This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 704: The Fall of the Legendary Squad (Part 1)

This **** old liar, who was so drunk that he could barely open his eyes, was actually guarding me!

Seeing the shadow that formed again more than twenty meters away, William smacked his lips speechlessly.

I thought I was a good batch of high-speed kills, but I didn't expect that although there was no problem in this life, it seemed that I was put together by others in my previous life. This old guy didn't tell the truth to himself at all, and the three times he talked about [Incarnation Shadow] became four times.

Tsk... break up, break up, break up!

There was no self-consciousness of getting the old man drunk first and wanting to play other people's cards. After William found out that he had been deceived, he instantly expelled him from the ranks of drunk friends, and even the original single cell was replaced by a thatched door.

And it seems that he is not the only one who wants to do this.

"Bastard! Didn't you say that because of the injury in your early years, [Shadow of Avatar] can only be used three times?"

Seeing that the chubby old man actually used [Shadow of Incarnation] for the fourth time, the tall and strong man who rushed to save the person was furious. He looked like he was going to swallow the chubby old man alive after being deceived. like.

"What was injured? Wasn't he forced to make the Styx Oath because he failed the duel?"

A lizardman covered in scales broke out of the ground and asked in shock and anger.

"Hehe, the version I heard was cursed because of exploring the ruins. If it exceeds three times in a short period of time, it will die."

The scrawny gray-robed man appeared from the void, and said in a sullen, ghostly manner:

"It seems that although our captain is average in strength, he is really rich in life experience!"


Faced with the resentment of the members of the demon hunting team, the frightened chubby old man shrank his neck subconsciously, and then said with a dry smile:

"I... I'm not a good drinker, and I like to brag when I drink too much.

Although I can react after sobering up, but... but seeing that you all believed it, I really couldn't bear to explain, so..."

The grey-robed man snorted coldly when he heard the words, and then slapped various unpopular curses on William's head from a distance, and said coldly:

"Don't, don't explain, just shut your mouth! If you keep talking, I'm really worried that you will be nailed to death by the arrows from behind!"

Because William's movements after breaking through the mud were too fast, most of the members of the demon hunting team didn't react, and only the closest ones came to support him.

However, judging from the faces of the people who came later, they were equally astonished at the fourth [Shadow of Incarnation] that should not have existed for their captain. color.

After feeling the sharpness that was aimed at him from the head of the city at dawn, the chubby old man shivered suddenly, then coughed lightly, and raised his hand to William with a serious look.

"I've tried to find out his details for everyone! This time the target is extremely dangerous, try not to fight him close-quarters!"


You old guy, you overturned your car and used me as a raft, okay! This time you don't even have the Datong shop!

After ordering the black bread package for the chubby old man in his heart, William took out a hard wooden stick used in the practice of [Dragon Rider Secret Spear] again, shook a beautiful spear flower, and then raised his head slightly like a grandmaster, his face Indifferently said:


After hearing William's quiet invitation to fight, the witchers were obviously a little frightened by him, the sullen expressions on their faces gradually subsided, and their expressions calmed down.

Judging from the astonishing three-time kill streak just now, the guy in front of him who is unclear about the devil is probably the strongest enemy they have encountered since joining the Inquisition of Heresy.

After the arduous struggle with Lord Nikki, this guy must have spent a lot of money, but even so, he still retains an extremely powerful combat power.

In addition, this person's physical fitness is really outrageous, whether it is wind, fire, thunder and lightning or swords, bows and crossbows, even the skin will not be broken when falling on him, and there is really no possibility of victory in frontal battles.

The problem was that before the battle started, they had already tried to plot against this guy, but it was puzzling that the terrifying toxin that was enough to put down several giant dragons fell on this man, but there was no response. There is no trace like a mud cow into the sea.

Whether it's the invisible [Degenerate Curse] or the [Aging Ray] thrown in the face, this guy seems to be naturally immune to curses, and he doesn't bring any reaction...

The reason why the Demon Hunting Squads of the Inquisition of Heresy are often able to chase down their targets is that they rely on a variety of races and special skills to restrain the enemy in many ways.

Under the endless stream of strange abilities and talents, no matter how powerful an opponent is, as long as he or she has weaknesses in some aspects, it is inevitable that he or she will be constrained after starting the battle, and it is not bad to be able to play half of the ten percent of the combat power.

If it is a guy with obvious weaknesses, it will be severely restricted from the beginning, and even 30% of his strength cannot be exerted, and even a face-to-face is easily won.

But the goal this time... It seems that there is no shortcoming at all?

Most of the methods have been tried, but the result is like a mouse pulling a tortoise.

It has to be said that the prestige of the chunky old man is still enough. Even though he has just flipped over the car once, most people still look at him subconsciously when they don't know what to do.

After receiving everyone's searching eyes, knowing that this matter is probably over for the time being, the short and fat old man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then began to issue orders:

"As I said just now, don't melee him unless necessary. Except for the few people in charge of defense, all melee professionals must disperse immediately and are not allowed to participate in this operation!"

"Others pay attention to keep a distance, and never let him get close. This guy should lack effective long-range attack methods, but he has a strange control ability, so you must not look at him."

"In addition, everyone must move, and never stay in one position for too long!

The target has at least two very powerful rushing combat techniques. As long as you find that he is starting to gain momentum, or say something strange, don't hesitate! What life-saving ability must be used immediately! This guy's rushing combat skills are extremely powerful, and if he is hit, he will definitely die! "

"Finally, if the curse and control ability don't work, then change the terrain to sink him, or create ice fields to make him slip, no matter how strong his resistance to abnormal conditions is, this method will definitely work. !"

"Also! Don't stop Rudy, continue to put [Mud] on Mulder, and try to make up for the body that was broken up as soon as possible. We will see if there is any chance to win this time!"

After the targeted instructions like a barrage of cannons were issued, the members of the Demon Hunting Squad moved instantly, each one had an orderly division of labor, and they cooperated very well with each other.

Soon, a large piece of hard ice was created under William's feet, and a large number of low-level and middle-level spells that did not seek to hit but only to delay were smashed like a tide.

It's alright, this product is still so thief, but after taking a few photos with me, I have already figured out a routine that is barely usable.

William, who was listening to his orders throughout the whole process, smiled, and while dialing the flying spell with the Xiaocheng-level [Dragon Rider Secret Spear], he silently gave this old acquaintance a compliment in his heart.

Although this guy is not good-looking, and he will be fat like a shriveled potato in the future, he is indeed the demon hunting team with the highest success rate in the Heresy Inquisition.

Aside from those special targets whose hidden talents are on the list, or are really too capable of running, the Demon Hunting Squad that this guy belongs to maintains a mission success rate of nearly 90%.

Or to put it more aggressively, before he became the captain, this witcher team experienced several failures, but after he took over as the captain, as long as he could find the mission target, the mission success rate of this team was almost 100%. .

Even if the intelligence is wrong, even if the target's strength exceeds expectations, even if it is a temporary task suddenly stuffed into the hand...

In short, as long as it's not the kind of enemy that can't be confronted at all, the short and fat old man's demon hunting team has never overturned the car, and even if it is really lost, it will probably be able to retreat.

If it hadn't had such a terrifying record of success, the Holy See of Light in the future would not have given up the other two demon hunting teams with eighth-order professionals when preparing for the plan to assassinate the hated demon king, and chose to let them who only had two seventh-order members. join in.

It's a pity that although they successfully completed the mission, but Naihe took the initiative to step into the abyss to assassinate the demon king. It was originally a one-way trip. A team of 249 middle and high-level professionals finally came back. People only have single digits.

And this demon hunting team, which has set countless records, was not spared. There were twenty-nine people when they went, but when they came back, only [Tianmu Apostle] Arya was left alone.

After successfully assassinating the Demon Lord of Hatred and completing the mission of dismantling the demon alliance on the Western Front, all the members of this demon hunting team, including the chubby old man who took ten steps, all died in a flood of demons. in the siege.

Even Arya, the only surviving one, was blinded by the curse of the hated Demon King before she died, lost all her abilities, and could no longer undertake the task of hunting demons in the Inquisition. The Legendary Demon Hunting Squad has since become history.

And this is also the biggest reason why the chubby old man repeatedly hits hard, but William has a "soft heart" attached to it.

When preparing for the mission to assassinate the Demon Lord of Hatred, the black-bellied saint once asked William if he was interested in joining the mission led by her, and also reminded him for the first time that the mission this time was almost certain to die.

At that time, William was no longer just at the level of establishing a firm foothold in the Holy Empire.

Because of the "care" of the black-bellied saint again and again, his power and strength have developed rapidly. Although he did not join the Holy See of Light, he has almost occupied half of the province, and his professional legion is nearly ten thousand, which is quite A strong personal power is not bad compared to a small kingdom with a poor background.

Although he was very interested in assassinating the Demon King, he had to take the initiative to step into the abyss for this mission, which made it clear that even if he succeeded, he would probably not be able to escape.

First of all, I couldn't bear to leave the family business that he had worked hard to save (krypton), and he was wary of the black-bellied saint who used the tomb of the ice goddess to "pit" himself. William finally chose to refuse.

Shishi said that the legion under his command could not be left unattended, thinking that he could play a greater role in the frontal battlefield, and did not become the 250th member of that team.

After listening to William's explanation, the black-bellied saint at the time narrowed her eyes, stared at him carefully for a while, then smiled and nodded and left without saying much.

As for the chubby old man and the Demon Hunting Squad under his name, they were the first members to join. He and Arya were also present when the Black-bellied Saint asked William. They also didn't say anything about William's choice, just His eyes looked somewhat disappointed.

Considering this guy's nearly 100% mission completion rate and his ability to escape no matter what kind of desperate situation, William at that time really didn't think anything big would happen, but he never thought that it would be a goodbye after that.

In less than seven days, the 250 Assassination Squad was almost wiped out, and at least five or six familiar faces were never seen again.

If we really want to talk about relationship, William and they are actually not that familiar with each other. They just did a few tasks together with partners, and even got together to eat and drink, and bragged a few times, so the evaluation of "wine and meat friends" is not too much. , William didn't even recognize the members of this demon hunting team.

If the chunky old man died, or was caught by Arya because he went out and **** up, William probably wouldn't have any pain, at most because he was missing a person who could barely be called a friend, and some Just feel sad.

But not long after he rejected them, those familiar faces died in the assassination mission very heroically, and only the blind Tianmu Alia was still alive.

To be honest, that incident caused a lot of shadows in William's heart.

Although he was not a member of the Holy See at all at that It was love to go, but it was duty not to go, and there was no obligation to accompany them to die, even those familiar faces who died in battle would probably not know Blame him.

But out of some kind of inexplicable guilt, after hearing that the members of the Demon Hunting Squad were almost wiped out, William never dared to come to visit, and he was even more afraid of meeting Arya's numb gray-white eyes.

He didn't even attend the funeral of the chubby old man, he just watched the whole process secretly from a distance, and then fled back to the territory on the second day after the funeral, and brought his army into the battle with the devil again. Because he rushed too deep and suffered heavy losses and almost died several times in battle, he was barely able to get rid of the heavy feeling of guilt in his heart.

When thinking of this, William couldn't help shaking his head.

After putting away the nostalgic look on his face, he narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the squat old man who was sneaking in the distance.

Don't blame me later, I'm saving you~


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