This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 742: Master! You are awake at 1 o'clock! (Down)

"That's it. After I go back, I'm going to let the old man send someone over to buy hundreds of thousands of gold gold as compensation, so I need someone who understands the market."

After explaining the general situation, Andy reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder, and asked happily:

"As soon as he asks someone who knows about this, I think of you.

You should have followed the ships of those runners, right? What about those routes? Are the sales of alchemy creations good? Is there anything I can hand over to my junior sister's workshop for production? "

After listening to his young master's question with a bewildered face, the young man replied somewhat confused:

"Master Andy, how much Lord Brom hates alchemy products, I have told you before, our [Black Sail]'s shipping routes do not do alchemy business, your junior sister... I'm afraid you're looking for the wrong person, aren't you?"

When he said this, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of William and the banshee.

The banshee's disappointed gaze was nothing special to a young man, but William's gradually frowning brows made him feel a lot of pressure. After only looking at it a little, he turned his head back in a little panic.

In the dungeon of Dawn Collar, I was locked up with two dozen wild "wei blowing" for a long time. Now the young man is about to be fooled and lame. How can you see how William is like that kind of super boss hidden behind the scenes, plus It seems that the young master of Shang's own family has been controlled, which makes his heart extremely uncertain.

According to the statement given by Mr. Andy, this underground hole looks like a ruin. When it is completed, it will be a giant alchemy workshop that will rank among the top ten in the whole continent. Every day, it can produce a huge amount of alchemy creations, as many as the entire [Black Sail] The fleet can't eat it...

Just this broken place? What are you kidding? Do you think I'm stupid?

After sneaking a glance at William again, the young man bit his lip hard, wisely holding back his words.

This guy named William is indeed as strong as a monster, and the scale of the underground hole in front of him is indeed amazing, but with such a small county in such a small country, how could it be possible to build an alchemy workshop of that size ?

Also, it's just more than 100 smashed into the house, why do you have to pay hundreds of thousands of gold gold?

For these broken stone houses with no interior at all, I can find a hundred or two people at random, and with the materials and money of 3,000 gold gold, I can build a large piece for you in half a month! Is this thing worth hundreds of thousands of gold gold?

Even this kind of transaction that is obviously more beneficial to outsiders, the young master is actually rushing to do it, and even helps them to promote it with no conscience, so... his own young master is still under control!

Damn it, if you really can't do it, then agree to it first. Once you leave this wolf's den, you will catch the young master, bundle it up, and send it back to the surging tide harbor. There are just a few cruising sea clans there, whether it's a mermaid or a sea monster. , they are all good at attacking the soul, and maybe they have a way to get rid of the control means on the young master...


Just when the young man began to think about how to bring down the "tragically controlled" Master Andy, William on the opposite side cast an inquiring look at the banshee, wanting to know why [Black Sails] Brom was interested in selling alchemy creations. So conflicted.

After receiving William's eyes, Andrea shook her head secretly and gently, saying that she, a junior sister, didn't really know the reason behind it.

Although Brother Andy is a good person, he can always talk to death quickly, so I have never asked him about anything other than alchemy and magic patterns.

Even the fact that his father is the pirate king, he only learned from the teacher's casual mention, not to mention other family matters...

After understanding the meaning of the banshee, William couldn't help but glared at her a little.

Really pull the crotch, if you don't convert to the goddess of fate, for the sake of all of you, maybe she can give you a pope to do it!

After complaining about Andrea in his heart, William turned his head to look at the apologetic blue-haired youth, and asked curiously:

"If it's convenient, can you tell us why your father hates alchemy creations so much?"

After hearing William's question, the blue-haired youth sighed and shook his head with a heavy expression:

"There's nothing inconvenient about this, it's just a little sad to say...

The reason for this has to start from when I was first born, because of my mother's unique bloodline, before I even opened my eyes, I showed an extraordinary talent..."

As soon as the blue-haired youth opened his mouth, William knew that the story would be too short, but after all, he asked the question by himself, and he still had to ask the other party, so William had to listen patiently.

However, after William stood firm for seven or eight minutes, the story of Brother Lan Mao only advanced to about two years old. He just finished telling how amazing the talent he showed when he was a child, and now he is talking about how he weaned with a serious face... …

What makes William even more speechless is that he really can't say that he has strayed from the topic.

After all, although Brother Lanmao's explanation was too detailed and added a lot of extremely necessary details, the whole process really revolved around "why does my father hate alchemy creations", and even talked about his weaning. All should be supplemented with a concluding statement that closely follows the central idea.

"However, what my father didn't expect was that the newly weaned child in his arms would be convinced by the charm of alchemy in the future, completely deviating from the path he laid out in life, making him ignorant of all the alchemy creations in his life. There is a different kind of resentment that is indescribable..."

When Brother Lanmao finished talking about his experience of weaning when he was three years old, and started to push towards the age of four, William finally couldn't stand it anymore. He stretched out his hand and pressed the other's shoulder. The words were cut back.

"Okay! Don't go on! I've almost guessed it!"

After glaring at the banshee who was gloating beside her, William quickened his speech and concluded in a barrage of artillery:

"In short, because you are addicted to alchemy, you have wasted your talent. Your father is still worried about it, right?"

"Well, that's basically the reason you summed up."

After nodding and acknowledging William's judgment, the blue-haired youth said solemnly:

"But if you understand it this way, it is a little biased, and there may be misunderstandings in some aspects, so I still need to emphasize a few places, for example, I have not wasted my talent.

Although my talent in alchemy is not particularly good, it is still one of the best. There were more than 400 apprentices under the teacher's name at that time, and only Andrea and I were selected, so..."


Please, shut up! I don't want to sell the goods to you anymore!

Seeing that the other party seems to be preparing to continue a long speech, this time even the gold master can't do it. The unbearable William directly raised the tone of haha ​​twice, covering the voice of Senior Brother Lan Mao, and said in a loud voice:

"So that's the case, I know! (loud

"Since you are not sure what to do, then I will send a reliable person and let him go with you to find that Lord [Hei Fan] for a face-to-face interview! (loudly

"It doesn't matter. If it's suitable, buy some. If it's not suitable, forget it. I don't like to force. Since you have no opinion, then it's settled! If you have anything to say, tell him tomorrow! (Super loud


Two days later, in a forest a few hundred miles east of Dawn Collar, Jose, who was sent as an envoy, clenched his fists in discomfort, twitched his lips and said with a painful expression:

"So... so... [Black Sail] Your Excellency is because of this, and will resist the business of alchemy products?"


Brother Lan Mao, who said something cool, nodded lightly, and concluded with a satisfied expression:

"So, if you want to help that Lord William get the order, the most important thing you need to do is to convince my father to get rid of his prejudice against alchemy creations... Do you remember what I said?"

"Hmmmm! I remember it! I remember it all!"

Seeing that the chatterbox of this distinguished guest was finally shaken, the little businessman who was dizzy by the chatter was overjoyed, and he folded his hands in accusation:

"Thank you for your careful guidance, but this time, in addition to the tasks assigned by Sir William, I will also send a batch of food and iron to the blue tide mermaid department along the coast, but the inventory of the Dawn Collar is not enough, and I still need to travel along the way. Purchase a I won't bother you any more!"

"Oh, then go get busy!"

However, just as Jose was ecstatically preparing to leave, he was suddenly stopped by the nonsense guy behind him.

"Hey? Wait, is the blue tide mermaid doing business with you?"


Although the little businessman really wanted to spit this **** blue hair on the forehead, but this is the person that Lord William specially explained to be "good friends", he had to turn around and chat with the corners of his mouth twitching:

"Yes... Yes... Are you familiar with the Blue Tide Mermaid Department?"

"Ah...that can no longer be said to be familiar, but it should be said to be a memory that will never be forgotten in a lifetime."

It seems that some memories were aroused in the heart by Jose's succession, the blue-haired youth's eyes gradually lost focus, and he stared at the front and said with emotion:

"That starts when I was four years old, when I just woke up to my talent for breathing underwater... eh? What are you doing with the rope behind my back?"

After noticing the surprised look in Master Andy's eyes, the young man with cotton in his ears suddenly became angry and timid. With a confused look on his face, he turned his head and shouted sharply behind him:


Before he could finish his words, more than a dozen strong men dashed off the sea mule in an instant and rushed towards the angry blue-haired youth on the ground. The other people fluttered and folded the Arhat directly on the ground.

After a commotion, the young man who successfully knocked out his young master breathed a sigh of relief, then with difficulty arched away the two strong men on his back, and shouted sharply to the others who rushed over to try to rescue him:

"Don't panic! Master Andy is being controlled, we are saving him!

Listen to me now! Everyone immediately rode the sea mule and rushed along the river bank to the port! We took the young master to the blue tide murloc club, Miss Elsa is there, she will definitely find a way! "

The prestige of the young man in the team should be quite good. Although the people around were still skeptical that the young master was being controlled, most of them finally acted according to his instructions after making a fuss for a while.

After re-arranging the disturbed team and swearing to persuade a few diehards, the busy young man wiped his sweat and looked back at Jose, who had been following him, with a puzzled look in his eyes:

"Why didn't you run?"


You may not believe it if you say it. I'm used to being caught on the way to work. I have been arrested many times in my life, but I have never been able to run away steadily, and I have to be caught every time.

Well, instead of being caught and beaten again, I might as well just stay honest. After all, compared to the bandits who were going to chop my head off and the ogres who wanted to eat my flesh, you still look good. a reasonable one.

After recalling those bitter years in the past, the little businessman first sighed bitterly, then raised his hands over his shoulders, and said quietly:

"I won't run away, but I'm a businessman, and I don't know what's going on with your young master.

Also, the people who came with me this time are also ordinary soldiers who are responsible for escorting the goods. They also don't know anything. If you can, I hope you don't hurt them. "

Seeing that this small businessman who knows current affairs does not seem to be a fake, the young man thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded decisively:

"Okay, I can not hurt them! But you are not allowed to leave my sight. If you leave the news, you know the consequences! Also, I heard you mentioned to Master Andy before that your grain and iron tools are going to be sold. For the blue tide mermaid?"


Hearing that everyone's lives could be saved, Jose felt relieved, and said with a smile:

"Dare to ask, are you going to take this batch of goods directly? Or are you going to use it for ransom? If you are going to ask for a ransom, are you going to 'soft' or 'hard'?"

What's all this mess?

Looking at the small businessman in front of him who can only be described as, the young man frowned and said:

"What is 'soft demand'? What is 'hard demand'?"

Jose handed over the words and honestly explained:

"You are seeking a living at sea, so you may not be familiar with the roads on the ground. The 'soft request' is to hide things. For example, this shipment I delivered, you can load the things on a ship and drag them with bags. Hide in a secluded beach.

After Sir William paid the ransom, he wrote a note telling him where the things were hidden, and asked him to send someone to pick them up; 'to demand' was to douse the goods with kerosene or something, and then let someone go back and report it. A deadline, if the statement is overdue, it can't be suppressed... eh? "

When he said this, the little businessman suddenly paused, and after squinting his eyes and looking behind the young man, he said with a surprised expression:

"The one that was torn up over there...couldn't it be your ship?"


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