment in their entire life. When they died, they couldn't even find a scar the size of a mosquito bag. [Void Spirit Protection] This kind of residual blood is a good thing to save life , what's the use of putting him on this dangling B who has unlocked the blood?

Too lazy to pay attention to the mess of the Holy See of Light, William frowned and said:

"So, when will the bounty for recovering the [Devil Code] be credited?"


Seeing that William's words were inseparable from the bounty, the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth in anger, and said angrily with round apricot eyes:

"You goblin in human skin! Dragon beast who speaks human words! Mammon with human face! Is there nothing else in your mind except money?"

After hearing her annoyed questioning voice, William pouted again with disdain.

Look at what you said, although the Black-bellied Saint's [Void Spirit Protection] was typed by me, I didn't give it to me. In the final analysis, isn't it a matter within your Holy See?

Since it's your internal problem, why don't you just shut the door and slowly tear it apart? What's the matter with me, a little earl of the French border?

Although Ye's Dawn Collar is now making gold every day, the alchemy workshop of the Banshee has been built, and the speed of burning money is obviously much faster than the speed of making money. Ye is worried about money every day when he opens his eyes, you know? ?

I am more concerned about the bounty I earned through legal "labor" than worrying about the first and second generation of the Austrian mainland. I don't care about money what do I care about?

After noticing William's disinterested expression, the middle-aged female dragon only felt her anger swishing upwards, and now she finally knew why Kieran had repeatedly told him to calm down after seeing that bastard.

After her plump **** heaved violently for a few times, the middle-aged woman closed her eyes. She didn't want to look at the loathsome dragon begging for money in front of her. Instead, she clenched her fists and said as calmly as possible:

"Don't mention the money thing, I said it before, no one in the bounty will take your account!

It's just that if there is no one to supervise such a large sum of money, if you want to collect it, you need to mobilize it slowly, so as not to transfer too much money at one time and affect the normal operation of the northern province. It is estimated that the first batch will be delivered in about two years, and ten All payments will be completed in about a year.

But these are the little things, what I'm going to tell you next is the big thing, listen! We must next..."

"Hey! Wait a minute? Ten years?!"

William's expression turned solemn when he heard the words, he raised his hand to interrupt the middle-aged woman's narration, frowned deeply and said:

"What do you mean, if Mimi...cough, cough, if Kieran is still locked up, then at least for the next two years, I won't be able to get a gold gold?

No way? [Void Spirit Protection] Wasn't it given by the Pope of your Holy See? Although it is indeed a bit taboo to do this, this is mainly because your pope has become selfish. As for keeping her for so long? "

Looking at William, who had changed his mind just now, and his expression had become extremely solemn, the anger that had just been suppressed in the middle-aged woman's heart suddenly rose up again.

You **** who only has money in his eyes! You used to have an indifferent face before, but now you are anxious when you hear that it will affect your collection of money?

After biting her lip forcefully, and suppressing the urge to take a breath of the dragon's breath, the middle-aged female dragon explained almost word by word:

"If it is admitted that it is the Pope's private protection, then the consequences will not be so serious, but Kieran...she is more stubborn..."


Well... the daily life of a cold-faced old father and Aojiao's stubborn daughter, I understand~

Although the middle-aged woman hadn't finished speaking, William, relying on his understanding of squinting in two lifetimes, effortlessly got the awkward idea.

It's nothing more than because of Melanie's mother, she has always had a big knot in her heart, and she is unwilling to accept her father's kindness in death, and even this [Void Spirit Protection] itself, it is very likely that she does not know it. passively accepted.

But your operation is really in the late stage of cerebral palsy.

[Void Spirit Protection] This kind of thing passed down from generation to generation between popes is simply unique to this family. If it wasn't given by your own father voluntarily, could someone still pull it out of his hand?

After shaking his head and sighing for the extravagance of the black-bellied saint, William raised his head again and looked at the middle-aged woman who was almost the same height as him.

"So... why are you coming all the way to find me? Because you are going to tell me the bad news that the money won't be paid for at least two years? Or is it because you can't pay the money right away, so you come to play the interest? It will never be Looking for me to help you find people?"

"I'm here to save you!"

After the unbearable middle-aged woman gave a vent, she took a step forward and grabbed William's neckline.

"Shut your mouth! Listen to me honestly!"

"In addition to stopping all the academic affairs of Kieran, the Holy See also wants to find the person who played her Void Spirit's protection!

Now they are going back along the route she took to retrieve the [Demon Codex] manuscript! Do you really understand what this means? "

Hearing this, William rolled his eyes fiercely, and in the middle-aged woman's somewhat confused expression, he opened her fingers one by one and snatched his clothes back.

"Just check, I'm just a little lord who is short of money, the territory is not very big, the legions under my hands are not too many, and the highest occupation level is only level three, I have to check with them~"

The middle-aged woman did not immediately answer William's words this time. Now she is staring at her broken hand in a daze. From time to time, she grabs it twice in the air, as if she is still reminiscing about the huge force that was exerted on it before.

[Glowing Dragon] is similar to [Blue Dragon], both belong to giant dragons whose fighting style is more inclined to "caster". Their strength and physique are at the bottom of the dragon clan, and they are not known for their physical quality.

But even if the strength is not strong, it is relatively speaking!

In any case, her main body is a behemoth with a wingspan of more than 30 meters. The storms set off by the flapping of her wings can blow up hundreds of people, and its lethality is comparable to that of some third- and fourth-order wind groups attacking the Olympics. surgery.

After glancing blankly at her pinched fingers, the middle-aged woman's eyes first showed a hint of solemnity, and then she looked at William with a little surprise.

Although she already knew from Kieran's mouth that the young man in front of him had good combat power and played Kieran's [Void Spirit Protection] with her own hands, she did not take William's strength too seriously.

Bear the brunt of the reason is the occupation of Kieran itself.

As a seventh-order [Holy Dragon Cavalry], almost 80% of the combat power of this profession is in cavalry, spear and dragon sitting.

Just as a knight without a horse cannot launch [Charge], as a riding class, many of the powerful divine and joint combat skills of [Holy Dragon Knight] must be used in conjunction with a dragon.

And without him and the lance in his hand, in the case of single-footed combat, it is not bad that Kieran's strength can be left with three achievements. Among the seventh-order professionals, I am afraid that it will be close to the bottom. It is not true that he was defeated. Too hard to accept.

In addition, when Kieran talked about the guy in front of him, his expression was vague and his teeth were gritted, and it was obvious that he was very unwilling to lose. According to what I know of her, this child must have suffered a secret loss, and may even have been caught in some despicable means, causing the whole process to be tied up, and it is rare to show such a brooding heart.

But this power is...

After staring at William again, the middle-aged woman's expression became a lot more solemn, and she completely put away the mentality of disciplining young people before.

Even though he is now in a humanoid state and his physical fitness is much weaker than his body, he can still rank in the upper mid-range among the seventh-order melee professionals.

But this human being was able to break his fingers apart abruptly, and he didn't seem to struggle too much... um... It seems that Kieran's child was not wronged.

After noticing the fleeting vertical eyes in the middle-aged woman (Dragon)'s eyes, the corners of William's mouth twitched indistinctly.

Of course it is true to care about the bounty, after all, it is 10 million gold gold, and now the daybreak collar is short of money, but it is not enough to keep asking.

And the purpose of his doing this is naturally to stimulate the glowing dragon, which is very anxious at first sight. If it can make her mentally unbalanced, it will be convenient to get the news from her mouth;

If it motivates her to prepare to teach herself a lesson, then take the opportunity to show her force a little bit. After all, relying on her strength to arrange allies indiscriminately is simply a common problem branded in the bones of the dragon race. It's much better to show your teeth now and let the other party have a clue than to make trouble at a critical moment later.

Sure enough, after seeing William's "strength", the middle-aged woman changed her previous attitude of teaching the younger generation, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:

"Listen to Now it's not a question of whether you are afraid to investigate, the Holy See took over the investigation task, those guys from the Heresy Inquisition!

They have no tolerance for dark creatures and warlocks, so whether it's the warlock sequence on you or the identity of Little Melanie, it must never be discovered!

If they really noticed something abnormal...especially you who came into contact with that sorceress! As long as the Warlock Sequence on you is exposed, they will acquiesce that the [Devil Codex] has been leaked! Even the people around you and Melanie will suffer! "

"Also, you must prepare as soon as possible! When I came, I was delayed by other things, and they were not slower than me! I now have reason to suspect that those witchers from the Inquisition may have sneaked into your territory. It's gone!"


And just as William was discussing with the middle-aged female dragon, what to do to conceal the abnormal size in the Dawn Collar, a loyal and loyal attendant was pulling a gentle smiling young man, and respectfully rang opened the door of a man's room with earrings.

"Lord Sadio, I have brought the person you want!"

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