This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 720: The Goddess of Repair and New Missions and...

This guy's brain... was kicked by a donkey?

After driving away the halfling deacon who was crying and shouting for an additional 4 million quota, William put his hand into his pocket and woke up the goddess of pulling the crotch, and asked very seriously:

"Look at that guy, did his fate track have just been connected with some donkey-shaped demon? Why are you rushing to send me money?"


You bastard, are you asking for help without even a single word? !

After a few seconds of silence, the slightly unhappy voice of the goddess pulling the crotch rang in William's ear.

"I can't see it! After you borrowed money from him yesterday, his fate was changed beyond recognition by you. I can't see the direction of his fate at all."

After a two-second pause, as if remembering something, the goddess of pulling the crotch felt a lot better, and took the initiative to add:

"Oh yes, the power of destiny provided by this guy is quite rich!

He is being harassed by you...cough,cough...I mean, before the in-depth contact with you, the halfling's original destiny path was constantly rising. In the future, he even became a bishop of the Church of Fortune, or even upwards. further potential.

But after you rejected the request for an additional 4 million quota, his fate path has a feeling of eclipsed, it is estimated that within two months, there will be bad luck, and the future of becoming a bishop should also be out of the question. "

Oh~ that's still no play~

After recalling the character "tag" (ability column) of the halfling deacon, William curled his lips in disdain, deciding that he didn't know anything, and he would just eat melons and see that this guy was unlucky.

According to the evaluation given by the system panel, there are a total of seven abilities of the halfling deacon. [Gourmet], who belongs to the racial talent, will not comment for the first time. Among the remaining six abilities, [Opportunist], [Both sides] and [Qiaoyi] Tongue] These three, although they are positive abilities in terms of entry, are not considered positive evaluations.

In addition to these, the remaining three talents are [self-interest], [cowardly] and [greed for money]. These three are clearly not good words, and they can basically be regarded as reservists for rebellion and change.

If such a person is in a high position, he probably won't be able to do anything good. But whether the problem is [opportunist], [both right and left] or [smart tongue], they are all talents that are quite useful for "climbing" upwards.

So don't look at the halfling deacon's height of 120 and weight 211, but she is also a pretty gorgeous "social flower". As long as you don't make any big mistakes in business in the future, and finally occupy a high position in the Fortune Church, it is almost a certainty. thing.

Thinking of this, William pulled the corner of his mouth upwards and gave himself a compliment in his heart.

Anyway, this guy is not a good person. If it is because he corrupted...cough...borrowed a lot of money and caused him to be slapped by the Fortune Church to the end, it might be a good thing.

Don't look at how he looks like a bully now, but it can be seen from the previous incident of embezzling Dawn and leading the business route, this guy is not a master of rules at all.

If it wasn't for his hard fists, he would definitely swallow up the benefits that should belong to the Dawn Collar. Even if he was too fat to fart, he would collapse the oil star, and he would not give anyone a little bit of benefit. The life and death of the people may not be considered by others at all.

Right now, there is still a big boss pressing down on his head, and he is already so unscrupulous. If this guy really becomes a high-level executive of the Fortune Church, and the control on his head is loosened a few layers, this guy will be even more ugly when he searches for wealth. Ordinary people under his rule will definitely suffer from bad luck.

So this wave of my own has done a great deed...

After pondering and understanding the logic inside, William straightened his back, feeling that he suddenly became more righteous.

That's right! I'm not intimidating someone for money. The main purpose is actually not to let this fat fat man climb to a high position, to harm one party in the future, to fill up the land and other things are just incidental.

So Fortune Church lent me six million gold gold without interest. Maybe they actually made some money. They gained a good reputation, and I gained money. Obviously, everyone has a win-win situation~

Gee! I am such a wonderful person!


After once again changing history and saving a large number of innocent people, William put his hand into his pocket again, slammed the lucky coin inside, and asked casually:

"You can't see the fate of this guy, can you still see the fate of Nikki? Is she unlucky now?"

"Speak well when you speak, don't always move, I'm a goddess anyway!"

After complaining about William's little habit, the goddess of pulling the crotch didn't think much, and answered directly:

"I can still vaguely see the fate of that halfling, but the fate of that little dragon has been entangled with you too much. After she was knocked down from the sky by you, I basically couldn't see anything clearly. "

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Hearing this, William raised his eyebrows, took the lucky coin out of his pocket, squinted at the scratches on it, and said word by word:

"I remember, you said before that you didn't remind me that slime slimes have children, because you wanted to vent your anger and watch Nikki be unlucky, right?"


"But if you can no longer observe her fate after I knock her down from the sky...then why don't you remind me that Mulder's son is still out there?"


"Don't play dead! Talk!"

After scratching the surface of the lucky coin with his fingernail and making an unpleasant scratching sound, William narrowed his eyes and said:

"Isn't there some potential benefit you'll gain by letting it go?"


"If Nikki is caught, will the Holy Son come over? Do you know that he will become the next Pope of Light in the future?

And then... are you going to lend my hand to deflect his future as the next Pope of Light, so that you can get a lot of Destiny out of him? "


After listening to William's series of questions, the lucky coin on which the Goddess Pulled the Hip trembled at first, and then suddenly began to become hot and cold. After the meat and bones, the tail wagging wildly is almost...

After keenly aware of the change in the "emotional" of the goddess of pulling the hips, William blinked his eyes in surprise, and said with a dazed expression:

"Why... oh rub! You didn't have this idea after listening to me just now, did you?!"


After being silent for a few seconds, the lucky coin in William's hand shook his body quickly, like a hook that had gnawed on his slippers and was shaking his head desperately and didn't want to admit it.

"How is that possible! This is what I designed!"

The Goddess Pulling Hip, who had been pretending to be dead for a long time, suddenly came back to life, and even changed her usual voice, and replaced it with a mysterious and profound tone, full of praise:

"To be able to grasp the trajectory of fate from just a few words, as expected of my favorite Pope!

It is a pity that although you understand my arrangement, the wheel of fate has begun to turn, and you have no chance to stop it!

bring it on! It's time to give up unnecessary stubbornness and accept your destiny! William, as long as you are my Pope, when I regain control of the flow of the long river of destiny, I will definitely take you to transcend it! "


Are you kidding me?

After clicking his tongue in disgust, William issued a new diagnosis report on Goddess's condition.

Social Cattle B Syndrome - In the advanced stage, unless you drag people out and commit suicide in front of the whole world, offering love a hundred times, or the disease is definitely incurable.


Regarding the aria that the goddess of pulling the hips tried to maintain her own style, William really didn't believe it was a punctuation mark, after all, the style of this thing was almost wiped out.

The kind of control over everything that the priest of destiny should have, this guy can't see the slightest bit, but the uncertainty of destiny is brought into full play.

To sum up, she is either overturning or on the road every day. No matter how clearly she sees it before, something will go wrong, and she will not be able to finish one thing smoothly according to the plan. If you believe her, you are a super idiot!

[After getting the oracle given by the goddess, your eyes are instantly filled with boundless ecstasy! 】

【opportunity! This is the favor from fate! 】


You're really stepping on the always it's time...

No matter how William's heart was complaining about the system's ability to succeed, the familiar middle and second tone still rang in his ears impassively.

[With agile thinking and outstanding mind, after successfully breaking through the arrangement from fate, you have received praise and appreciation from the goddess of fate]


Destroy your sister! Compliment your sister! Appreciate your sister!

[Faced with this unprecedented opportunity, even though the depths of your heart have been filled with boundless ecstasy, you still did not act rashly, but tried your best to suppress the joy in your heart, bow your head obediently, kiss the dust in front of you, and greet this man who is in charge of destiny The great existence of Changhe expressed his respect]


There is still a great existence... hehe... bah!

After pouting his lips speechlessly, William spat on his thumb with a snort, wiped off the oil on the lucky coin, and rubbed the back of the shirt with the **** mark with the corner of his shirt, which was barely a pull. The goddess of the crotch washed her face and made up for the loss she suffered from the inflammation of the system.

"Damn it! Don't paint me with your stinky spit! I'm a god! Your Pope's seat is gone! Did you hear? Your Pope's throne is gone!"

Amid the angry shouts of the goddess pulling the hips, the inflammation of the system continued to advance.

[What makes you ecstatic is that thought is indeed a forbidden area that even gods cannot step into. This great existence did not perceive the ambition in your heart. Instead, after feeling your obedient attitude, he treated you with thoughtful etiquette. Approved.

I don't know why, she even allows you to raise your head and look at her noble face once, as a small reward for your broken destiny]


A noble face... This guy's face is completely uncertain, right? Under normal circumstances, it is similar to the female version of Wuxianghuang. What's so good about it?

However, the other William in the system's mouth didn't seem to think so, and he seemed to be looking forward to the reaction.

【coming! coming! coming soon! 】

[Even though Chengfu is as deep as you, after hearing the reward from fate, he was still so excited that he couldn't help shaking his shoulders! 】

【'The Appearance of Revelation'! This is a unique 'look of revelation'! 】

[According to the old mythology, if a faithful believer of destiny is fortunate enough to be favored by the goddess and allowed to look at her smoke-filled face, he will see a special face on the goddess's face and get A revelation enough to change fate! 】

Hmm... this seems to be true...

After hearing what the system said through another self's mouth, William couldn't help frowning.

He vaguely remembered that the only time the Goddess Pulling Crouch appeared, she had personally said that her face was different in everyone's eyes.

And all but themselves can't see the real face of the goddess of fate, only the face of the person who has the most influence on his or her fate.

[trying to hold back the boundless joy that was about to burst your chest, you slowly raised your head, decided to engrave the face you see next in your heart, and prepared to deal with any situation]

[For a destiny full of uncertainty and unknown, her revelation has never been good or bad. If the figure of the goddess of fate turns into your enemy, it means that according to the original fate trajectory, you will get it in the hands of that person. A devastating failure! 】

[And if the face of the Goddess of Destiny is not an enemy, but a familiar smiling face, it means that he or she will be the biggest help for you to climb to the top, the arm you must keep and rely on no matter what. ...] there such a usage? Really uplifted...

In William's secret speech, the tone of the system suddenly changed.

[However, when you raised your head in anticipation and looked at the mysterious face of the Goddess of Fate, an emotion called astonishment suddenly climbed onto your face]

【"No! This is impossible!"】

[When you see that you can't even care about the most basic etiquette in front of the gods, you stand up suddenly, and roar with round eyes: "How could it be... ...No! It's impossible!"]

[Goddess of Destiny didn't care about your gaffe, but raised her hand and wiped it lightly on her face. The familiar face disappeared quietly, and was gently shrouded by the surrounding mist as thin as a haze, and it turned into a silhouette again. Very clear facial features]

[Facing you who is in a state of despair, the lips of the goddess of fate are slightly raised, revealing a mysterious and charming strange smile, warmly said:]

["It doesn't matter, you have the right to doubt all of this, but you must know that this will be a fate you cannot escape! Then, if you want to change all of this..."]

roll! I don't want to!

William gritted his teeth and took out the goddess of pulling the hips, and spit on it while the lucky coin trembled for unknown reasons.

Riddler will die!


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