This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Education Bureau and New Careers (Part 1)

Keenly understanding the meaning of "resolute" in William's eyes, Si Mu of Shengyan couldn't help but feel a chill in his back. Even in the face of death, he would not be afraid. For the first time in his life, he had the urge to retreat.

So stupid! It's so stupid! How can people's talent be so poor?

He had listened carefully to his explanation more than a dozen times, but there was no sign of progress at all. No matter how he reminded him, the maximum height of the flame seedling in the palm of his hand was still only as long as a knuckle. not any difference...

Did he really understand what he was talking about?

Looking at William, who had a very sincere learning attitude, although his brain was dead and alive, the Great Emperor Burner took a deep breath and wanted to strangle himself, who had been enthusiastic about teaching before!

What are you thinking about? Really fed up!

After secretly scolding himself for being stupid at the beginning, he still couldn't bear to break his promise in front of the younger generation. Before William opened his mouth to ask for advice again, the priest of the holy flame hurriedly proposed a new solution that was relatively compromised.

"Otherwise...don't be so **** learning, let's practice!"

Facing William's somewhat surprised eyes, the Great Emperor Burner smiled slightly embarrassedly and said:

"For something like magic, you can only get limited improvement by listening to it with your ears, and you can get real experience in actual combat... um... and it may be better to experience the effect yourself rather than listening to me repeating those techniques over and over again. ."

Hearing this, William nodded without hesitation, agreeing to the new proposal of the Holy Flame Minister.

After all, no matter whether it is a discussion or an explanation, as long as it is an act that can be regarded as "teaching", there is a corresponding level of proficiency that can be prostituted for nothing, and the Holy Flame Si Mu was full of passion when he first started "lecturing", and he jumped out during that time. The prompts are all "huge boosts".

However, after repeated ineffectiveness again and again, although the content he said was still accurate and detailed, the system prompt changed from "careful teaching" to "perfunctory explanation", and the improvement rate also changed from "huge" It has become "dramatic", and the quality of teaching has deteriorated seriously, and it is indeed necessary to change to a more efficient way of scouring the wool.

Seeing that William didn't give up on asking him to continue teaching, the Holy Flame Si Mu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. While glad that he finally got rid of this torture, he pulled up the sleeve of his right hand. .


The air was squeezed and expanded, and the sound of the explosion sounded, and the right hand of the holy flame minister suddenly lit up, and a large group of white flames with extremely high brightness emerged from his palm, and then quickly covered his entire palm. , and slowly continue to spread upward along the arm.

"I made an estimate just now. Based on your control over the [Burning Sacred Fire], it should be about the same."

When the blazing white flame climbed to the center of the forearm, the Great Emperor Burner slowly clenched his fist, interrupting the source of the flame continuing to spread upward. When the boundary of the flame slowly fell back to the center of the forearm, he slightly squatted and swung his arm to attack. stance.

"When you first practice, you don't need to be at the limit all the time, just keep it at 70%, just enough to cover the entire palm... We'll start when you're almost done."


William nodded, controlled the [Burning Sacred Fire] to wrap his entire fist, and then imitated his posture and swayed his arms, assuming an offensive stance.

[I observed the practice of an unarmed combat expert with my own eyes, the unarmed combat ability has increased, and the current proficiency is unarmed combat (proficient)]

Ah? Finally got it!

William, who was prompted by the system, couldn't help but raise his brows. When fighting against the Shadow Pope, the proficiency of unarmed combat was not too far from mastery, and it basically belonged to a level that could be promoted by knocking her over once more.

However, after being overcast twice by [Secondary Chaos Gaze] and [Jill Twenty Meters], the well-behaved Shadow Pope not only took the initiative to open his position, but also changed his close-range strong kill to a medium-distance magic bombardment. It exploded, and even closed his eyes.

Seeing that she didn't give her even the slightest chance to get close, William decided to take the opportunity to brush [Unarmed Fighting] to a level above the proficiency level, and honestly chose to hold his head and squat to defend. Accidentally smashed to the proficient level.

Well versed! If you become proficient in hand-to-hand combat, you can complete the last fourth-order sequence!

Just as William opened the shadow panel with joy, and was about to complete his inauguration, his eyes suddenly lit up, a faint burning pain came from his right cheek, and his head was slanted sideways by a huge force.

"Very vigilant is too bad!"

With his right fist burning with blazing white flames behind his back, Sacred Flame Si Mu frowned and looked at William with a slightly displeased expression:

"Even if we are learning from each other instead of fighting for life and death, since someone is in a fighting stance in front of you, you should immediately focus all your attention, and be prepared to be attacked at any time!"


After moving his sore cheeks, William smacking his lips speechlessly.

The truth is right, but didn't you just get stabbed by the Shadow Pope ASS? Now I suddenly and solemnly told me to guard against sneak attacks at any time... inexplicably, it's a bit fishy...

Keenly aware of the disapproval in William's eyes, Si Mu Shengyan's brows could not help but wrinkle tighter and tighter, the two deep ravines of Sichuan characters with the already serious face, looking at it gave people a very bad look. feeling of getting along.

"Being distracted in battle is a very bad habit! If you don't get rid of it right away, it will kill you sooner or later!"

After saying this rebuke with a stern expression, the Great Emperor Burner continued to frown:

"Although our Holy See has the strongest strength, it is forced to stand on the bright side forever, so a large number of people are lost almost every year, and the cause of death of 60% of them is not head-on combat, but various Assassination!

And you can't even keep your full attention when fighting, how can you resist the sword handed from the shadows? "


Actually, it's not really a problem...

I have the goddess of pulling the crotch on me, and there is a strong enough fate approaching She will send a notification immediately, and there is absolutely no time to react to this.

And with my current attributes, people who are not strong enough might not be able to break even defenses. If they are so strong that they can't even find the goddess pulling the hips, then it's useless even if I can react?


Of course, although the truth is true, it can be seen that the Holy Flame Simu cares about William under his harsh words, so although it is a little uncomfortable to be punched for no reason, the kindness of others should not be let down after all. .

"Been taught a lesson."

After bowing his head respectfully and earnestly at the Great Emperor Burner, William stared at each other's limbs, leaned forward slightly with his upper body, and re-positioned.

"Your Excellency Eisner, I'm about to shoot."

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