[Successful job transfer, Fighting Expert LV20 is transferred to Veteran Gladiator LV21, the current highest occupation level is LV30, and the total occupation level is LV132]

After hearing the prompt of the successful job transfer, William's mouth pulled upward in satisfaction, feeling that the wave was stable.

This new class called [Veteran Gladiator], although the name sounds a lot like the cannon fodder mobs in the dungeon, and it is not a powerful class like [Flesh Demon Giant], whose job transfer requirements and combat power are quite abnormal, but it The stunts and their own are too match.

[Veteran Gladiator lv21]

[Strength +3 per level, Constitution +1]

[Special skills: Wrestling masters, the two most easily cheered behaviors in the arena are to successfully kill your opponent and use his blood to paint facial lines on the face, and the other is to puff up the muscles all over the body , to overthrow him with the wildest force!

As an experienced gladiator who is good at wrestling, you will gain an additional 30% of the base value when you make Strength-related checks]

[Special skills: Bloodletting experts, different from the duels of nobles who emphasize grace and etiquette, the primitive impulse aroused by blood and death is the highest respect of the gladiators to the audience and opponents.

For experienced gladiators, it has become an instinct to inflict additional wounds on the opponent when attacking, and the behavior of exchanging blood for cheers has become an instinct, so when your attack hits the enemy, it will be forced to bleed.]

[Special skills: insidious means, if you want to survive the arena full of blood and death, it is not enough to have courage alone, you also need a cunning character and despicable tricks.

As a senior gladiator, you are of course a veteran, and you are also very skilled in your underhand tricks, so when you cause a negative state to the enemy, the duration of the state will be greatly extended]

[Special skill: Vicious pursuit, even if it has a certain performance nature, the essence of gladiatorial combat is still fighting for life, and no gladiator will miss the opportunity to completely end the opponent.

As an experienced gladiator, when the enemy falls into an abnormal state such as blindness, dizziness, sluggishness, confusion, etc. that exposes weaknesses, you can make a speed check. Launch a powerful attack on the vital part]

After all the prompts from the system were played, and after confirming that the profession with a very frustrating name was indeed the same as in his memory, William suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body suddenly "swelled" a lot.

As a "pure stunt profession" without active combat skills, [Veteran Gladiator] is a profession with exaggerated upper and lower limits, because none of the four stunts have direct damage ability, so they need to cooperate with dedicated gladiatorial skills in order to exert themselves. strength comes.

[Gladiator Skills] A highly proficient gladiator profession, the combat style is very similar to that of the third-tier fighting system [Fighting Master], preferring to sacrifice damage in exchange for higher frequency attacks, and then rely on joint skills and bleeding passively. Weakens the opponent, and then finds an opportunity to make a deadly move.

Apart from the fact that [Veteran Gladiator] does not exclude the use of weapons, while [Fighting Master] has to use his bare hands, the biggest difference between these two professions is the style of fighting.

The latter is more agile and more prone to roaming and fighting in battle, defeating opponents with proficient skills and shot speed, while [Veteran Gladiator] is a standard strength class, more inclined to a Lijiang Shihui, likes to choose a blood-stimulating force to fight against ♂.

It is precisely because of these two different fighting styles that the evaluation of [Fighting Master] is much higher than that of [Experienced Gladiator] in all aspects. If you want to give it for nothing, wandering and fighting is the only rule.

However, for William, this difference is meaningless, and because there are unbounded people who have passed the check 100%, the core skill of [Veteran Gladiator] [Wrestling Master] is also equivalent to a completely useless waste. Special skills, after all, regardless of whether the 30% of the basic value is added or not, the result of the test is bound to pass.

As for the stunt [Bleeding Expert] with a bleeding state attached to the second attack, it can also be used by default.

According to William's current strength attributes, if he really hit him, at least one within the third rank would have a broken bone, and 100% of the same rank would be killed on the spot. At this time, it is completely unimportant to bleed or not to bleed. It is better to consider it later. Where to bury is more realistic.

The [Insidious Means] that greatly prolongs the negative state is very good. If it is combined with the [Curse] stunt [Tarsal Gangrene], the duration of the negative state caused by curse spells can be extended to a very abnormal length, which is calculated as A pretty good secondary perk.

The ability that William really wants is still the last item [Vicious Pursuit]. As for the specific reason, there is no need to explain at all. There are [Unbounded People] who have passed the test 100%. The two words are brainless and it's over!


After happily mentioning the new bug ability, William happily closed the system panel, but in his heart there was a little hope that the people from the Heresy Inquisition would come sooner.

Niubi's new ability has just arrived. If there is no target to come and beat, then you can only secretly have fun by yourself, but how can Dulele be interesting?

It seems to be in response to William's mentality of wanting to appear in front of people at this time. When he pushed open the door at the "crotch" of the [Sleeping Coffin] dragon and walked out, a majestic dragon roar sounded from above.

With a deafening roar, the dragon roar resounded through the sky above the Dawning Territory like a muffled thunder, and weighed heavily on the hearts of everyone in the Dawning Territory.

"%¥!&*@#! (Give it up! You can't escape!

[By listening to the roar of an eighth-order glowing dragon, you have memorized several exclusive words of the dragon language, and the proficiency of the dragon language has increased slightly]


? ? ?

Hearing the system prompt, William's eyes froze, and he looked at the huge figure that covered the sky more than 200 meters above his head... the moon-like figure, his eyes were extremely complicated.

No... Didn't you **** say before that you couldn't help out because you were afraid of causing trouble for Kieran? How can you directly reveal the body and openly open the film now?

What the **** is going on here? Could it be that... the people sent by the Inquisition have a grudge against you?

"Tsk! Woman... the mouth of the female dragon, a deceiving ghost!"

Just as William made a secret snort, and was about to roll up his sleeves and step forward to form a formation for the friendly troops, the Glowing Dragon hovering in the sky suddenly twitched its wings and swooped down like a falling meteor, followed by a brilliant The "dragon" tapped the water, rose rapidly at a right angle of nearly 90 degrees, and rushed into the sky again.

William squinted his eyes and looked over his head, and then he was surprised to find that the little figure held by the middle-aged female dragon seemed to be... Melanie?


"Let go of me! I'm not going back!"

Melanie, who was caught in the "hand" by the middle-aged female dragon, screamed:

"Can you listen to everyone else's words before you do anything? I was just talking about angry words just now! It's angry words!"

The middle-aged female dragon directly ignored her shouting, and while trying to balance her body in the turbulent airflow, she said without looking back:

"Melanie, I'm much older than you think. Although so many years have not accumulated much wisdom for me, is it just a momentary anger or a deep-rooted obsession in your heart, I can still hear it."


In Melanie's extremely depressed expression, the middle-aged female dragon gently persuaded:

"Melani, I can understand your resentment towards the Pope and your hostility towards the Holy See of Light itself, but this is not the reason for you to hurt yourself.

Since that day, Kieran has never called the Pope Father in person again. Her resentment is no less than yours, but she knows what is the most important thing! So even though he couldn't forgive His Holiness the Pope, he always restrained himself and didn't do any drastic actions.

I hope you can learn more about her ways, Melanie, you know? The abyss and **** have changed frequently for nearly a hundred years. His Excellency the Pope has had a hard time, and his state is related to the safety of countless people. I really can't watch you hurt him in this way!

So, even if you are going to hate me, I have to take you back today, I just hope that a long time can gradually heal the wounds in your heart."


Seeing that this guy seemed determined to grab her and go, Melanie immediately became anxious.

He was beaten without all his clones, and was forced to do chores for a **** **** every day, so he finally regained the lost warmth. In the end, I haven't enjoyed it for a long time, and I will be taken back to that unfortunate place. How can this be done?

And listening to what this guy means, I am afraid that he is going to shut himself up for decades before talking about it! Not to mention how hard it is for decades of "prison disaster", the cook is a downright ordinary person! When I am released decades later, I am afraid I can only go to the coffin to dig people!

After taking a deep breath, Melanie was about to stabilize the middle-aged female dragon first, so she forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart and tried her best to be calm and authentic:

"Slow down first, can you listen to me for a few words?"

"You're right, those were not angry words before, and I did have that kind of thinking all the time. But after coming to Frank, I... My thinking has changed a lot."

Speaking of this, Melanie hesitated for a while, and the chef's smile that had always warmed her heart flashed in front of her eyes; she flashed past Little Daisy's face full of closeness and new appointments; The days when the witches were carefree and crazy; and a stinky face that makes people want to step on both feet at a glance...

The corners of her mouth twitched subconsciously and calmed down very quickly. Melanie changed her hysterical attitude, reached out and patted the giant claws of the Glowing Dragon, and said with a very sincere expression:

"For me in the past, making that man regret the choice was the whole of my life, but after coming here, I seem to have found other meanings, and even the nightmare about that incident has been very painful. Do less..."

"So... I would say those words before, really just venting, you trust me once, okay?"

After hearing Melanie's heartfelt self-analysis, the middle-aged female dragon felt that her words did not seem to be fake, she couldn't help but stopped her wings and looked back, a flash of light flashed in the huge dragon's eyes. Suspicious, even the claws that held Melanie loosened slightly.

Could it be that... she really just said something angry to vent? Am I... overreacting?

After realizing that the restraint around her body had become lighter, the overjoyed Melanie hurriedly pursued the victory, tried her best to make a sincere expression, and said to the huge eyes in front of her:

"What I said to you just now is all sincerity. If you don't believe it, I can swear by the blood that belongs to the Wright family in me!"


After being silent for a few seconds, the middle-aged female dragon said strangely:

"Melanie, do you know the characteristics of your Wright family, what are they?"

Stunned for a moment by her question, the female vampire rolled her eyes subconsciously and found that something was wrong, and she seemed to have said the wrong thing just now.

Sure enough, the dragon claws that had just loosened a little were squeezed again, and a layer of translucent white light curtain was slowly plated around the body, and the "security level" suddenly became higher than the beginning.

"Melani, although I don't have much contact with you, I know the Pope and Kieran very well, and I even had the honor to have contact with the Pope's father when I was young.

So, including you, I have come into contact with four direct descendants of the Wright family, and the time span is hundreds of years, so if you only understand your family, I am afraid that there are few people in the Austrian continent who can compare with me. clearer.

The biggest characteristic of your Wright family is those eyes that are as clear as emeralds, and apart from the eyes, there is a temper ten thousand times harder than a stone! "

In Melanie's extremely annoyed look, the white light curtain covering the middle-aged female dragon's claws became brighter and darker, and finally turned into a huge eggshell with a substance.

The voice of the middle-aged female dragon came in from the thick "egg shell".

"In the hundreds of years I have been in contact with you Wright family, I have personally experienced your dead brains countless times!

Although you will be shaken, hesitate, regret... But as long as it is a good decision, even if you die, you will not be able to change your mind! "


When Melanie slapped her mouth furiously in the eggshell, William, who had been chasing him for several miles from the city lord's mansion, finally shoved him up while they stopped arguing.

Mad the bastard! To do such a big thing without making a sound!

I have signed a contract with Xiaolan, promising to help him recover his body! [Sleeping Coffin] You rob people before they're finished. Why don't you put eye drops on me?

Seeing that he was finally near his "range", William breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the Glowing Dragon hovering in the sky, continued to sneak closer, and asked angrily:

"What the **** are you doing? Let go of her now!"

The middle-aged female dragon glanced down when she heard the sound, and after seeing William who was "incompetent and furious" below, she nodded apologetically on the huge dragon's head.

"Sorry, things have changed a bit, I can't carry out the previous agreement, no matter what, I must take her away today!"

"Bastard! Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

After estimating, "The range~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still feels that it is not enough, William continued to approach stealthily, and shouted angrily:

"Put her down immediately! Otherwise, be careful I'll make you pay!"

The middle-aged female dragon couldn't help grinning when she heard the words, shook her head slightly, then ignored him, and flew into the sky with a shock of her wings.

Even if your combat effectiveness is indeed not to be underestimated, so what?

In front of a giant dragon that has the ability to fly at a high speed and has already pulled a certain distance, any creature without wings is not qualified to chase, and the so-called price is just whimsical.

At this moment, a faint muttering sound came from below.

"I'm twenty meters from Jill!"

The next moment, the holy light lit up the entire Dawn Collar.


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