This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 727: The imperial army entrusted me... oh, I went wrong


No... can this thing also deal with it?

Confused by William's outrageous proposal, the little businessman licked his dry lips subconsciously, wondering if his ears had heard it wrong.

"Lord City Lord...Did you just say...let me temporarily...convert to the one from the Fortune Church?"

"Ang, that's what I meant."


Seeing William admit it without hesitation, Jose was instantly turned pale.

After taking a deep breath, the little businessman ignored the etiquette of being a subordinate, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab William, and roared in a low voice, almost exasperated:

"Lord William! What you said just now was too dangerous! Even if it was just the two of us in the room! Please don't say such things again in the future!"

"Well, I'm not a fool. Of course I know this is taboo. Why don't I talk to you in private?"

After snatching his wrinkled sleeves back from the small businessman, William raised his eyebrows and said helplessly:

"If there is a choice, I don't want to take the risk of blasphemy to talk to you about this, isn't there anything I can do?

To tell you the truth, I have already obtained all their tokens and seals from the major chambers of commerce in France. When the pile of stuff on the table is finished, all their future large-scale commercial activities will have to be done. Come to me to report and accept the constraints that you should have.

Jose, although you believe in the goddess of love instead of the goddess of wealth, you are a businessman anyway, so I don’t need to explain it to you again, right? "

After listening to William's explanation with trepidation, even though he knew that the city lord of his family had always been extremely courageous, the little businessman was shocked by William's operation and broke into a cold sweat.

Although the population of Flange is not too large, the total population of the two middle-sized provinces of the Holy Empire is equal to the total population of the two middle-sized provinces of the Holy Empire.

It's just because there are other churches in Flange, and it's almost impossible to be completely exclusive, so the Church of Eros and the Church of Knowledge don't pay much attention to Flange.

The Church of Fortune has a unique way of grabbing the power of faith. Except for the Church of War and other churches, it can coexist perfectly with the vast majority of churches. Therefore, Flange is truly a piece of cake for them. A "belief pool" that doesn't need to be shared with other churches.

Therefore, William's operation of taking the dominance of business activities is no longer a matter of taboo or taboo.

If it was changed to the Holy See of Light next door, it would be equivalent to a certain Grand Duke of the Holy Empire sending troops to surround all the branch churches of the Holy See of Light, and strictly ordered believers to report to themselves when they gather to pray in the future, and it is forbidden to pray at any time. Or the possibility of forcibly closing the church.

And if there is any grand duke who really has **** in his head and dares to do this kind of thing under the eyes of the Holy See of Light, then he will be knocked out by his personal guard before he sends the order to send troops, and then directly They packed the **** in their heads and sent them to the nearest branch church to be burned at the stake for a few days to see if their leaders were lured by some demon.

By the way, if it wasn't because of being lured into depravity by demons, but simply because there was something wrong with your brain, then you could only ask your family members to join us in a moment of silence——

After all, if he finds out the problem, he will be lured by the devil and lead to depravity. If he burns himself, it will be the end, but if there is no problem, it will be deliberate blasphemy! As for the consequences... the family just needs to be neat and tidy, only the stake is more unlucky, and it may take a few extra days of work.

And what is even more outrageous is that, in addition to being roasted at the stake, it is also roasted in vain. According to the regulations of the Guangming Church, the unlucky ghosts who are roasted have to pay a [purifying firewood donation] to the branch church, which is basically equivalent to Since he paid for himself to be cremated, this business is really profitable.


As a small businessman who mostly thinks about how to make money, although Jose doesn't know much about the power of faith behind it, he still understands how much the Fortune Church values ​​him in this regard, and he is passively driven by the "reverse scale" true god. He knew better what the church could do.

Seeing Jose's face gradually becoming hopeless, worried that this fairly profitable subordinate would be frightened to get sick, William couldn't continue to tease him, so he reached out and patted his chest, and assuredly assured:

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to destroy business activities, nor do I plan to kill them all as fat sheep, I just want those businessmen to be disciplined and stop doing things like the past. Even if the Fortune Church is a little dissatisfied, There shouldn't be much of a reaction."

After listening to William's explanation, the small businessman's dangling heart reluctantly fell back into his stomach. Although he was still skeptical, he was not so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

After calming down a bit, Jose looked at William who was indifferent, and said tentatively:

"Then your previous proposal... is to let me join the Fortune Church and test their attitude?"


William raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What do I care about their attitudes? Even if those chambers of commerce really go to the headquarters of the Fortune Church, they just send a bishop to take a look. I can still beat a bishop.

And this time, apart from robbing...cough...except for the 100 million point fines paid by the chambers of commerce that have a lot of problems, the treaties and agreements I asked them to sign were quite normal.

Although the conditions may indeed be a little tight, they also promised to ensure the normal operation of business activities, and even gradually help small and medium-sized businessmen to get rid of the excessive exploitation of nobles, and the order of business activities in the future will probably be better than before.

So if the bishop was better at speaking, he probably wouldn't even have to fight this time. "

If you hear it like this the truth?

Jose was a little dizzy by William's sworn expression, and nodded subconsciously, but he still felt that something was not right.

However, before the small businessman could sort out his thoughts and think about what was going on, William's hand clapped heavily on his shoulder, directly interrupting his thoughts.

"José, are you interested in meeting someone from the Fortune Church?"

see you? that one? who?

Failing to understand the meaning of William's words, the little businessman looked up in surprise, but when he was about to ask, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and he shivered suddenly, almost staring his eyes out of his sockets. come out!

Jose looked at William who was indifferent, and stammered:


"Of course it's that one, otherwise who else could it be?"

Reaching out two hands, one holding Jose's arm and the other holding him, after making all preparations in advance, William looked at the terrified eyes of the little businessman and explained:

"After all, it is the power of faith of a country. So much power of faith is out of the control of the Fortune Church. If you change the channel and no longer 'upload' from the Fortune Church's name, that person will definitely have some feelings, and it is likely that he will Take a look at the new 'in charge' and even ask him a few words directly.

Originally, I should have done this job myself, but mainly I have a lot of secrets, and I don't trust that person, so it might not be good if I get noticed, maybe I'm a little bit taboo, but it's obviously a good thing. It's not a good thing because it's wrong, you say? "


"It can't be right, is that what you mean?"

Noticing that Jose's legs began to tremble, and the whole person seemed to want to slip under the sofa, William decisively changed his support, directly supported the small businessman's creaking nest, and continued to agitate earnestly:

"I think the same as you, and you see, I have given up so much energy to get this right back, so I have to give it to someone who can rest assured?

And although there are a few people under my command who can be assured, but the problem is that this job is not just dependable, no matter what, you have to understand a little business, and you can barely get along with the Fortune Church, right? I thought about it carefully and found that you are more suitable. "


"You meant to say 'I agree', didn't you?"

Reaching out his hand to grab the little businessman's neck to prevent him from shaking his head and injuring his cervical spine, William put a satisfied face on his shoulder and said happily:

"Not bad! Take responsibility! I really didn't see you wrong!"

"Hey? What are you shaking? Don't have too much psychological pressure. That one is barely in the good camp. This job is 200% safe. I guess she just took a look and found out that you are a good person. The businessman just left, and it is likely that nothing will happen.

Besides, it doesn't matter if something really happened. Anyway, Fortune Church doesn't require too devout beliefs. Even if you find out that you are not a true believer, you won't be really angry. Just a few words with you. "

After explaining the interests to the trembling little businessman, William got up and walked to the table.

"Sit here for a while, I'll cover all the stamps right away, you can just sign for me then!"


After a while, when William sealed the rest of the documents and raised his head again, Jose, who was frightened, had just moved to the door, gnashing his teeth and competing with the newly repaired door.

However, William had already instructed the Black Nightmare cavalry on duty outside the door to close the door and lock it as soon as the small businessman came in, to completely seal the door from the outside, to ensure that the people inside could only get out by tearing down the stone wall next to it. Jose's efforts were but in vain.

Seeing William stand up from behind the desk and walk towards him with the stack of documents, the little businessman's breathing suddenly became rapid again.

Even if he knew in his heart that William was right, that the one from the Church of Fortune was indeed a good god, not a **** with a tyrannical character, but for Jose now, facing a true **** was a little too exciting.

For the people of the Austrian continent, meeting a true god, it feels almost like hugging the single-headed nuclear bow in a state of being excited, even if you know in your heart that this thing will probably not explode, but you haven’t done any psychological work beforehand. Construction, it is estimated that everyone will feel weak legs.

And the single-headed nuclear bow of the Goddess of Wealth not only has its own ideas, but even if the chat does not understand, it will give an oracle to the Church of Fortune, calling for countless "intercontinental missiles" to come and bombard it, making Jose's heart. The pressure is really not that great.

Seeing that he was really frightened, William had to continue to comfort him:

"It's all right! Hey, what are you afraid of? The person I've met a few times (in my last life) has a good temper, as long as you don't point her nose and scold her, it's fine, and even coax her. Maybe there are rewards...

Come on, if you can't sign with your hands shaking, then press your fingerprints. Although Frank may not recognize this thing, it's just a procedure anyway..."

While saying strange words that the little businessman could not understand, William took out half a box of ink pads that had been used a lot from the space ring, grabbed his fingers and rubbed them, and then quickly pressed them down one by one.

And just as Jose's red finger touched the last document, the system prompt sounded at the right time.

[Through a very friendly negotiation, you used your sincerity and wisdom to persuade the top management of most of the French chambers of commerce, so that they willingly handed over their identity certificates and private seals, and successfully retracted their interest in the business activities of the country across the country. dominance]

[It is detected that all mission objectives have been completed, and the settlement will be performed automatically]

[Mission 1: Cut off the greedy palm and regain your business route (completed)]

[Task 2: Break the control of the Fortune Church and regain the dominance over the commercial activities of the whole country in France (completed)]

[The mission "Recapture the Power of Wealth" succeeded]

[Task evaluation: It's outrageous, but it's really something you can do]

[Task reward: Because of the replacement of the main body that turned over the power of faith, a large number of the power of faith related to wealth fluctuated violently, resulting in some free wealth and divine power.

These divine powers will automatically attach to the nearest high-value common item and convert it into a holy relic with special effects]

【Rewards have been issued】

After listening to the system's prompt, William couldn't help frowning.

I obviously worked so hard, but the reward this time is just a holy relic? I'm still thinking about what special buildings or artifacts I can get, but you're not good at it!

Well... I can't think of it that way. After all, it is a holy relic that was "enchanted" by the divine power of wealth. What if this reward has any special function that can make money? Seems like a cornucopia or a touchstone is acceptable? Hmm... I'll talk about it when I find something!

He glanced at the little businessman who was shivering with his eyes closed. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, William could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that the person above the Church of Fortune probably didn't think much about After all, the goddess of wealth The subordinates did not follow the gods, and in terms of the power of belief, they took a "small profit but quick turnover" path. The stalls were particularly large, and they were much busier than other gods.

Most of the people just came to take a look, and found that although there was a little change, the power of belief was still turned in as usual, and there was nothing wrong. I guess she was too lazy to care.

Just as William stretched out his hand and put his hand on the shoulder of the little businessman, ready to gossip with a few words to fool him, Jose suddenly opened his eyes and said with trembling lips:

"Wei...wei...Lord William?"

"Ah? I'm here, what's wrong?"

"That... that... came here just now, and... also asked me to give you a message..."

In William's unusually dazed eyes, the little businessman said with an extremely strange expression:

"That...that one said..."

"She...she never saw you at all, and asked why you lied just now..."


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