This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 710: Miscellaneous... huh?

After the [Human Immobilization Technique] on his body was unlocked, Sadio, who was almost killed by Aman, could not help weeping.

He stretched out his hand and pulled William's sleeve, his lips tremblingly opened and closed, as if there were thousands of words he wanted to talk to him, but he couldn't say anything for a while. He was obviously a big man, but he made a few lines out of it. The taste of "speechless congealing".

After holding it for more than ten seconds, he still didn't know how to speak, so he could only clench his fists and stomped his feet vigorously, and said with tears in his manner:

"Bitter wow!"


Although it was awkward to be dragged and complained tearfully by a man, after seeing the current state of Grand Duke Sadio, William showed a rare kindness, and just pulled the sleeve back from his hand without raising his hand. Give this guy who once coveted himself a big pocket.

When they met for the first time a few days ago, the grand duke of Sadio was completely "brilliant" in his appearance. Even after a long journey, not only does the face not show the color of dust, but even the lips and temples have been taken care of very carefully. If you don't look closely, you can't even find the light blue stubble. An old-fashioned aristocrat who always pays attention to manners.

But only a few days have passed, and now he seems to be a different person.

His hair was disheveled, his cheeks were thin, his eyes were bloodshot, and the "lead-powder cleansing makeup" common to nobles on his face was almost gone, revealing the grayish-yellow and dull skin underneath.

Just by looking at this picture, you can tell that he must have been tossed a lot these two days.


Although William's action of grabbing the corner of his shirt was a little rough, Archduke Sadio didn't care about this little flaw in etiquette.

In his eyes at this time, William, who personally pulled him out of the sea of ​​misery and saved his life, is almost the same as the saint who is a true god. , even if he is changed from 1 to 0, it is not impossible to consider it on the spot.

In the past few days, Sadio was really frightened to the extreme.

He thought to himself that he didn't do anything too out of the ordinary, he just wanted to find a strong man to be happy and relieve the exhaustion accumulated during the journey.

In the end, I didn't think so, not only was it not a man, but even a human being! It's just a big lump of hot, sticky slush!


Although the chunky old man and the others reacted fast enough, they dragged Sadio out of Mulder's body before he could digest it, but they still caused him a lot of pain.

Not only did his clothes melt away with the acidic ooze, but he also choked half of his stomach in the mud during the terrified struggle and cries, and the nine orifices on his body were blocked by six and a half.

But when the chubby old man and others were caught by William together, Archduke Sadio suffered even more in the following days.

Arya and Aman are members of the Inquisition of Heresy, and naturally they will not have a good face for him, a guy with demon blood.

Although they would not really kill Sadio due to the cardinal's instructions before leaving, the treatment was really bad.

In the past few days, the [human body fixation technique] on his body has not stopped. Except for the two bottles of water, he has not even eaten half of the meal. He is dizzy and dizzy when he is hungry, and even his cheekbones are more prominent than before. a lot.

After recalling the abuse he had suffered these days, Grand Duke Sadio, who had successfully escaped the sea of ​​misery, really hated it so much that he didn't even think about the promise of his own body. In the direction of the weak and angrily said:

"Help... hang them for me! These... these **** thugs! I'm going to hang them all... all!"

"you sure?"

Hearing this, William raised his eyelids, waved his hand to signal him to calm down first, and then said slowly:

"The background of these 'thugs' is not small. If you move them, the trouble is amazing. Are you sure you want to hang them?"

"I confirm!"

After the effect of the [human immobilization technique] completely faded away, although Sadio's body was still a little weak, his actions and speech had basically returned to normal. At this time, he was nodding his head extremely firmly when he heard William's question.

His Excellency, who has been pampered since birth, is the first time in his life that he has suffered such a big crime. He really hates these thugs who dare to kidnap and abuse him.

I saw him with red eyes, and said angrily:

"I swear by the reputation of the Rust family! No matter who is standing behind these damned guys, no matter what trouble they will be moved! I will definitely hang all these guys! It's useless for anyone to intercede!"

"They are the people of the Holy See of Light."

"What happened to the Holy See of Light? Let alone the Holy See of Light, even the Holy See of Light... er..."

Finding that the cruel words he was about to say seemed to hit the bull's-eye, Archduke Sadio, who was still murderous just now, suddenly got stuck, looked at William in disbelief, and said with trembling lips:

"You mean...these guys who tied me...are people from the Holy See of Light?"

William nodded.

"Well, these guys are all from the Heresy Inquisition. Although there are all kinds of races, they are absolutely genuine in terms of belief, and they are all loyal believers of the Holy See of Light."


"Are you still twisted?"



After calling the two city guards to come over and taking Sadio, who looked aggrieved, to rest, William turned to look at Arya and the chunky old man who were talking, and said calmly:

"What's the situation now, you should have communicated more or less, right?

My conditions remain the same, you keep a copy of the occupation sequence and abilities you have mastered, and everything you can keep, and then swear according to my requirements, promising not to leak this information in any form, and wait until these conditions are fulfilled. After that, I can let you go. "

Regarding William's proposal, after exchanging glances with the chunky old man, Arya silently took out a booklet from the space ring, raised her hand and threw it over.

"I don't have any other abilities except my own sequence. Everything I can leave is here. As for the Styx oath, I can make it now."

When she said this, she raised her hands solemnly and said word by word:

"I swear to the endless river Styx, I, Alia Ka..."


After waving his hand to interrupt Arya's oath, William frowned slightly:

"The oath you swear now is useless. As I said just now, it only counts if you swear according to my requirements."

Arya also frowned when she heard the words, lowered her arms and said coldly:

"Okay, then follow your request. I can guarantee that the content will not be bad at all!"

After listening to her words, William couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly, found a bundle of ordered papyrus from the space ring, raised his hand and threw it towards her.

After subconsciously reaching out to catch it, Arya flipped open the stack of papyrus, which had 17 or 8 sheets, and was almost blinded by the dense teeny tiny characters on it.

'I swear by my soul that I will never leak any information about the Dawning Lord and its lord William, and I promise not to use any means, including but not limited to language, text, images, sounds, pictures, etc., to leak information;

I promise that I will not disclose any information directly or in disguised form by means of express, implication, guidance, etc.; I will not use any special channels such as telepathy, psychic link, messenger communication... '


After just watching the opening paragraph, Alia, who was still cold and distant just now, broke her defense in an instant, looked at William blankly, and exclaimed slightly:

"This... these... what are these!"

William raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then replied calmly:

"The Styx oath you will make later."

"No... no, I didn't mean that, I wasn't asking what it was."

After organizing the language a little, Arya's throat moved, and she looked at William and said with fear:

"I'm sighing, can you do this? Even those contracts from the devil's hand are just a piece of parchment, are too..."

"I'm just being more cautious."


After listening to William's reply, Arya opened her mouth speechlessly, and then fell into a silence that she didn't know what to say.

You... have already surpassed the scope of prudence, right?

This thing is completely based on the bottom line that the other party will violate the oath, and speculates on the oath person with the greatest malice, trying to completely block all possible ways of leaking. There is not even a shred of trust in things.

The existence of this thing alone is a sully to the sacred Styx oath!

Thinking of this, Arya couldn't help but glance at William. Although she was very resentful about his behavior of sullying the Styx oath, she didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that a guy who could list such outrageous oaths was the best at deceiving people. The devil, it is estimated that he will not take any advantage from him.

Seeing her strange eyes as a bit inexplicable, William frowned and added:

"I don't need to stress how serious the consequences of a breach of contract are, but I personally suggest that you should memorize the terms above. After all, in addition to leaking secrets intentionally, sometimes unintentional mistakes will also touch a certain clause. , don't blame me for being punished by Styx."


Under Arya's eyes full of resentment, William walked up to Aman, who was bewildered, and slammed his fist on its head, knocking it out of the monkey.

After reaching out and pulling Aman from the ground against his shoulders, William turned slightly sideways and gave the squat old man a wink.

"Also, although I said I can let you go, the cells specially prepared for you have already been built, so let's live in it for a few days before leaving!"


After throwing Arya into the single cell of the chubby old man and securing the last person who might leak the secret, half of the stone that was in William's heart was gone, and the whole person was relieved a lot.

The larger and bloated the organization is, the slower it will operate. The Holy See of Light, as the most powerful church with the largest number of people and the largest diocese in the Austrian continent, naturally fits this feature perfectly.

Although the matter of the black-bellied saint's protection by himself is important, according to the rigid and ink-stained procedures of the Holy See of Light, it is estimated that it will take two or three months to react.

Considering the time to pass the news back and forth and the pace of the demon hunting team, when they realize that something is not right, it is estimated that it will be four or five months later.

After complaining about the super low efficiency of the Holy See of Light in his heart, William pushed open the door of his exclusive "office", and nodded slightly to the woman sitting on the reception sofa.

Let's think about the future, the most important thing now is to get the money! If it goes on like this, my territory will go bankrupt!

Being stared at by William's eyes like a fat sheep, the middle-aged female dragon with a pale face covered her collar and asked as calmly as possible:

"You have Arya's Celestial Eyes on you, has she been caught by you?"

"Ah, I've already caught it, this time is temporarily over."

William nodded when he heard the words, and then said solemnly:

"What about you? It's been three days, and your injuries should be almost healed, right? When can you fly back to help me rush the 10 million gold gold?"


"Don't look at me like that, I also know that you are seriously injured, and it is indeed a bit difficult for you to fly back to collect money immediately. It's not very good, but I can't do anything about it. ."

In the eyes of the middle-aged female dragon old society long-term worker looking at the landlord, William sighed helplessly, stretched out his fingers and broke them one by one.

"I'm different from a guy like you who feeds the whole family and doesn't get hungry. Breaking dawn leads these hundreds of thousands of people... Oh, the permanent population seems to be approaching 300,000 now.

In short, I am also a lord, and the 300,000 mouths in the territory are all pointing at me to eat! And besides eating and drinking, I have to take care of other things.

It's almost winter. Most of the newly recruited people are refugees who have been affected by the disaster. I will take care of the shelter, cotton coats, charcoal fire, etc. Next year's seedlings and livestock cubs will also be produced by me. ...I'm having a hard time! "

Some couldn't stand William's broken thoughts. After the middle-aged female dragon coughed violently twice, she said angrily:

"Okay, okay, I got it! Damn it! You've said this stuff almost twenty times!"

"I'll go! As soon as the injury on the wings heals, I'll go as soon as possible! I'll follow the bounty in person, and I'll be sure that a gold gold won't miss you! Hurry up and shut your mouth! "

Tsk, worthy of being a rich dragon, when I said this common saying, I always said "A copper carper will not miss you", and I changed it directly to Jingod.

Holding the idea of ​​catching the dog... the big not killing the white, William cleared his throat hard, and said to the middle-aged female dragon with a sincere expression:

"Well, I heard that your giant dragons like to learn special magics such as [dimensional pockets] after they are adults, and carry some of their belongings with them.

Look... how about you help your Holy See put money up first? "


Just as William was trying to fool the middle-aged female dragon, trying to dig out her pocket to make up for his shortfall, in an unnamed forest to the east of Dawn Collar, a two-headed pocket slime was struggling to get out of the ground. .

This little guy seems to have some mission in his body. First, he straightened the sweaty helmet on his head, then put his hand into his belly and groped for two times, and took out a dark token and a Small note.

After looking around and roughly identifying the direction, it took two radish-like short legs and ran towards the south.


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