This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Consensus and custom


What a coincidence... You guys are also joining in the fun, aren't you?

Seeing the cook at the corner who was pulling Little Daisy with an embarrassed expression, William smacked his lips speechlessly.

By the way, your footsteps are really slow enough... Especially Melanie, if she is invited to participate in the Sanguinary Council, shouldn't she go all the way south? Why are you still squatting in the northern province?

"Melanie! What are you talking about?"

Being a little embarrassed by the shout of "uncle", the Saintess cut black habitually narrowed her eyes, stared at Melanie and gritted her teeth:

"We're just here... to do something! But what about you? Why do you come here if you don't stay in Faran? Do you know that the Holy Empire is wiping out the underground forces? You don't really think that every time I Are they all open to you?"


Yes, yes, you are right.

When William heard this, he couldn't help but curled his lips. If you want me to say, the holes in your net are simply sewed according to Melanie. Since this net can leak her away no matter how you spread it, it really doesn't count. You open the net, because your net is not ready to catch her at all!


However, although in William's eyes, the past Kieran has really been released, but Melanie has suffered a lot in the hands of the Black Saintess in the "successful escape" like a god.

After accumulating like this for many years, Melanie, the "bear niece" who has been beaten many times, has indeed carved the fear of Kieran on her ass.

The mental state is comparable to that of a little mouse who has seen a big orange. Even if he knows that the big orange is full and has no interest in killing his own two or two pieces of meat, he can't avoid the trembling a few times.

And even if she can occasionally summon the courage to howl so much at the full-fed Daju, but when Daju squinted his eyes, parted the thick meat pads, and showed his sharp claws with hooked tips, A certain little mouse is bound to...

"I... I don't care where I go!"

Sure enough, in the face of the Black Saintess' threat of just pretending, Melanie's previous torrential flames withered in an instant, and the little hand that hit William's belly quickly turned into a hammer, decisively grabbed William's clothes, and took advantage of his tall The body hides itself, and only a small head is exposed.

And after finding a safe "position", Melanie glared angrily at Saintess Cut Black, and then continued to shout sarcastically:

"Bah! Old woman! Shameless! Even at an age, you are still hooking up with are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, you haven't seen each other for a long time. Didn't I stand in the middle to delay your communication?"

After taking Melanie out of his back and pushing it to Saintess Cut Black who was already angry, William spread his hands towards the dull-looking Melanie, showing a helpless expression.

Your auntie is too careful, I don't want to be blackmailed by her, and... I just like to see you obviously can't beat you, but you always look like you are always holding on to hatred, continue to work hard~


Betrayed by the expected "solid barrier" at the speed of light, Melanie's little arrogance disappeared instantly, she only hesitated for less than a second, then shivered and raised her beautiful little face, facing in front of her. The "old woman" said sweetly:

"Little... Auntie... You look much better than the last time we met."


When she saw that face that looked exactly like her elder sister when they were young, the anger in Saintess Cie Hei's heart had actually subsided for a large part, and she was about to lift it up and let it go.

However, after Melanie took the initiative to step on the thunder and mentioned the keyword "the last time", the memory of her cooperating with William to plot against herself came back to Kieran's mind again.

Putting the new hatred on top of the old hatred, the Black Saintess gritted her teeth angrily, raised her hand to pinch Melanie's little baby-fat face, and said with a smile that's not a smile:

"Really? Then tell me, where is my aunt looking better than last time?"

Kieran, who shot with anger, was really strong, not only pulling Melanie's neck, but even being forced to stand on tiptoe.

"Fortunately...fortunately, the complexion..."

After hurriedly looking for an excuse, Melanie was annoyed at why she ran to the net just now, while crying and sullenly said with a small face:

"It''s just that the skin is ruddy and bright, and it doesn't look like a little girl in her early twenties, when she's standing with someone, it looks like a perfect match."

After hearing Melanie's words, the Black Saintess was stunned for a while, then glanced at William subconsciously.


No... are you looking at me at this time? Doesn't that mean it's not self-inflicted?

After receiving the resentful eyes from Melanie, "You really have a leg", William raised his hands helplessly and explained to Melanie:

"It's said that you misunderstood. I really have nothing to do with your aunt. This time we are together because there is a mission, um... It's not appropriate to tell you the specific mission content, and it won't take long for you to know all about it."


Seeing that William's appearance really didn't look like a lie, Melanie, who was still being pulled in the face, said with suspicion:

"You're serious? You're not fooling me, are you?"

"of course it's true."

After William nodded, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and quickly said with a serious expression:

"By the way, you are here, you should be going to see the wedding of the Holy Emperor, right?

Listen to what I said, there is probably going to be a big incident over there later, you should go back and hide now! Especially your Melanie, no matter what movement you perceive, remember to never show your face, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is affected. "

After hearing William's words, Melanie was still a little skeptical, but the anger of the Black Saintess really tightened, thinking of the holy flame minister who didn't rub the sand in her eyes.

Indeed, Mr. Eisner has now broken through to the ninth order. If Melanie's existence is exposed, I am afraid that I and William Jia will not be able to stop him. If I hadn't met Melanie here,

Sensing the change in the surrounding atmosphere, Melanie vaguely guessed something. After being put down by the Black Saintess, she didn't make any more noise. She only rubbed her slightly swollen cheeks and muttered a few words in her mouth. Then he nodded honestly, and even reluctantly ordered:

"Then I'm leaving, so be careful."

Hearing this, William did not speak, but raised the back of his hand and made an exhorting gesture.

Just kidding, I can be said to be as stable as a mountain in this Powei. As long as the identity of the Shadow Saint is not exposed, I will not be implicated in any way. Just remember to hide yourself.

However, compared with William, the mood of the Black Saintess is much more complicated.

In the past, Melanie was extreme and stubborn, and she deeply hated these so-called relatives who watched her mother die. Naturally, they would not say anything of concern; while the old Pope was stubborn and serious, no matter how much preparations were made for her safety, but The same soft words in his mouth will not speak.

So if you have to count it, the last time Kieran heard a word of concern from his relatives was probably when Melanie's mother was alive. If the middle-aged female dragon hadn't been with her all the time, she would have almost forgotten what it was like to be cared by her relatives.

Faced with this familiar and unfamiliar situation, her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she chose to remain silent and only nodded lightly to indicate that she had heard it.

cut! I knew it was so!

Seeing the unusually "cold" reaction of Saintess Cie Hei, Melanie couldn't help but curled her lips, feeling that her kindness had really fed William, and she was about to leave with a displeased face, but she was stopped by William without thinking about it, and lifted her up. He threw a silvery thing in his hand.

Glancing at the Black Saintess who clearly wanted to say something to Melanie, but "loved you hard", William smiled at her, intending to help them ease their relationship. She opened her mouth and said to Melanie, who was at a loss:

"Well, your aunt gave it, let's play with it."

Melanie, who watched their "flirting" on the street corner, didn't believe even a single punctuation mark for William's white lie.

Looking down at the simple pattern in her hand...or rather ugly, and the workmanship was very poor, Melanie looked up in disbelief.

"'re too stingy, aren't you?"

William: "..." (O_o)??

After rubbing the rough lower edge of the silver bracelet, which was still slightly scratched, and weighing it a little, after confirming that it was just a cheap silver-plated bracelet, Melanie said with an incredible expression:

"William... I remember that you are not a poor person either. You can receive thousands of gold gold for one day's transaction tax in the territory alone, right? Are you going to fool her with this thing just now?"


After ruthlessly complaining about William's stinginess, Melanie turned her gaze to Saintess Cut Black, her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she finally gave up.

But although she didn't dare to say the words, her jewel-like eyes clearly conveyed the meaning of "hate iron is not steel".

Auntie... Although you are a little older, you have more things to do, you have a bad temper, and your mind is a little small...

But anyway, she's a saint, right? What good things have you never seen in your life? How can you be so amused by two broken bracelets that your face turns red? You... I'm embarrassed for you!

If it comes to her understanding of Melanie, the Black Saintess can definitely be ranked among the top three in the world. When she was cast on her by the slightly disgusting gaze, she understood Melanie's thoughts in just an instant. .

After clenching their fists hard and taking a deep breath, Saintess Cut Black and William narrowed their eyes at the same time, and silently came to a common conclusion.

Play lightly!


Just when Melanie got her wish and successfully won a mixed doubles meal, the door of the church, which was the wedding venue, slowly opened, and several bands that had already been prepared were lined up on both sides. Exclusive wedding.

How about Sir Kieran? Why hasn't it arrived yet?

Standing in the crowd, Sheng Yan Si Mu frowned, and in the joyful and solemn wedding music, he cast a suspicious look at the middle-aged female dragon carrying him.

According to the custom of royal marriage in the Holy Empire, the wedding should start around eleven o'clock, and the time from ten to eleven is reserved for the royal family members and the newlyweds to be present. A little earlier, usually between nine and ten o'clock.

In order to avoid colliding with these important personnel, ordinary people who want to enter the field to visit need to enter earlier, and they will clear the road and lock them when it is about a quarter of an hour to nine o'clock. difficulty.

The time is now half past eight. If they haven't arrived within fifteen minutes, they can only rely on themselves to raid the shadow pope who is witnessing the marriage.

After receiving the inquiring eyes of the Holy Flame Si Mu, the middle-aged female dragon first bowed her head apologetically, then closed her eyes, and then tried to ask about the connection between the two souls, then opened her eyes and said with a strange expression:

"Your Excellency Eisner, the Holy Maiden... um... They met some small things, and it will probably be a little later in the evening, but the Holy Maiden promised me that they will definitely come before the lock is locked."

"All right……"

Sacred Flame Simu frowned, nodded to show that he knew, and then said:

"No wait, the couples responsible for blocking the Shadow Plane have already entered, let's go in too, and Lord Kieran doesn't have to come to us when he arrives, just go directly to the couples responsible for blocking the Shadow Plane.

The Shadow Pope found himself in an ambush, and would definitely try to escape into the Shadow Plane immediately. If he found that he could not succeed, he would definitely try to kill the blocking team as soon as possible, so their safety was left to His Excellency Kieran. "

"Okay, I'll tell her now!"

The middle-aged female dragon nodded, closed her eyes and silently communicated a few words, then took the arm of the holy flame minister, like an ordinary middle-aged husband and wife, mixed in with the crowd. the scene.

Although the ordinary people who were allowed to enter the wedding scene were old and, it is interesting that, except for some children who have not yet reached the age, almost all of them are a man and a woman walking together, and each other The behavior between them is more intimate, and the relationship is obviously unusual.

Noticing that the middle-aged female dragon's expression was a little curious, the minister of holy flame smiled calmly, and asked softly while slowly moving towards the open manor on the side of the church with the crowd:

"Your Excellency Nikki, even if you have attended the royal wedding, you will be arranged to enter at nine to ten o'clock, so it should be the first time you have seen such a situation?"

"Yes, that's exactly what you said."

Even with the arrogance in the bones of the dragon race, the middle-aged female dragon will naturally not have any airs in front of the ninth-order professional, the holy flame minister, and her attitude is rather low.

After looking at the crowd of people around her in pairs, she said respectfully:

"Your Excellency Eisner, why are all the people who are allowed to come in in pairs?"

"If it's's probably a good blessing, it means that in this wedding, regardless of the rich and the poor, everyone is just here to congratulate the newlyweds, and hope that this marriage can ignore the relationship between the two parties. The difference between them, and the beauty of it will be maintained.”

Holy Flame Si Mu smiled, and then said:

"However, the source of this custom is not as beautiful as it is now, but a series of vicious and **** tragedies, but with His Majesty the Pope's all-out suppression over the years, the vampires' behavior in the Holy Empire has become more and more hidden and low-key. , so not many people know about it."


Live... Activity, don't be wrong... and I was wrong... eight minutes late... or thirty-eight minutes... Or2...


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