This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 908: classic wool


I don't know that he has been missed by others. After dealing with the injury that was stabbed in the back, William grimaced in pain while dressing, and complained dissatisfiedly:

"You can't do that either...

When you persuaded me to accept cooperation before, didn't you pat your chest and assure me that your sister was killed by you? The result is this? Why do I think it's you who is being cured? "


Hearing William's words, the dwarf-looking Spider Queen shuddered all over, feeling a faint panic in his heart, and couldn't help but roll his eyes back at him.

However, William's supplementary knife is still not over. He is brushing treatment techniques on himself over and over again, but his mouth has not been idle.

"I said at the beginning that at our current level, there is no need to engage in cooperative hunting at all.

Just wait until the ceremony starts, and after the ninth-order ones who can't afford to go in, let's pick a place with high profit and safety, and just follow the last group of people in.

By that time, those troublesome ninth-order spider descendants have already begun to absorb divine blood, so why don't we take wherever we want? Alright now, that idiot is stuck at the gate of the ruins, what are you going to do? "

"I...I'm not..."

She was a little annoyed by William's ramble. Although Kress knew she was wrong, she couldn't hold her face when she was stabbed, and instinctively wanted to talk back.

However, when she saw the blood-stained clothes on William's back, and remembered the "friendship" that he did not run away immediately, but dragged her along, she pursed her lips and wilted again.

"Okay... I really blame me, I was too careless..."

Kress raised her hand to cover her face, and said in a muffled voice:

"I thought... she was hurt like that by you, and she shouldn't be able to make any waves. I just thought about getting rid of some competitors first, but I didn't expect that she would have such a hand..."

"Theoretically speaking, she has ten 'hands' in total. It's normal for you to be unable to play with her with the remaining two hands."

After casually blocking Kress again, William, who was relieved, did not continue to hurt her. Instead, through the thick fog, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the hazy figure outside the ruins, frowning tightly and saying:

"Also, you haven't answered my question yet. That idiot is now standing at the gate of the ruins. What are you going to do? Are you waiting?"

" doesn't seem to work..."

The descendant of the spider queen put down the hand covering his face and sighed:

"Originally... when the ceremony begins, he will definitely leave early to grab a seat.

For a powerhouse like him who has entered the ninth rank, although the divine blood condensed in other places is precious, only the divine blood condensed in several important places such as the organs and the brain can help him break through the tenth rank.

But you tore off one of his head just now and burned the other two snake heads. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get a good position with his damaged strength, so..."

After hearing Cress's words, William's brows furrowed even tighter, and he took the initiative to answer:

"So...he might give up the opportunity for this ceremony and block it here to get revenge on us?"

"That's not true."

The descendant of the spider queen shook his head and said:

"Although the divine blood condensed from other secondary parts does not have the ability to help him advance to the tenth rank, it is also very precious, and he will not be willing to give up just like that, so he will definitely leave early.

But if he has seen those spider descendants occupying important positions, and confirms that he has no chance of getting the core blood, then it is not important to have more or less, maybe he will directly choose a position close to the entrance, There waiting to ambush us..."


Good guy, squatting at Jumen, right?

When he heard this, William couldn't help but curled his lips, then instinctively reached out and touched his pocket, trying to avoid the troublesome guy by relying on the goddess's reporting ability.

As a result, I felt it for a while before I realized it. Since it was too close to the goddess of the spider queen, I was worried that the "high-level" goddess pulling the hips would irritate the spider queen, so I didn't dare to bring it when I came here this time. she.


Tsk... I've been posting all the pictures for such a long time, and it's a bit awkward that no one reported it suddenly...

After frowning and thinking for a while, William seemed to remember something, and looked up at the descendant of the spider queen with a gloomy face.

"Cress, what's going on with your god-blood ceremony? The purer the bloodline, the stronger the strength, and the more god-blood it will attract?"

"It's about the same... but age and rank are also included."

After thinking about it, the Spider Queen added:

"It was like this when I participated last time. After the ceremony, Lord Spider Queen's body will rely on some kind of instinct and legacy magic to first check whether the person in the body has its own bloodline, and then check the purity of the bloodline and its companionship. The level of the snake head whip, physical fitness, energy intensity, age, current rank..."

When William heard this, he narrowed his eyes and snorted:

"That is to say... this ceremony is not presided over by someone, but it has to be checked again and again, and finally who will be given how much divine blood... Right?"

"Well... that's almost what it means."

Kress nodded and said:

"When I first checked my bloodline, it was to decide whether I would be given divine blood, and after the next few items, it was to check whether there was the potential to advance to the tenth rank.

The higher the bloodline purity, accompanying weapon level, physical fitness, and energy intensity, the lower the age and current rank, the more divine blood quality you can get, the better. Originally, at my level, I should be able to get a fist-sized ball... …What's wrong with you? Back pain again? "

"Oh no pain no I just remembered something happy."

After rubbing his face vigorously and smoothing out the corners of his mouth that were crazily upturned, William cleared his throat vigorously and said:

"I have another question I want to ask you, from what you said just now, at your level, you should be able to get a ball of divine blood as big as a fist, right?"

"Yeah, although I'm not seriously injured, my bloodline purity and the level of the snake's head whip are very high, and my physical fitness is also quite good. If it wasn't for you to steal the second half..."

"Ahem, put this aside for now, let's talk about something else."

After reaching out to touch his nose, William looked at the sky and said:

"If, I mean if, if there is such a spider descendant to attend the ceremony.

His bloodline purity is probably the highest, and his physical quality can be ranked in the ninth rank. The energy intensity is not very clear, but it definitely exceeds the current rank by a large margin. In terms of age, he is seventeen or eighteen years old. …”

"How can it be……"

Kress interrupted his dry narration, and commented with a confused expression: "Let's not talk about other conditions, just a fourth-order rank, a ninth-order body is completely unrealistic."

"So I said yes."

William, whose throat was a little dry, straightened his back, took a deep breath of the air with a faint smell of blood, and then continued to ask with erratic eyes:

"I just wanted to ask you, if such a person really participates in the ceremony... how much divine blood will your spider queen provide him?"

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